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How Did I Fall in Love With You? Prologue

I met Nick when I was 15. He was 20 and still working as a Backstreet Boy (Does that sound like he was a stripper? Or is it just me?) There was a girl in my History class at school, that sat behind me. She must have seen my Backstreet Boys manila folder, because she suddenly leaned forward, asking me if I was a big fan. My eyes grew as I nodded my head vigorously. She smiled before telling me that her dad had connections with the local concert arenas, and that if I wanted tickets the next time they were in town just to let her know.

The next week the Boys announced their 2001 tour dates ~ they would be coming to Tacoma (I lived in Seattle) on February 25th. I ended up getting front row seats and backstage passes.

I had been so nervous to meet them. My stomach was in knots as I'd waited in the room with a few other fans, who were nervously biting their nails and cracking their knuckles. I promised myself, as I watched them, that I wouldn't make a fool out of myself by acting like a preadolescent basket-case. I wouldn't look overly nervous.

Then Nick, my favorite, walked in, followed by the rest. I don't think I looked TOO nervous; I looked shy. When Nick stepped over to me to shake my hand and sign my CD, I merely glanced up at him, feeling my face blush.

He smiled gently at me, "Hey, how are you?" he asked.

I smiled back, "Good... you?"

"I'm great! Who should I sign this to?" he gestured towards my copy of Black and Blue.

"Leah," I handed him the CD and my heart skipped a few beats as my hand brushed his gently.

Later that night, at home, I was still on my Nick high. I pulled my CD out from my purse, in the privacy of my own bedroom, and read what he had written.

Thanks for coming to the show, Leah. I hope you had a good time.


Nick Carter

P.S. You have beautiful eyes :) 253-831-9685

My "beautiful" eyes grew even wider as my breathing practically stopped. I couldn't believe he'd called my eyes "beautiful." But obviously what surprised me the most was he'd given me his number. Did he do that often?! Did he know I was 15?! I know a lot of people said I looked 18 or so, sometimes, but wow! I couldn't believe it.

I didn't know whether to call or not.