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How Did I Fall in Love With You? Chapter 5: Girl Problems

~ * A Year Later * ~

"Geez, babe, slow down!"

"What, are you scared, Nicky?"

"Yes, slightly," Nick looked flustered as Leah pulled her car out of the airport parking lot and fishtailed down the freeway for a minute.

Leah scoffed at her best friend, "What are you talkin' about, Mr. Speedy?"

He looked over at her with a small glare, "Look, woman, you just got your license. Do you want it taken away already??"

Leah turned to him, laughing in disbelief, as she pulled onto the shoulder of the road, "Excuse me?? You can step OUTSIDE the car and WALK if you're gonna call me 'woman'."

Nick stared at her for a while, before a small grin formed across his mouth. He leaned forward and dropped a kiss on her forehead, "Drive on."

She nodded her head, turning back towards the steering wheel and putting the car back in drive, "That's what I thought."

~ * ~

"So I was thinking we could just get a movie tonight. I mean, I'm not feeling real well, otherwise we could go out... but is that alright? Just staying in?" Leah plopped down next to Nick on her couch, tearing his attention from the TV.

Nick looked concerned, "Why aren't you feeling well? You sick?"

Leah grinned, rolling her eyes, "Girl problems, Nickers. Girl problems."

"Ohhh!" a look of understanding crossed his face. "Gotcha. I don't care what we do tonight. Staying in and getting a movie sounds great. So um, you alright?"

Nick was visiting from Florida, while on a two month break from Backstreet-ness, and he didn't care what they did... he was with his best friend, and that was all that really mattered.

Leah couldn't help but smile at his sweetness, "I'm fine... What's up with you though? You about to ask me for a favor or something? I'm not used to you being so kind," she joked as she stood up to call for Chinese take-out.

Nick glared at her, "Shut up."

"HA! I knew it would soon fade."

~ * 2 Hours Later * ~

Nick rolled his eyes, "Okay, so you're telling me you don't have a boyfriend. I don't believe that for a second. C'mmon, spill, babygirl. I know there's someone's ass I gotta kick."

Leah laughed and slapped Nick on the arm, "Nick! You're my best friend... I would tell you if I had a boyfriend!"

He grinned up at her, as he slouched down on the couch and she sat Indian style next to him, "It's good to see you again, girlie."

"Ditto, babe," she smiled down at him, ruffling his hair in adoration. "Ditto." Suddenly she bent over when pain shot through her lower abdomen.

Nick sat up quickly and grabbed her arms in his, "What's wrong??"

"Just cramps, Nick. I'm fine."

"Can I help you somehow? Get you something?"

She laughed, looking up at him, "You're so cute. Nick, you have a mother and three sisters and you're this worried?"

Nick's face flushed at her teasing, "Gosh, I'm just being a friend."

Leah suddenly felt bad and laid down, draping her legs over his lap, "You know what? You can help me... You could push on my stomach."

"What??" Nick laughed, thinking he'd heard her wrong. "You're kidding...?"


"I don't want to hurt you."

"No, it makes it feel better."

Nick shrugged and leaned over her, placing his hands gently on her lower stomach. Leah laughed and looked up at him, urging him with her eyes. With a sigh, Nick applied pressure to her stomach. Subconsciously Nick began to gently massage her stomach a few minutes later, and Leah felt herself about to fall asleep. Not even realizing it, she gently began to run her fingernails up and down Nick's arm. Nick looked down at her, feeling the gesture, and noticed her eyes were closed. When she felt his eyes on her, she opened her own and their gazes locked.

Nick's palms began to sweat and his stomach fluttered. She looked prettier than she ever had. He couldn't believe the thoughts that were suddenly flying through his mind about his best friend. Not like he'd never thought she was pretty, or sexy even, but suddenly his mind was thinking things it really shouldn't have been about a friend. His hands stopped moving, making Leah feel uncomfortable about the fact that his hands were just laying on her. Sure, he was her best friend and she always felt completely comfortable with him, but suddenly his gaze was making her uneasy.

"Um, Nick... You okay?"

Nick broke from his daze at the sound of her voice, and quickly removed his hands from her, "I... I'm sorry."

She smiled up at him, though it seemed apprehensive.

"Maybe I should just get up to bed. I've had a long day, with flying and everything. Um, is that alright?" Nick asked, standing up and twisting his hands together uncomfortably.

Leah stood and went to give him a hug, feeling his body tense up against her. "Nick... are you sure you're alright??"

Tears came to his eyes at the realization that these newfound feelings seemed as though they were about to ruin their relationship, "G'night, Lee..." he kissed her cheek slowly, his hands in her hair. "I'll see you in the morning."

Leah watched as he walked out of the living room silently and up the stairs, "G'night," she called after him quietly, wondering what had just happened. A few minutes later, she walked up the staircase to her own room, being quiet not to wake her parents.