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Love Menagerie: Chapter 4: Part 2: The Game

"Do you think Britney Spears' breasts are fake?" Sarah asked suddenly in the middle of the game, while chewing innocently on a licorice string.

Brittany giggled at the obsceneness of her friend's sudden inquiry. "I don't know, Sar. I try not to form an opinion on the subject matter. I've never met the girl. Closest I've gotten is talkin' to her boyfriend, good ol' Justin. And that's not much of a conversation starter!"

"What? 'Are your girlfriend's boobs real?'? Sounds good to me! Total ice breaker!"

Brittany merely laughed at her again, "You're somethin' else, Sar."

"Do you think Nick would have called me if my breasts were bigger?" Sarah asked quietly a few moments later.

The Mariners were winning with the sound score of 10 to 2 and the two girls weren't busy watching ... except when Freddy was up to pitch, which wasn't now. It was the top of the fifth and Carlos Guillen was up to bat. Freddy's pitching had been so solid and Brittany prayed it would stay that way, in hopes of Lou Piniella keeping him in through the entire game. She hoped his arm would at least hold up through the sixth or seventh, so he would be credited with the win. It would delight Brittany on two accounts: 1) his record would be even better 2) she would get to see him even longer. That mattered too, especially if she wasn't able to get to him after the game. She still had no clue if he'd seen them in the crowd yet.

Brittany sighed sadly and looked to her melancholy best friend, "No, Sarah. Don't think that way about yourself. Your boobs are plenty big; trust me, girl. And you're gorgeous, hon, inside and out. For all you know, Nick's just been busy. The guy has a hectic schedule, you know."

Sarah sighed, "Yeah, yeah. That's what they all say."

Brittany shut up. It wasn't her place to speak on Nick's behalf and Sarah had her mind made up anyhow. There was no changing that now.


Nick sighed as the game ended. The Mariners' pitcher, Freddy Garcia, had been on fire and had stayed in through the entire game and pitched an awesome one. The final score had been 12 to 3. Depressing when you'd been rooting for the team that sadly took on the measly score of 3. Three-fourths of the way through the game Nick had given up on the Rays and had begun to cheer for whoever was doing something good at the time. The guys had laughed at his lack of loyalty to his team. He didn't care. "His team" sucked.

It's not like he'd been way involved in the game anyway. Ever since he'd caught sight of Sarah and her friend, he had had a hard time taking his eyes off of Sarah, even if he normally could only see the back of her head unless she turned her face to look around at her surroundings. But a sudden case of shyness had crept its way into his body and he hadn't been able to talk himself into going over and saying hi. He was frustrated because the game was over and the guys were rushing him to leave. In one hurried moment he told them to leave without him, that he'd find his own way home, and had run off in Sarah's direction before any of them could ask him why. They all eventually shrugged once he was out of sight and left, figuring he would do just what he'd said ... find his own way home.


Brittany waved and grinned as Freddy walked to the edge of the field, after the game, a huge smile on his face, and motioned for her to make her way to the clubhouse. She nodded and she and Sarah grabbed their purses and Brittany's camera as soon as he had disappeared down below to quickly shower.

"Think you'll marry him, Ritt?" Sarah asked as they made their way up the cement steps from their behind-the-plate seats. Sarah was great with those out-of-the-blue questions.

Brittany wasn't able to answer as their exit was blocked by a tall guy wearing a Devil Rays cap pulled down low, almost appearing to be going incognito.

"Sarah?" he asked skeptically and even Brittany's stomach did flip-flops at the realization of who it was.

Sarah's was experiencing a major hurricane. She felt as though she had to pee as Nick smiled down at her while Hurricane Carter made its way through her bladder. Didn't the boy have the decency not to use that lethal grin on unsuspecting civilians? He was going to give some innocent person a heart attack someday and Sarah figured she would most likely be the first.

Brittany stopped crooning at the romance (okay, so there's only so much romance a baseball game can hold) of the situation when she realized she was supposed to be trying to get to Freddy. Oh, that sounded too tempting at the time and she figured Sarah was wanting her to scidaddle soon anyway.

Sarah had already said hi and they were busy talking, though Brittany noted how nervous the two of them sounded even if they were trying desperately to hide it. She quickly excused herself after politely saying hi to Nick and then telling Sarah that she'd get a ride back to the hotel with Freddy. Sarah watched her friend run off towards the clubhouse, before turning back to Nick with a shaky breath.