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How Did I Fall in Love With You? Chapter 13: The Sunshine State

Leah glanced around her bedroom one last time, trying to make sure that she hadn't forgotten anything. She'd graduated two days before and Nick had come and surprised her at her graduation. He'd originally told her that he wouldn't be able to make it -- the guys had some promo tours they needed to do around that time -- and though Leah had been incredibly disappointed she'd told him she understood. But as she was handed her diploma she spotted Nick in the audience and all she could do was give him her biggest smile. Afterwards Nick had come back to her family's house with her and they'd stayed there for two days, the two of them working hard to get all of her things packed and ready for Florida. Now, Leah was pulling her sweatshirt on for the plane ride. She and Nick were leaving in 10 minutes and she still had to say goodbye to her parents.

Leah still couldn't believe that she was doing it. Not only was she moving out of the house that she'd lived in with her family for so long, but she was moving to the other side of the country. She'd lived in Seattle for as long as she could remember and now she'd be flying thousands of miles to live in an entirely different environment. She had to admit she was frightened, but also very excited.

"Ready, Lee?" Nick stood in the doorway of her bedroom and watched as she heaved a sigh before grabbing her jacket from the back of a chair.

Leah turned to him while picking up one of her suitcases and handing him another. She took a deep breath and with one last look around her room, nodded. "Yeah, Nick. I'm ready."

~ * ~

It had been a tearful goodbye with Leah's parents. Not only were they saying goodbye to their daughter but they also knew they wouldn't be seeing Nick as often, and the two had grown to love him as their own. Nick and Leah had managed to catch their plane, which had been a miracle in itself, and they touched ground in Tampa at 10:46 that night. They'd decided on the plane that Leah would stay the night at Nick's house, since it would be so late, and then he'd take her over to Lisa and Sheena's condo and help Leah move in. He'd thought more than once that he wished Leah would just move in with him -- he had plenty of room, and he'd be the first to admit that living alone could get awfully boring and lonely -- but he knew not to ask and he knew what her answer would be if he had.

Nick stood in the doorway of the guest bedroom, watching as Leah looked around. She'd been here plenty of times and she knew his house like the back of her hand but something had changed in the one of many guest rooms and Leah couldn't quite place what it was.

"I painted the walls blue, Lee," Nick smirked, seeing how puzzled she'd made herself.

Leah suddenly got it and turned around to look at her best friend, "My favorite color."

He nodded, "I knew there would be times that you'd get in fights with Lisa or Sheena -- you know how girls are -- and I figured at those times you'd come stay here ... so this can be your room."

Leah literally felt her heart melt. He was the sweetest guy in the world. "Thank you, Nick," she whispered, walking over to him and wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too."

Nick helped Leah move into the condo the next day. He, Lisa, Sheena, and Leah all had dinner together that evening and Nick noticed that throughout the night Leah was always having Nick sit by, stand by, or talk to Lisa.

He sighed to himself, This is all I need. The girl I'm in love with is trying to set me up with her friend.

By the second week of Leah living in Florida, and at her prompting, Nick had taken Lisa out 3 times already. First to lunch, then to a movie, then to dinner. He had to admit, Lisa was incredibly gorgeous, his age, and sweet as hell. But he was in love with Leah, not Lisa, and he had the feeling things were going to get way complicated.