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Innocent, Unknowing: Chapter 6: Healing Waters

I've built a bridge all of my strength cannot cross over I stand at the edge, the end of the road that I have followed Sinking from the weight of my own world Wanting the waves of your ways to wash my feet

Healing waters Healing waters Solace flows through the river of forgiveness to my soul Oh I need you, healing waters

Pour over me water to clean all my intentions Baptizing streams I swim in the freedom of redemption Floating on the sea of purity Knowing I can dive in love that rescues me

Healing waters Healing waters Solace flows through the river of forgiveness to my soul Oh I need you, healing waters

...Carry me, carry me, carry...

Healing waters Healing waters Solace flows through the river of forgiveness to my soul Oh I need you, healing waters

Healing waters Healing waters Solace flows through the river of forgiveness to my soul Oh I need you, healing waters

-Healing Waters, by Michelle Tumes

Nick and Kindlin drove home that day in silence. Neither of them knew what to say to the other. Reticent tears ceaselessly ran down Kindlin's face the entire car ride home, no matter how hard she tried to curb her emotions. She couldn't remember a moment that she had honestly not been able to conjure up any words to say to her husband, but his reaction in the hospital earlier that day had rendered her inarticulate, and Nick was feeling much the same way.

As they neared their house, Kindlin clutched her purse tight to her body. She was ready to make a break for the bathroom as soon as the car was parked. Nick wasn't the best driver when he was upset, and that hadn't mixed well with the fact that Kindlin had been feeling nauseous due to the pregnancy as of late. As soon as the parking brake was up, Kindlin had bolted from the car, not even making it to the garage before throwing up all over her favorite rose bush. In tears, she knelt on the hot pavement of their driveway, continuing to empty her stomach of all of its contents.

Moments later Nick was beside her, holding her hair and rubbing her back gently with his hand. Once her stomach seemed to have settled back to normal for the time being, Nick helped her up and led her into the house and straight to their bedroom, tucking her into bed.

"I'll make you some soup," Nick kissed her forehead, knowing that when she was pregnant the only thing she liked to eat for the first couple months was Campbell's chicken noodle soup.

Kindlin's eyes filled with tears and she grabbed his hand as he began to walk towards the door to retreat to the kitchen, "Please don't."

"What?" he turned around, worried. If she didn't want soup he had no idea what she would want.

"Stay with me. I don't want food, I just want you with me."

Nick bit his lip as he looked at her for a few moments. He didn't understand his wife in the least. He didn't understand how he could be so unsupportive of her and yet she still loved him so much that just his presence was enough to sustain her. Reprobating his tears that were threatening to fall from his eyes, Nick quietly slid into the bed beside her and immediately pulled her into his arms. He could hear their children playing outside in the backyard and he knew that his sister Angel must have brought them back home, having been watching them at her house while they were at the doctor.

Nick could hear Kindlin sniffling, her head on his shoulder and her arms wrapped around his waist, and soon his T-shirt was wet with her tears.

"How can you not hate me, Kin?" he whispered minutes later.

Kindlin looked up at him, rendering Nick speechless at the look in her eyes, "I need you, Nicky. I've never been loved the way you love me ... no matter if you love our child or not."

Nick had never felt the air sucked from his lungs the way that it had just been. An hour passed before either of them spoke again.

"I don't deserve you, Kin."