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Innocent, Unknowing: Chapter 2: Baby Blues

Kindlin watched Nick playing with Alex outside on the Basketball court. She sighed to herself as she felt Aaron grab onto her leg and pull himself to his feet. He was able now to stand while holding onto a solitary object. She loved the age that he was at, but watching him grow also held an intense sadness for her, knowing Aaron was her last child. To her, he was getting older far too fast. Every day she noticed him do something he hadn't been able to do the one before, and more than once she'd found herself wanting to scold him for those things, which were actually worthy of "praise." It was hard for her to think that she wouldn't have another baby after Aaron. All she'd really known since the age of 19 were babies and a husband. She'd had a hard time when her and Nick had made the decision for Nick to have a vasectomy. But she knew it was for the best and that was what had needed to be done. It had been too hard on them when Andraya had died. Though Kindlin had more visibly taken it harder, she could often see the battle inside of Nick, even now.

Kindlin looked down at Aaron and couldn't keep herself from smiling, "I love you, baby boy," she picked him up and grabbed the plate of sandwiches she'd made. Calling for Ashley and Aisya, she headed outside with her two daughters trailing behind her, and Aaron on her hip, to join Nick and Alex for a picnic lunch.

~ * ~

Kindlin walked down the dark street and found that the cool air was making the hair on her arms stand on end. She should have brought a coat with her. She sat down on the park bench that she'd been making her way to and sighed alone in the dark. She felt herself grow frightened as she caught sight of a man coming towards her. As soon as her fear had come, it had vanished. Peace replaced it. She knew she should be afraid -- she was in a dark, empty park alone in the middle of the night and a man was coming towards her. But she really wasn't and was shocked to find that she was actually rather calmed. It was when the man drew nearer that she realized he was the one from her previous dream. A gasp fell from her mouth as she stood. Who was this man? An angel? A demon? But the fear wasn't returning and all she felt was peace. He could be nothing less than an angel, nothing close to a demon.

~ * ~

Kindlin stretched out next to Nick and groggily woke up. Glancing at the clock she saw that it was 3:08 a.m. She sighed, wondering who this man was who kept coming to her in her sleep. What did he want??

"It was a dream, Kindlin," Nick mumbled to her, while subconsciously placing his arm around her in his sleep.

Kindlin sighed as she snuggled up against him and buried her face in his chest. Well, these dreams were freakin' her out.