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Love Menagerie: Chapter 11: Secrets Revealed


Can you reason why I'm feeling so blue Every time I close my eyes all I see is you Can you reason why I can't feel my heart Every time you leave my side I just fall apart

And when you're fast asleep I wonder where you go Can you tell me I wanna know

Because I miss you and this is all I wanna say I guess I miss you, beautiful These three words have said it all You know I miss you I think about you when you're gone I guess I miss you Nothing's wrong I don't mean to carry on

Can you reason why I can't concentrate The world is turning upside down, spinning round and round Now can you reason why I now understand the beauty and simplicity of everything surrounding me You got a way of spreading magic everywhere

Anywhere I go I know you're always there It sounds ridiculous but when you leave a room there's a part of me that just wants to follow you too

Because I miss you This is all I wanna say I guess I miss you, beautiful These three words have said it all You know I miss you I think about you when you're gone I guess I miss you Nothing's wrong I don't mean to carry on

It's such a hard life when most of the time I'm just surviving That's why I want you to know in a world where sincerity has lost it's meaning you fill my world with so much hope

And I miss you This is all I wanna say I guess I miss you, beautiful These three words have said it all You know I miss you I think about you when you're gone I guess I miss you Nothing's wrong I don't mean to carry on

You know I miss you And this is all I wanna say I guess I miss you, beautiful These three words have said it all You know I miss you And this is all I wanna do I know it doesn't sound so cool, but maybe I'm in love with you

You know I miss you And this is all I wanna say I guess I miss you Nothing's wrong I don't mean to carry on I just miss you Yeah, it's true I miss you baby And when you're walkin' out that door, I know I miss you You make me wanna ask for more I just miss you Yeah, it's true I miss you, baby Yeah, it's true I miss you baby Yeah, I miss you, baby Yeah, it's true I miss you, baby

-I Miss You, by Darren Hayes (CD: Spin)

Sarah stared at the TV screen motionlessly. Nick was on his date with Adrienne and there was nothing Sarah could do about it. But the dull ache inside of her heart was growing stronger and more painful with every minute that passed. And there was nothing she could do about that either. No matter what Sarah decided to do about her relationship with Nick, the ache would still be present.

As she watched the television screen, tears slowly began to fall from her eyes, landing unceasingly in her lap. Something snapped inside of her as an MTV special came on about Nick and his girlfriend. In one fluid moment, Sarah stood from the couch and ran upstairs, heading straight for her closet where she found a small stack of pictures of Nick and her. Screaming in anger and hurt, Sarah began to rip the pictures into pieces so small she could have used them as confetti.

"I hate you, Nick Carter! I hate you!!" she screamed as she shredded everything that she had of him.

Sarah's breathing was irregular when she was finished. Standing from her spot on the floor, she looked around her bedroom, until her eyes spotted the telephone laying amidst the blankets on her bed. She grabbed the chord-less and quickly dialed the number by heart. The phone rang once, twice, three times, and finally there was an answer.

"Sarah, why are you calling me?" Nick whispered into the phone, hoping Adrienne wouldn't come back from the bathroom anytime soon. "I told you not to call. Did you forget I'm out with Adrienne?"

"Of course not, Nick," Sarah spoke calmly, almost eerily. "How's that goin'?"

Nick made a weird face, confused. She was acting awfully strange, and it wasn't like her to call in the first place, especially when he'd asked her not to. "What??"

"How's the date goin'?"

Nick took a deep breath as he saw Adrienne heading back to their table. She was smiling at him from across the restaurant and all Nick wanted at that moment was to crawl under the table, curl up, and die. "Sar, I gotta go. I'll call you when I get home tonight."

"Don't bother," Sarah snarled, her eyes flaring with anger.

"What do you mean?"

"I think it's pretty self explanatory, Nick, don't you? Don't bother calling me, because I don't want to talk to you. In fact, I never want to see your sorry ass again! Do you understand that?!"

Nick's eyes widened and for a moment he forgot that Adrienne had seated herself across from him again, "Sarah, why are you saying that?? I thought we had an understanding. What do you mean, I can't call or see you again?"

"I mean it, Nick! Don't come around here! Don't call! Don't e-mail! Don't fax! Don't page! DON'T CONTACT ME IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM! I don't think I could get much clearer than that!"

Nick's eyes were wide as he suddenly glanced up at Adrienne, trying to act as though nothing was going on, "Sarah," he whispered urgently, bowing his head from Adrienne's inquiring gaze, "why are you doing this?"

"Because I care about you! I care about you, possibly even love you, and you don't return the feelings enough to treat me like a human being! I feel like a piece of meat, Nick. Like I'm just a piece of ass that you can come and play with every now and then, before running back to your dear little girlfriend. Well, forget it! I'm worth more than that and you don't deserve me!"

Nick's mouth dropped open in shock as he heard Sarah hang up, the silence now almost deafening. He looked up at Adrienne and tried to smile, but failed miserably.

"You prick!" Adrienne spat and suddenly her wine was in Nick's lap. She pushed her chair back from the table and, without another word, grabbed her purse and left.


The powerful knock on the door made Brittany practically jump out of her skin. She'd been jittery all night from the previous phone calls she'd received, first from Nick and then the two from Freddy. They were acting so strange and Brittany couldn't figure out why. She hardly knew Nick at all, but he knew Sarah and was obviously calling regarding her, but why? As for Freddy, well, he was just a weird one in the first place. The fact that they had slept together and were only friends seemed to have only made that worse. With a sigh, and a yawn escaping soon after, Brittany hauled herself off of her bed, where she'd been looking through a photo album of her and her brother. She screamed after looking through the peephole.

"No way!" she mumbled as she pulled the door open quickly, her eyes widening even further. "FREDDY! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!?!"

Freddy had no time to tell her to be quiet before she woke up everyone who slept in the same residence hall, before she'd launched herself into his arms. He laughed at her reaction and wrapped his arms securely around her waist as she jumped up and wound her legs around him, placing kisses across his face.

"Geez, girl. If I'd have known you'd have such a welcome for me--"

Brittany grinned as she looked down at him, "I'm so happy to see you, Fred. It gets lonely here, and you're like my best friend, besides my brother and Sarah. You're all in one big group, but gosh, I love you to death."

Freddy sighed with a smile as he set her down and moved a piece of her hair from her face, fastening it back into her hair-tie. He took her hand and dragged her into her dorm, closing the door behind them. They got him settled in, making the couch up for him to sleep on, though Brittany insisted he take the bed, since the couch was so small and he wasn't. But Freddy refused. Afterward, they made their way into the kitchen to get something to drink and to snack on.

"You honestly didn't suspect that I was on my way here?" Freddy smirked, dipping a carrot into the ranch dressing that Brittany had poured into a glass bowl a few minutes before. "I thought for sure the second time that I called, you would have been able to hear me in the airport."

"Fred, when are you not in an airport?"

"When I'm on a bus."

Brittany rolled her eyes, "Haha, funny. So, Fredrico, tell me something..."

"Uh oh," he laughed, his eyes adverting. He knew this had been coming. "What?"

"What was it you were gonna say on the phone, the first time that you called? You know, something about ..." she paused, a blush slowly creeping across her face, "...that night."

"That night?" he smiled down at her and for a moment something unreadable flashed through his eyes.

"Fred, don't," she whispered, looking down at the counter. She felt his finger curl underneath her chin, lifting her face back up. "It's embarrassing."

"No, it's not, it's natural."

Brittany's eyebrows rose, "Really, natural, huh? How many other friends have you made lo-- had sex with?"

"Well, I've had sex with girls before, but you're the first one I've made love to-"

"Freddy, don't, okay? We'd had too much to drink and-"

"Look, we didn't use protection, all right?" Freddy looked at her and for a moment he seemed almost annoyed. "That's what I was gonna talk to you about."

Brittany's eyes widened, licking her lips as a subconscious nervous reaction. "Freddy, what?! You assured me before you left that we'd used protection ... now you're telling me that wasn't true?!"

Freddy groaned as his head dropped to his hands, running them through his hair, staying that way for a while. Finally, he looked up and answered, "Ritt, don't kill me, okay? I told you that so you wouldn't freak out about getting pregnant or something. I didn't want you to be mad at me and-"

"And now I'm not gonna be?! Fred, I could be pregnant! What the hell is wrong with you??"

"You're not gonna get pregnant, okay?!"

"You don't know that!" Brittany jumped up from her stool and began to pace the kitchen. "You don't KNOW that! I swear, if I'm pregnant-"

Freddy cut her off, growing slightly irritated, though he didn't know why, "If you're pregnant, I'll take full responsibility. You know that!"

"I don't know ANYTHING right now!!"

The small kitchen grew silent. Both were standing, the counter between them, and the only sound that could be heard was their heavy breathing. They stared at each other, mutely, neither knowing what more to say.

"Maybe we should just go and get some sleep. We'll talk about this in the morning," Freddy's voice wavered as he turned to leave for the couch.


He stopped and turned around, gazing at her quizzically.

"I'm scared," Brittany's voice shook as tears filled her eyes. "I won't be able to sleep."

Freddy sighed and made his way over to her, wrapping his arms around her body, "Britt, it's gonna be okay-"

"No, it's not," she whispered, the tears she'd been trying so hard to keep at bay beginning to fall. "If I'm pregnant, I don't know what to do. I'm a college student, you're famous. Fred, this can't-"

"I'd marry you."

"What?! I'm 21, you're 25! Like I said, I'm just this ordinary girl and you're a famous baseball player! You wouldn't, you couldn't, and I wouldn't let you!"

Freddy sighed, scratching his head, "First of all, I don't care about that stuff, okay? Second of all, you're not even pregnant, there's no reason to be planning this far in advance. Let's just get some sleep."

"Fine," Brittany threw the carrot she'd been holding into the sink, before leaving the kitchen and walking straight to her bed. Turning the light off, she got into her bed. She lay there, listening as Freddy got settled in on the couch and soon the room was silent again. Moments later she rolled over and faced the general direction of the couch, "Are you sure you don't want the bed, Freddy? I'll take the couch; you won't get any sleep on that thing."

"I'm fine, Britt," Freddy smiled into the darkness, loving her all the more for her suggestion. "You get a good night sleep in the bed ... after all, you may be carrying my baby. Take good care of yourself."

Brittany rolled her eyes and didn't answer as she closed her eyes again. And for reasons unknown even to herself, after minutes of contemplating the possibility of being pregnant with Freddy's child, she slowly began to smile.