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Cliques: The Sequel: Impeccable Love: Chapter 3

"Where were you, you psycho?!" Brittany yelled at Zack after he'd jumped from behind a large tree, waving his arms and yelling like a madman, resulting in a scream erupting from his frightened girlfriend.

Zack was laughing hysterically, bending over and clutching his stomach, "You-you looked hysterical!"

She stood with her hands on her hips, tapping her foot against the ground, "That was a cruel trick to play, Zachary Larson!"

He calmed down a bit and, though he was still chuckling lightly, walked over to Brittany and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, embracing her against his body. "I'm sorry," he laughed again, resulting in a shove from Brittany.

"You just left me out here, Zack! I could have been stolen and murdered! Gosh!"

"Gosh!" he mimicked.

Brittany glared.

Laughing again, Zack pulled her back to him and refused to let go, though she struggled against him stubbornly, "You told me you'd be better off alone out here!" Zack spoke defensively. "And now you're complaining that you could have been murdered... but you basically said that I wasn't manly, so how would I have protected you anyway?"

Brittany buried her face in his chest, "You're mean," she pouted as Zack planted a kiss on her temple.

"I love you," he whispered back, ignoring her previous comment.

She nodded and gave up the argument; it no longer mattered. "I love you too, Pudding. You're the manliest man I know," she grinned up at him.

"Not with you calling me 'pudding,'" Zack shuddered, dramatically.

~ * ~

Nick and Rae stopped walking and sat down on a bench, on the sidewalk. Silence engulfed them, neither of them knowing how to begin the discussion they knew had been pending between them for a while.

"I love you, Rachel," Nick spoke quietly, as he looked out at the deep ocean that was stretched out in front of them.

Rae's eyes teared up at she snuggled up against him. She was scared of what was to follow. "I love you too, honey."

"I know you're going off to college... I see it in you... you wanna get away a bit."

She nodded as she looked up at him, wondering what he was going to be doing, "And you?"

"Where were you accepted?"

"I just got it in the mail today... To Westmont."

Nick nodded, "Me too."

Rachel's eyes lit up as she turned in her seat, facing him directly. Could they possibly go to the same college?? "Nick! Are you going to...?!"

Her voice sounded so excited, Nick felt bad answering... his heart broke as he did, "I'm sorry, babygirl. I don't know why... I just want to stay here... Keep working where I am, maybe go to a community college... or not at all."

Rae stared at him for a moment, before she stood and walked a few feet away from him, standing and looking out at the water, "Of course... I mean, how could I possibly think you'd give up your job for ME? You love your job..."

Nick sighed, knowing she was being sarcastic. He hated seeing her hurt, "Rae, baby, don't be like that... I would give up anything for you... I just..."

She turned back to him as he stood next to her, "Nevermind, Nick... I love you, and if staying here and working makes you happy... then so be it."

Nick rubbed his face with his hands, feeling stressed, "Let's go back to your house, Rae... C'mmon..." he grabbed her hand in his and they walked back, complete silence between them.

~ * ~

"So if we're right..." Shannon spoke quietly as her and Ryan continued to walk on. "Then... ugh! I don't get it. Him and Brittany are happy, I know that much! What is wrong with him, Ry?? Why would he suddenly do this again?!"

Ryan sighed, squeezing Shannon's hand in a comforting manner, "Shan... Listen, baby... You and I both know that Zack had somewhat of an addiction. I know it was hard for him to give that up, even if he didn't let on... drugs are the main thing that tempt Zack."

She sighed and stopped walking again, looking up at the moon, trying to calm herself, "I'll kill him, Ryan. I'll kill him if he hurts Brittany like that."

"So will I. Trust me."