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Inhale, Exhale: Prologue

There had once been a time when Cadence had thought she'd had it all. Her father was the dean of a very prostegious college and her family was very wealthy, giving her everything she could possibly want ... except one thing. Her family couldn't give her love. Cade didn't know if it was something that they really were incapable of doing, or if they just didn't understand how to. Growing up, she'd been at her father's side almost every possible moment, but as she got older he became more and more strict with her, and by the age of 17 Cade hardly had a friend in the world, thanks to her father's gift of instilling fear in every human being. There was only one person that had ever shown that he wasn't afraid of her father. He came to Clearmont in his Freshmen year at the age of 18. He'd taken a definate liking to Cadence from the beginning and though she had to turn down many date proposals and had to sneak around to even talk to him, she was deeply in love with him. She'd never met a guy who had the guts to pursue her, knowing who her father was. This student's name was Nick and he was absolutely beautiful in her eyes. He was now in his Junior year, he would be graduating in a year and a half, and he was beginning to lose hope that Cade would ever defy her father and let herself love him.