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Love Menagerie: Chapter 6: The Morning


Nick woke up to the other side of his bed completely empty. It was weird, because he knew that when he'd gone to sleep there had been a naked girl next to him ... Sarah. Gosh, how could he do what he'd done? He was such an idiot. He always did this. He found a girl that was potential girlfriend material and he always screwed it up by ... well ... screwing HER. There was a problem with that ... see ... Nick had a girlfriend. Sarah didn't know that.

He stood from his bed and quickly threw some clothes on, before tearing out of his bedroom and surprisingly running straight into Sarah who was coming out of one of the guest bedrooms, dressed in her clothes from the previous evening. She looked so beautiful, her hair damp from a shower that she had obviously just taken ... previously worn, and crumpled clothes, but still nothing less than sexy. He'd screwed everything up ... and he knew that as he looked down at her. She wouldn't even look him in the eye. Maybe she'd found his girlfriend's clothing somewhere. Or maybe she just regretted sleeping with him so soon ... major possibility. He doubted she did that often.

"Sarah ... can I just say that I am SOO sorry?"

"Yeah, you can. Look, Nick ... I don't do that often. And I'm not stupid. You think I wouldn't see the pictures of you and ... whoever she is ... around here?" Sarah sighed, knowing she didn't have much of a reason to be mad. Wait a minute ... she did. He'd led her on, and slept with her, without telling her he was taken. She'd just cheated with somebody. A celebrity, nonetheless. Gosh, she was probably going to have a pissed off girlfriend on her hands now. "I gotta get outta here. See ya." She was stopped by Nick quickly grabbing her arm to prevent her from going.

"Sarah, please don't ... I know, I know -- I'm a major idiot. And I understand why you're mad. But please know that I'm really, really, REALLY sorry."

Sarah sighed and looked back up at him. She paused for a good minute, trying to collect her thoughts. She loved this guy ... she hardly knew him, and she loved him. Her heart was breaking. "So am I."

With that, she released herself from his hold on her arm and left his hallway quickly, and a moment later she'd left his house completely.


"Ha! And you thought I couldn't cook!"

It was ten in the morning and Freddy and Brittany had finally decided that it would be a good thing if they ate breakfast. They'd woken up leisurely at nine, knowing that neither of them had anything to do ... no priorities, no commitments they had previously made that they would end up regretting. All they had to do, all that the day called for was bumming around Brittany's and Derek's place, doing nothing. And that's what the two of them intended to do. Nothing!

Freddy had insisted, once they'd decided to make breakfast, that he could cook -- and would cook them something. Brittany, in turn, had teased him profusely, and now she was eating some eggs ... that were far too runny ... and some toast ... that was far too dark. He couldn't even make toast.

She giggled at the thought. "You're right, Fred ... you can cook. Good boy." She'd decided to just allow him to think that he could actually make food ... but he couldn't, and she couldn't help but put a bit of sarcasm into her response.

Freddy sighed, knowing she was merely antagonizing him. She was good at that ... she enjoyed it ... and he knew it, but didn't really care. It was all in good fun; they were good friends, and that's what good friends do ... tease each other. He reached for her hair and pulled it, nonetheless. Though he hadn't meant it in a sexual way at all, Brittany felt her body tense and then shudder. Gosh, if only he would do that to her while in a bed ... under sheets ... without clothes. Her mind completely shut down and she forgot where she was.

The previous night had gone uneventful. She'd massaged his shoulders and back all the way down to his incredibly sexy bottom ... and that's where she'd stopped, she had gone no lower, knowing it would be deadly. But he had such an unbelievable butt. Brittany had to admit that Sarah's love interest's butt was almost equally sexy ... but Brittany was falling hard for Freddy ... his rear included.

She was snapped back to reality by Freddy kicking her in the shin from under the table. "Come back to earth, ET."

Brittany glared at him, "Funny. C'mmon, move your Venezuelan ass and let's clean up the horrifying mess you made in my kitchen."

"Don't talk about my Venezuelan ass."

She stuck her tongue out at him and waited for him to stand. Once he had walked into the kitchen with his plate and glass, Brittany spit out the rest of the egg that had been in her mouth before feeding the remainder of her burnt toast to her dog Charlie. "I know. It's terrible, isn't it?" she giggled and set off for the kitchen with her plate. "Even my dog can't stand your cooking."

"What?! You fed your food to Charlie?! I'm insulted!"

Brittany knew he was kidding, but suddenly Freddy had grabbed her and pinned her against her counter, holding her in place. With a swift movement he had her thrown over his shoulder and was heading outside towards the pool. Gosh, he was huge and could definitely overpower her. She had one last resort. Without another thought, Brittany slid her foot down the front of Freddy's pants.


Sarah sighed, having no idea where Brittany was. She'd arrived back to their hotel in a record breaking forty-five minutes. Okay, so yeah she'd broken quite a bit of rules on the way ... but she was upset, and awfully angry, and it felt good to drive fast and ... slightly reckless. But she'd reached her destination safely and now she was trying to find out where Brittany was. She figured she was at her house, but nobody was answering. With a sigh, Sarah laid down thinking of Nick and the night before.


Nick sighed and laid down on his couch, flipping the radio on. Of course it was a melancholy love-song about a man losing his woman. The thing was ... Nick hadn't lost his woman. He still had his woman, even if he wasn't too into her anymore, but still ... the only person he'd "lost," though he realized he'd never really had her, was the woman that he'd cheated with. The thing was, he'd done it plenty of times before, and they'd never meant a thing to him. They'd left the next day, just as Sarah did, and he'd never seen them again, just as he was sure he wouldn't see Sarah anymore. But there was a difference between Sarah and the other girls ... they'd never looked at him the way Sarah had. The way she had when they were talking, the way she had when they were laughing, the way she had when they were making love, and the way she had when she'd left. His heart began to ache, and he didn't understand why. And then it dawned on him ... Sarah looked at him with love. And nobody had ever looked at him like that.


Brittany's foot slipped down the front of Freddy's baggy jeans easily. She pressed it against him suggestively. It was the only thing that she could think of that would make him put her down.

Freddy gasped and suddenly, without warning, the two of them were flying forward and landing roughly in the deep end of the huge pool. But Brittany's foot was still inside his pants, and Freddy found himself having to grab her around the waist and pull her up to the surface with him, in order to keep her from drowning. What a headline that would be: Yankees' Shortstop's Little Sister Drowns In Pool With Foot Down Mariners' Pitcher's Pants. Normally he would laugh at the thought, but his mind was too swarmed with other things. Once their heads were out of the water, Freddy kicked their way closer to the shallow end where he knew Brittany could stand.

"I'm so sorry," Brittany whispered, flushed, embarrassed, mortified. She was trying to get her foot out of his pants, but it was basically stuck and the more she moved the more she touched him in places she knew she shouldn't be. Gosh, his boxers were drenched and now incredibly thin and her bare foot was practically right there. Tears began to course down her face from the sheer embarrassment of the situation that she had gotten herself into.

Finally Freddy was able to come back to planet earth and grabbed her waist in his large hands, stopping her wiggling. "Hey, hold up." He carefully unbuttoned his jeans, feeling slightly strange, but not knowing any other way to go about it, and slid the zipper down.

Brittany's foot was released in an instant and she immediately swam to the edge of the pool and got out. Freddy tried not to notice the way her white T-shirt clung tightly to her, outlining every curve of her body, not to mention the reaction that her chest had undergone from the cold. But it was hard not to note every curvature of her beautifully developed body. He cleared his throat and quickly zipped and re-buttoned his pants, before swimming after her.