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Love Menagerie: Chapter 13: A Thousand Miles

A Couple of Days Later

Makin' my way downtown, walking fast Faces pass and I'm homebound Staring blankly ahead, just makin' my way I'm makin' a way through the crowd

And I need you And I miss you And now I wonder

If I could fall into the sky Do you think time would pass me by 'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles If I could just see you ... tonight

It's always times like these when I think of you and wonder if you ever think of me 'Cause everything's so wrong and I don't belong livin' in your precious memory

'Cause I need you And I miss you And now I wonder

If I could fall into the sky Do you think time would pass me by 'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles If I could just see you ... tonight

And I, I don't want to let you know I, I drown in your memory I, I don't want to let this go I, I don't...

Makin' my way downtown, walking fast Faces pass and I'm homebound Staring blankly ahead, just makin' my way I'm makin' a way through the crowd

And I still need you And I still miss you And now I wonder

If I could fall into the sky Do you think time would pass us by 'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles If I could just see you, ohh If I could fall into the sky Do you think time would pass me by 'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles If I could just see you If I could just hold you ... tonight

-A Thousand Miles, by Vanessa Carlton (CD: Be Not Nobody)

Nick looked at the house in front of him, his heart pounding deep inside of his chest. He was glad that his connections had managed to find where Derek and Brittany lived so quickly, and that the house wasn't too far from where he, himself, lived. Through his own devices, he'd figured out that Sarah was currently on a two week break from school, and when Nick had tried to call her dorm earlier in the week and received no answer, he knew she must have gone to stay with Brittany. But now he was faced with a dilemma ... knock on the door or leave.

Definitely leave, Nick thought as he began to make his way back down the driveway and to his secretly parked car.

"Nick?" he heard behind him as a pale cast of light shot across the darkened pavement ahead of him.

Nick sighed and turned around, a dreadful knot in his stomach because he'd been caught. He'd been so close ... so close to leaving without anybody knowing that he'd been there, that he'd tracked Sarah down, that he was so in love with her he could barely breathe without her by his side.

"Hey, Britt," he let another pathetic sigh escape his lips as he walked slowly towards her. After all, she was Sarah's best friend ... it was very, very likely that she wanted to rip his head off too. In fact, everybody in that house probably wanted to do the same.

Brittany stood there, a stony look on her face. Truth be told, she was having a hard time fighting off a broad grin. As much as she wanted to send Nick on his way with some bodily harm, she really did want he and her friend to make amends and get back together ... the right way, this time. No people on the side, no secrets. Finally she allowed a smirk to show.

"Sarah's upstairs, watching a movie with Derek," she opened the door a little wider. "But," she added, putting a hand out to stop him from entering just yet, "you say one wrong thing, you look at her one wrong way, you do anything--ANYTHING--to hurt her in any way, shape, or form and I swear on your LIFE not only will I beat the crap out of you, but I'll stick Freddy on you too."

Nick nodded, almost looking miserable. He decided it would be best not to respond--for fear of saying something to piss Brittany off even more--but as he began to make his way up the staircase, she stopped him again by grabbing his arm.

"I'm sure Derek would enjoy getting a few punches in, himself."

Brittany smiled with a shake of her head as she watched Nick quickly sprint up the stairs, his feet barely making contact with the carpet. She heard someone come up behind her and turned around to see Freddy closing the front door that she'd left open.

"What was that about? Was that Nick??" Freddy looked confused as he pointed in the direction that the figure had run off in.

"Yup," Brittany nodded, a proud grin on her face. "By the way, I signed you up to beat him down if something goes wrong up there."

Freddy laughed, shaking his head.


Sarah sighed as she fought to keep her tired eyes open. She and Derek had been sitting there for almost three hours, watching a movie that still didn't seem to be going anywhere.

"This movie must have been sooooo low budget," she groaned, resting her head on the arm of the couch, deciding she may as well give into her body's longing for rest.

Derek laughed, "Yeah, I agree with ya there. Hey, don't let me keep you up or anything."

His sarcasm irked her, but in a good way. She looked at him and rolled her eyes, "Oh, c'mmon, you don't care."

Their conversation was ended by the door into the entertainment room opening slowly, light creeping into the room that had previously been lit by the glow of the television.

"Oh my gosh," Sarah gasped as she saw Nick standing in the doorway, looking uncertain about being there at the moment. Sarah didn't even know what to say as she stood from the couch, her eyes wide as saucers. What was he doing here? It had been over two months since she'd last heard from him and the fact that he'd just shown up at Derek and Brittany's house, when she'd never told him she'd be there, really surprised her ... and kind of freaked her out. Was she really that easy to track down?

Gosh, I hope I never get a stalker, she thought ruefully, trying not to laugh at the obscure reflection.

"Wh-What are you doing here?" Sarah finally managed to get out, when the two of them had been standing there for what felt like ages. Maybe it was ages, Sarah thought, when she realized Derek wasn't even in the room anymore. How long had they been standing there, staring at each other? "I thought I told you I didn't want to see you anymore."

"I had to see you again, Sar," Nick spoke softly, his eyes appearing dull and drained to her. "I've missed you so much. These last two months have been so hard without you."

Sarah wanted to gag. It was almost shocking how hard it was for her to believe a single word he was saying. He missed her? It had been hard for him, without her by his side? How did he think she felt about it? Thrilled? Ecstatic? Giddy with excitement?

Sarah glared at him and Nick realized at that moment that it was going to be a lot harder to get her to forgive him. A few sweet words and a sniffle or two wouldn't do with Sarah. She wasn't like the other girls he'd been with before. Sarah was different, and that was one of the things Nick loved so much about her.

Nick knew that Sarah felt as though he'd used her ... and maybe he had, he realized, but he wouldn't do that again. He'd realized what he'd had after he'd treated it so carelessly and let it go. He'd had somebody who'd loved him. And he'd loved her too. He still did.

"I'm sorry, Sar."

"Just leave, Nick," Sarah sighed, sitting down on the couch again, her stomach in knots and her heart twisting like a wet rag. "I don't know why you came here, but I'm not gonna fall for it again. I won't fall for your smooth lines and your charm. That charm isn't gonna get you through life, Carter, and it sure as hell isn't gonna get me back. So just get out. I told you I didn't want to see you again and I'd meant it."

Nick sighed as she stood up quickly and stormed past him, heading down the hall to what he assumed was the guest room she was staying in. He called to her just as she stood outside of the door, "I'm not leaving, Sarah. Not without you."

"Fine!" Sarah turned and yelled at him, fury in her eyes. "Then stay here! I don't care! JUST STAY THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY!"

Nick's heart practically stopped as her bedroom door slammed shut behind her. Geez, the girl had a temper!

"Oh, that's it! The boy's gettin' a beat down now!" Nick heard Brittany yell from downstairs.

"Brittany, just leave him alone! They have to work it out on their own," Freddy's voice followed and Nick could hear Brittany running up the stairs with Freddy behind her.

"Like hell they do!" she shrieked just as she reached Nick in the hallway. "Carter, I told you that if you said something to upset her I'd beat you, didn't I? So what do you do, you go and say something, don't you?!"

Nick tried desperately not to laugh as Brittany's arms flared in the air while she ranted and raved. Freddy rolled his eyes over her head, sending Nick an apologetic smile as he tried to calm her down.

"Britt, be quiet. Sarah will be fine; she just needs some time alone," Freddy grabbed her arms and pinned them effortlessly behind her back, so she wouldn't accidentally take his eye out in her rage.

Brittany grunted, trying unsuccessfully to get out of his hold, "Freddy, let me go. Frickin' a, you're gonna break my arm!"

"What?!" Freddy laughed. "I'm hardly holding you. If you'd stop moving, you'd be fine!"

Nick groaned inwardly as he watched the two arguing back and forth. It would have been humorous if he didn't have such a terrible migraine forming in his head. He noticed Brittany's brother standing at the end of the hallway and sighed in relief when Derek gestured for Nick to follow him. Brittany and Freddy continued to argue at the end of the hall, as Derek showed Nick to the guest room he'd be staying in.


Another day has almost come and gone Can't imagine what else could go wrong Sometimes I'd like to hide away somewhere and lock the door A single battle lost, but not the war

Cuz tomorrow's another day and I'm thirsty anyway So bring on the rain

It's almost like the hard times circle 'round A couple drops and they all start comin' down Yeah I might feel defeated and I might hang my head I might be barely breathing but I'm not dead, no

Cuz tomorrow's another day and I'm thirsty anyway So bring on the rain


No, I'm not gonna let it get me down I'm not gonna cry And I'm not gonna lose any sleep tonight

Cuz tomorrow's another day and I am not afraid So bring on the rain Tomorrow's another day and I'm thirsty anyway So bring on the rain

Oohh... Bring on, bring on the rain ... No, I'm not gonna let it get me down, I'm not gonna cry So bring on the rain Ooh... Bring on, bring on the rain Bring on the rain (rain...) Bring on the rain (Bring on the rain)


-Bring on the Rain, by JoDee Messina and Tim McGraw (CD: Burn)