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Love Menagerie: Chapter 2: The Spotting

Brittany smiled and plopped down on the couch next to her friend, "Got excellent news for you!"

Sarah broke away from the television show, her eyes wide, "I'm meeting Nick?!"

"It's a possibility! I chatted with Derek last night at dinner, he told me to bring you to the club opening and he'd make sure the Boys were there. Hopefully he can pull it off."

"Ah! That is SO cool!"

Britt laughed, "Yeah, Sar. It's awesome."

"Thank you SO much!"

"Well, you owe me."

2 Weeks Later

"So ... you're SURE they're gonna be there?!"

"Yes, Sarah. If you ask me one more time I'm gonna rip out all your hair!"

"Bring it on, Jeter!"

Brittany laughed, listening to the exchange between her best friend and her brother. "All right, you two, enough. Sarah's just nervous, right, Sar?" She tied a silk scarf around her neck and began to put her jewelry on.

"Right. I just ... I'm meeting Nick Carter tonight! Ahhh!"

Derek chuckled, "Oh, c'mmon. You're around famous peeps all the time - I mean, you're around ME, aren't you??"

Sarah laughed, "Whatever, Der, whatever."

He grinned at her, kissed her cheek and then his sister's, and called over his shoulder as he left Brittany's bedroom, "Be ready to go by six! The limo will be arriving then."

"Ooh! The 'limo will be arriving then'!" Brittany mocked good-naturedly.

"Shut up!"

~ * ~

Brittany stepped from the limo in her black pants and white sweater halter top. She waited for Sarah to exit and cringed as Derek accidentally stepped on her foot as he was getting out himself. "Ow! Derek!"

Derek laughed, "Sorry. C'mmon, girls - let's get inside!"

~ * ~

Sarah felt the beat of the music practically vibrating through her veins. Derek's and Lance's new club was a huge hit and since it was opening night Sarah found herself surrounded by celebrities.

"Hey, how you doing?" Brittany asked as she came up behind her friend at the bar.

"Feeling a little overwhelmed," Sarah admitted sheepishly.

"Have you seen you know who yet?"

"Have I peed my pants?" she asked sarcastically.

"Well, Jeter told me to tell you that when you see Nick, go find Der and he'll take you to introduce you."

Sarah nodded, "All right. Justin Timberlake keeps eyeing me - I've just been glaring at him. Ew."

Brittany laughed, "Well, you can't blame him. You're sexy, chica! And it's not like 'I'm holding out for Nick Carter' is written on your forehead!"

"Oh, puh-lease," Sarah chided. "It's not??"

Britt laughed again and took a seat next to Sarah. They stayed silent while listening to the music and sipping sodas. Brittany's eyes suddenly fell on a blonde across the club, who was laughing with his friends. "Sar!! I see him! Your sexy boy toy is HERE!"

Sarah shrieked and stood up quickly, practically knocking her stool over in the process. "Oh my gosh, I see him! What do I DO?!"

"You go say 'hi,' you fool!"

"Get Derek!"

"Okay, hang on," Brittany ran off and got her brother who was talking to Mariah Carey, his ex-girlfriend. "Sorry, M," Brittany apologized as she pulled him away from Mariah, although she really wasn't sorry. "I can't stand that slut," she muttered as she led Derek to Sarah.

Derek sighed, "Bitter much?"


"I love Nick Carter, I can't go say hi! I'm scared out of my mind!" Sarah was rambling 50 miles per hour, five minutes later as Derek tried to take her to Nick.

"Sarah!" Derek yelled finally. "I got Nick to come here! You WILL meet him! Do NOT ruin your chance!"

She sighed and smoothed her skirt, trying to calm her nerves in the process. "All right. I'm ready." She grasped on to Brittany, who had said she'd go with her.

As they headed towards Nick and his friends, Sarah shaking all the way, Brittany glanced to the entrance of the club ... just as Freddy Garcia entered.