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Love Menagerie: Chapter 8: The Park

Brittany looked at Freddy with a scowl on her face. They were sitting in the mall food court, drinking raspberry ice teas, when a group of girls had come up to Freddy in awe. Apparently Freddy had begun to get recognition when he was out in public, thanks to his baseball status. It wasn't that Brittany wasn't used to being annoyed by people asking for autographs from their "favorite baseball player." She'd gone through it all with her brother for years, but Freddy was making it much more annoying. See, he was flirting back with these girls. It didn't bother her when Derek did it, because ... well ... he was her brother. But it pissed her off when it was Freddy.

"Sorry 'bout that," Freddy grinned cheekily as he turned back around in his chair to actually face her for the first time since the girls had come. Finally the gigglers had disappeared.

"Yeah, sure you are," Brittany rolled her eyes. "It's not like they understood a thing you were saying anyway," she mumbled, taking a sip of her drink in the process, trying to mask the comment.

"You seem to enjoy listening to me talk," Freddy gave her a dirty look. He wasn't seriously pissed about it, because it had been Brittany who'd said it. She was all bark and no bite and if she wanted to diss his accent, then so be it.

"Yeah, but Freddy, I'm around you all the time. I've begun to understand your accent."

"You can be such a b*tch sometimes, Britt. I hate being around you when you get like this. What the hell is wrong with you? Did something crawl up your ass and f*cking die?"

Brittany tried desperately not to laugh. She figured that he didn't even realize that half of what he'd just said had been in Spanish. "Okay, all I got out of that was 'You can be blah blah blah, Brittany. I hate blah blah blah when you get blah blah blah..." She stopped, noticing that he'd flipped her off and was no longer listening to her. "Alright, alright. Sorry. I'll try to be nice."

"Yeah, Heaven forbid, right?"

Brittany sighed warily and suddenly he was grinning again.

"We have got to be the most married-like friends ever," he laughed. "That's a funny concept, huh? Us being married?"

She rolled her eyes and stood up, starting to walk into a store that was just outside of the food court.

"What? What'd I say?" Freddy got up and followed.


"Nick ... hi."

Nick grinned. She sounded completely mortified, and for reasons unknown to himself, that made him want to laugh. Just the sound of her voice made him giddy, even if their situation was a little more complicated than the average schoolgirl/schoolboy romance. "Hi, Sarah. I know that I shouldn't be calling you-"

"D*mn right."

Okay, so the comment had taken him a little by surprise, though it was called for. Nick sighed audibly and it made Sarah's insides quiver. No matter what he'd done to her, she would still admit that he was completely amazing in her eyes.

"I wanted to call and apologize. Well, that and ... I don't know ... I wanted to talk with you."

"Why, Nick? Isn't that why you have a girlfriend?" Sarah quipped quickly, her eyes darting around the room frantically. She was about to stand up to him. She'd never stood up for herself to a guy before in her life. "Because I don't think it's supposed to be that you just get sex from her and conversation from another. It doesn't work that way. Oh wait... wait... you got sex from me too! So is that all you think women are good for, Carter? Sex?"

"How dare you judge what I have with my girlfriend."

Sarah scoffed, "Well, it couldn't be much, now could it? Since you cheated on her and all. Tight relationship you got goin' there."

Nick rose an eyebrow, biting his lower lip. He definitely needed to see this girl again.


"I like your hair like that," Freddy complemented quietly that night at Brittany's and Derek's house. He had decided to spend the night again because he had to leave Florida the next day and he knew that he wouldn't be seeing Brittany for a while.

Brittany smiled at the augmentation and said thank you. Half of her hair was pulled up with a claw while the rest laid against her shoulders in soft curls. "You're welcome."

"You wanna go out on the boat? Derek said we could use it as long as I, and I quote, 'don't crash it because I'm taken away by a certain somebody's 'sexy' accent-'"

"I knew you loved my accent! You were just jealous because other girls were enjoying it too."

Brittany smiled and blushed gently, wishing she hadn't brought up the accent topic again. Truth be told, she did like his accent and she had been jealous, but that was nothing he needed to know. "Do you wanna go or not?" she asked with a quiet laugh, hoping he would drop the previous conversation and thankfully he did.

"I would love to."

Brittany smiled, proud that she'd managed to remember how much he loved the water. She took his hand in her own, hardly realizing she'd done it, and led him out to the docks.


"I really shouldn't be here, Nick," Sarah whispered as she looked around nervously. Why had she agreed to come? She'd promised herself that she wouldn't see him again after what he'd done, but he'd asked her to meet him at a secluded park down the street from the hotel she and Brittany were staying at and, like a weak idiot, she'd done it.

Nick smiled the half-smile that Sarah loved so much and took her hands in his, "I shouldn't do a lot of things that I do."

"That doesn't make it okay, Nick. This is still wrong. You have a girlfriend and-"

"And what?"

"Well, if you'd let me finish-"

"I don't want to," Nick's hands slid up to her face and he bent down, kissing her gently.

Sarah sighed against him. There was just no point in fighting him any longer. He had her wrapped around his finger (heck -- his hand, his arm, his leg...) so tight that there was no way she could deny him a thing.