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Innocent, Unknowing: Chapter 1: Weird Things

Nick sighed as he placed his fork back down onto his plate the next morning at breakfast, "What is it, Kindlin? I know you want to say something. You keep looking over at me."

"Is it so bad to look at my extremely handsome husband?" Kin tried to joke, but she knew Nick wasn't buying into it. She sighed as Nick just stared at her warily. "Fine, fine. Look, I just had a bad/weird dream, okay?"

Nick's eyebrows scrunched together as he took a sip from his orange juice, "What about?" he set his glass down.

Kindlin sighed again, figuring it was a good day to tell him about the dream she'd had. It was a Saturday and their kids were at Nick's mother's house for the day.

"It's a beautiful sunny day, baby," Kin stood from her chair and grabbed their plates to take them into the kitchen. "Let's get our suits on and go down to the beach, maybe do some shopping along the strip," she suggested as she loaded the dishes into the dishwasher while Nick went through the junk drawer looking for a piece of paper to write something on. "Sound good?"

Nick stopped his search as the lyrics that had been brewing in his mind quickly diminished. "Alright, sounds good. Will you tell me about the dream then?"

"Yeah. What were looking for, baby?"

Nick made a weird face as he thought of it, "All week these lyrics have been going through my mind, but just as I start to write them down they completely vanish and I can't think of them for the life of me."

Kindlin gave him a weird look, "That's odd." She felt worried for her husband as he silently left the room to grab his swimming trunks and get ready for them to leave. He had been acting awfully distant lately.

~ * ~

Kindlin smiled contentedly as her and Nick walked hand-in-hand down the sidewalk of the strip mall, while the warm sun beat down on their heated skin. She was happy to be back out in the sun--she'd begun to feel cooped up in her house recently--and she could tell that her tan would be returning soon. She loved summer, she always felt so much more cheerful and healthy during the season. She'd been so glad to get out of the house and spend some time with Nick in the sun that Kindlin had completely forgotten about her dream that she'd had just the previous night.

"You gonna share your dream with me now, babygirl?" Nick asked once he'd paid for their lemonades and they'd begun to walk down to the beach.

Kindlin sighed, "It was nothing special, Nick."

"I know -- and that's half the reason I want to know about it. It obviously bothered you. You were a little distracted this morning."

"Speaking of being distracted," Kindlin joked, poking his stomach gently.

Nick smiled as he looked down at her, "I'm sorry, babe. It's just this lyrics thing has really been bothering me. It makes no sense, y'know? I've never had something like this happen to me. It's kinda' freakin' me out."

Kin sat down on the sand after throwing their blanket down first. She waited for Nick to join her and once he was seated next to her she leaned over and kissed him quickly, "Nick, I'm sure it's nothing. You're probably just having a slight case of writer's block."

"But that's just the thing," he began to sound frustrated. "I'm not trying to write. These lyrics just pop in my head, but they disappear so quickly. And to not be able to remember a single word of them?? That's just weird."

Kindlin's eyebrows scrunched together, "I'm sure you'll remember them sometime."

He sighed, "I hope. Anyway, spill your guts, babe," he laid down against the blanket after pulling his T-shirt up and over his head, throwing it onto the sand next to him. It was deathly hot out.

Kin took a deep breath as she looked out over the water. She watched a few kids running around chasing each other, others building sand castles in the sand, others swimming. "This guy showed up at our door, and you weren't home, so I regretted opening the door, 'cause you always tell me not to. He told me I was pregnant and I told him that was impossible because you had a vasectomy. I yelled at him, but he insisted that I was pregnant. He ended up just vanishing."

By now Nick was sitting up next to her, "Kindlin, don't pay attention to that dream. Forget you had it."