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How Did I Fall in Love With You? Chapter 3: Nervous

Leah didn't hear from Nick until Friday, the day before they had planned to see each other. She was beginning to believe that he'd changed his mind and wasn't going to call to tell her the meeting arrangements. Maybe he'd figured out her real age? The thought made her stomach churn... but maybe it was for the best that he knew. She'd laughed at herself, realizing that she was jumping to conclusions.

She had been cleaning her room when her mother had called up the staircase, telling her the phone was for her. When she realized it was Nick, once he'd said 'hello,' she suddenly realized her mother had answered! She added a side-note to their conversation by telling him that she still lived at home.

Nick couldn't help but smile at her "by the way" comment. He could tell she so badly wanted to tell him the truth, but was scared. He understood what it was like to not be able to interact correctly with people his own age, but not be excepted in certain ways with those older. He hadn't really been able to hang out with those that were his age, but in some ways he also hadn't fully fit in with the older people. Not always. Maybe Leah wasn't on the same level as most 15 year olds and enjoyed having older friends.

"So you still want to hang out tomorrow, right?" Nick questioned after they'd been talking for a few minutes.

"Yeah, that'd be great," Leah smiled, wondering what they'd be doing.

"Got any cool fun plex's around you?"

Her smile turned into a grin, "Uh huh."

~ * ~

By the next morning Leah's stomach was in a million knots, and though she didn't know it, so was Nick's. Leah was nervous because she was about to hang out with the man she'd adored from afar, for so long, and she was keeping a huge detail of her life from him... and Nick was nervous because... well, he didn't really know why.

"So you're taking Leah out today, huh?" AJ asked, plopping down next to Nick as he watched Nick get ready in-front of his hotel room mirror.

"Yeah, and don't harass me about it, got it?"

AJ laughed, "Geez, man. Touchy subject? I wasn't gonna say anything. I think it's really cool. I mean, she's young, but you're willing to look past that and give her a chance at friendship because you think she's cool... I respect ya for that."

Nick nodded, "Thanks, Age. Now can you leave so I can change??"

~ * ~

On the other side of the town, Leah was doing her hair with shaking hands.

"I don't think I can do this!" she panicked, looking over at her friend Lisa.

"Sure ya can," Lisa grinned. "C'mmon, I'm older than you - I'm Nick's age - and I don't have a problem with it... Nick'll do fine. He's a big boy... at least we hope," she giggled uncontrollably at her innuendo.

"Lis!! You're sick! C'mmon, I'm 15! He's not gonna do anything with me..."

"But I thought he didn't know you're 15..."

Leah's eyes widened, "I would tell him before anything like THAT happened! Gosh, Lis."

Lisa laughed, "You better go, or you'll be late meeting him there..."

Leah looked at her clock and shrieked, "Oh my gosh!! I gotta go!"

"Uh huh, that's what I just said."

She rolled her eyes at her friend, grabbed her purse, threw on her jacket, and ran out the bedroom door without even saying good-bye to Lisa.

"Yeah, uh huh. Love you too, girl. Love you too!" Lisa called after her, sarcastically, though she was just playing around.

Leah cringed and ran back in the bedroom, with a sheepish smile, "Sorry, I forgot you were sitting there for a second," she laughed. "I'm nervous."

"I can tell."

"Shut up."


"Bye!" Leah ran from the bedroom again, and bolted down the stairs and out the front door.