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Innocent, Unknowing: Prologue

Kindlin looked up at the man standing in front of her, wondering who he was. "Can I help you?" she suddenly wished she hadn't opened the door... Nick had always told her not to answer the door to anybody, when he wasn't home. She now wished she had taken his advice.

"Yes, um... Is Kindlin Carter home, please?" he spoke politely... though Kindlin didn't know if she should trust the man on her doorstep, or not.

"I'm her," her eyebrows were scrunched together, trying to discern who this man was.

"Oh, hello, Kindlin. I know this is going to sound strange... but I just needed to tell you something."

Now Kindlin's eyes were wide. Who was this crazy man before her? He spoke in such a peculiar manner, not to mention the things he was saying. "Uhhh... what?"

He paused for a second, before speaking again, "You're pregnant."

Kindlin felt like she'd been stabbed. Pregnant. Who was this man and what right did he have to come and tell her a thing so cruel?! "Excuse me?! Who are you, sir?? You have no right to come here and speak to me... My husband had a vasectomy, for your information. I am NOT pregnant!"

"Ma'am... I didn't mean to upset you. But you're pregnant."

Before Kindlin could answer, he had walked away.

Kindlin awoke in a sweat, her hair practically dripping, her pajamas clinging to her body. She looked down at Nick who was sleeping soundly beside her, and then down to her stomach. That was the weirdest dream she had ever experienced in her life. It made no sense... first of all, how would some stranger know if she were pregnant or not? And secondly, she couldn't be pregnant. It was impossible... right?