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How Did I Fall in Love With You? Chapter 17: Make Me Wanna

Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh This is what you do, This is what you do Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh Uh This is what you do, This is what you do

You make me wanna leave the one I'm with (ooh yeah) Start a new relationship with you This is what you do (ooh, yeah yeah) Think about her and all the things that come along with You make me You make me Make me wanna leave the one I'm with Start a new relationship with you (ohh yeah) This is what you do Think about her and all the things that come along with You make me You make me

Before anything came between us You were like my best friend The one I used to run and talk to when me and my girl was having problems (that's right) You used to say it'll be okay Suggest little nice things I should do And when I'd go home at night and lay my head down All I seemed to think about was you And how you make me wanna...

Leave the one I'm with (ooh yeah) Start a new relationship with you (ohh yeahh) This is what you do Think about her and all the things that come along with You make me You make me Make me wanna leave the one I'm with Start a new relationship with you (ohh baby) This is what you do Think about her and all the things that come along with You make me You make me

Now what's bad is you're the one that hooked us up Knowing it should've been you What's sad is that I love her but I'm falling for you What should I do Should I tell my baby bye-bye Should I do exactly what I feel inside Cause I, I don't wanna go, don't need to stay But I really need to get it together

You make me wanna leave the one I'm with (oh, ooh baby) Start a new relationship with you This is what you do Think about her and all the things that come along with You make me You make me Make me wanna leave the one I'm with (ooh baby) Start a new relationship with you This is what you do Think about her and all the things that come along with (yeahhh) You make me You make me

At this point the situation's out of control I never meant to hurt her but I, I gotta let her go And she may not understand it While all of this is goin' on I tried, I tried to fight it but the feeling's just too strong

You make, make, make me You make me wanna uh uh uh uh (Yeahhh) You make me wanna uh uh uh uh (Ohh, ohh you make, make, make me) You make me wanna uh uh uh uh You make me wanna uh uh uh uh (Ohhh) You make me wanna uh uh uh uh You make me wanna uh uh uh uh You make me wanna uh uh uh uh (Oohh)

You make me wanna leave the one I'm with (ooh baby) Start a new relationship with you This is what you do Think about her and all the things that come along with You make me You make me Make me wanna leave the one I'm with (ooh baby) Start a new relationship with you This is what you do Think about her and all the things that come along with (yeahh) You make me You make me

You make me wanna leave the one I'm with (ooh, you make me, make me, make me) Start a new relationship with you This is what you do Think about her and all the things that come along with You make me You make me...

-You Make Me Wanna, by Usher

Nick watched Leah as she changed into clothes for work. They were sitting in one of his three guest bedrooms where Leah always stayed when she was at his house. She even had a small collection of her clothes in the closet, which came in handy quite often -- like now.

"Do you think she'll spaz on me, Lee?"

Leah looked at Nick before beginning to giggle, "Me Lee... Me Lee! Haha! It rhymes..."

Nick gave her a weird look that only sent her into further hysterics. She was in a good mood for some reason that day, although she knew she should have been acting more supportive of her best friend. Leah giggled one last time before sitting down on the bed next to Nick.

"Sorry ... Gotta admit it was semi-funny...?"

"Not really."

Leah laughed and placed her hands on each of his cheeks, "It'll all be fine, Nickers. I promise. You just go to the restaurant, knowing this is something that you got to do, and you tell her and you see what happens ... I'll be here for you every step of the way."

"You going back home tonight though?" Nick asked, looking sad as he turned his head and kissed the palm of her hand.

"Yeah," Leah sighed, "I am." She leaned against him and placed her head on his chest, which happened to be bare since he was in nothing but boxers, not having gotten ready for his dinner with Lisa yet. "It'll be okay, Nick. I'll be over in a split second if you need me."

"I just miss you when you're not here ... that's all."

She smiled up at him, before glancing at the clock. She had to leave for work. Standing up, she placed a gentle kiss on his jawbone and went to grab her purse. "Call me, okay, Nicky?"

"Okay," Nick nodded, leaving the room with her and going into his own to get ready for dinner. "Have a good time at work!" he called after her.

~ * ~

Nick sighed as he paced outside of Lisa's door an hour later. He ran his hand threw his hair, realizing that it didn't go very far since he'd spiked it with gel. Finally he came to the decision that, like Leah had said, this was something he simply had to do ... he didn't have a choice. He may as well get it over with.

With one final deep breath, Nick reached up and rang the doorbell.

"Nicky," the door opened a moment later and Lisa stood on the other side in an elegant black dress.

Nick groaned inwardly at the nickname. Before meeting Lisa he'd only allowed Leah to call him 'Nicky' and he was realizing just now how annoying it was to him when his girlfriend, soon to be ex, called him the same. "Hey, Lis. You ready?"

Lisa nodded and took Nick's arm as he led her to his blue BMW that sat shining in her driveway.

"So I suppose that Leah was at your house last night," Lisa finally broke the uncomfortable silence that had engulfed them while driving to the restaurant.

Nick sighed. That was another thing that had bothered him about his relationship with Lisa ... silences were never uncomfortable with Leah, but they were with Lisa. Nick was beginning to think that he may never find someone as wonderful as Leah, and if he couldn't have her romantically he'd have to stay single the rest of his life. The thought left a lump in his stomach and made him want to throw up. But he refrained from doing so as he answered. "Yeah ... she was at my place."

"Oh," Lisa replied curtly before looking out the window.


"Yeah ... oh."

Nick sighed, "What's that supposed to mean?" he sounded wary, and he was ... he was wary of whatever Lisa was up to. She couldn't possibly be jealous of his relationship with Leah. Lisa and Leah had been friends even before Nick and Leah had been ... and especially before Nick and Lisa had been. Why would she be jealous all of the sudden?

"It means that I know you're in love with her, Nick. So what the F*CK ARE YOU DOING WITH ME??"

Nick's eyes widened and he swiftly maneuvered the car to the side of the road. "Wh-What did you just say??"

Lisa turned to him with blazing eyes, "You're in love with her, aren't you?! You're in love with that little slut! Was she trying to steal you from me this whole time?!"

Nick's eyes widened, "I wanna break up," he gulped with tears in his eyes. How could Lisa be saying such things about her friend?? How could she say such things about Leah?

"WHAT?!" Lisa screamed. He couldn't break up with her! He just couldn't!

"I don't love you, Lisa!! I don't love you at all!! How could you be such a b*tch to one of your best friends! You and Leah have been friends for a long time, and you can just turn on her like this for some guy?!!"

"Nicky," Lisa whined, "that some guy is YOU."

"I don't give a f*ck! Get the F*CK out of my car!"

Lisa's lip quivered as she reached down for her purse and opened the door. She stood on shaking legs as Nick drove away quickly, tire marks left on the pavement.