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How Did I Fall in Love With You? Chapter 8: The Good Times

~ * ~ A Year Later ~ * ~

Leah laughed along with AJ at the silly hats in The Hat Shop in the little German town of Leavenworth, Washington. The Backstreet Boys had purposely planned their tour so that they had a concert in Seattle the day before Leah's 17th birthday, so Nick could be there ~ and they could too ~ for her party. They'd gotten there on Tuesday night, they had all day Wednesday to hang out with Lee, their concert was on Thursday, her birthday was Friday, and they'd leave early Saturday morning. Leah had been ecstatic when Nick had told her their plans over the phone, two months ago, and now her exciting week was there and she was having the time of her life.

The guys were great. Her and AJ had hit it off from the moment they'd met ~ and they made quite the wild pair. Her and Brian laughed and goofed off nonstop. She'd shared quite a few serious/in depth conversations with Kevin that she knew she would never forget ~ he was always there to give her good advice, and was much like an older (way older) brother to her. Her and Howie enjoyed going and trying new restaurants together. They shared the love of international food. And then there was Nick... her best friend, her confidant, her shoulder to cry on, her Nintendo partner. He was a brother to her, yet so much closer, so much more. Every moment they'd had together she cherished. Every moment they would have, she knew she would cherish. The good and the bad.

"AJ, check this one out," Leah turned to AJ, a silly grin on her face and a wacky hat on her head. Her and AJ looked at each other at the same time, both wearing the most ridiculous hats. They burst out laughing.

~ * ~

"Hey, where's Nick?" Leah turned to Brian in a toy store, a few hours later.

"Over there, I think," Brian shrugged, pointing to the other side of the store.

"Thanks, B," she made a goofy face at him, receiving one in return, before trekking off to find Nick. "Hey, hottie, I've barely seen you all day," Leah snuck up behind Nick, grabbing his sides gently.

Nick didn't answer, making Leah concerned.

"Babe, what's wrong?" she turned him around by his shoulders, her eyes concerned.

"Nothing," Nick chirped, though it sounded feigned.

With that, he walked off, leaving Leah confused.