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Love Menagerie: Chapter 9: The Dreadful Morning


Brittany stretched, her body arching, before she delved deeper beneath the covers, trying to find warmth. The cool breeze blew off the ocean through the hatch above the V-birth of Derek's boat. She loved waking up this way ... the boat rocking gently on the morning waves, cool air and warm blankets. The only peculiarly different thing about this morning was that she appeared to be naked. Her eyes popped open wide as she felt somebody move beside her.

Brittany gasped when she rolled over and saw Freddy lying next to her, equally undressed, with the sheet tangled around his waist. "Freddy!" Brittany panicked, shaking his shoulder in an attempt to wake him. "Freddy, wake up! What the heck did we do?!"

She knew that in a way she should be happy because it was Freddy that she had slept with, but that wasn't supposed to happen. What would her brother say? Not like it mattered much to her. Most of all, what would Freddy do?

Freddy groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. "Morning, Britt," he mumbled groggily, rubbing at his face sleepily.

"We're naked, Fred."

Freddy took his hands away from his eyes and looked down at her. In an instant he'd sat up, hitting his head in the process, "Owwwwww."

Brittany reached out and inspected his head before sighing as she pulled away. "I'm sorry. Things got out of hand last night. I should have never let this happen. I'm so sorry."

"Brittany, it takes two to f*ck."

Brittany's eyes filled with tears as she looked down at her hands which were clutching the comforter to her body. That's all he thought it was ... f*cking. Of course. How silly of her to think it could have been more? "We need to get back. Derek has a few games here in Tampa ... he should be home soon and you have a flight to catch."

Freddy nodded, placed a gentle kiss on her cheek, and slid off the bed, grabbing his clothes off the floor to change.

"Hey, Freddy?" Brittany called as he was in the bathroom getting dressed.


"Please don't hate me."

There was a pause and finally with all sincerity he answered, "I could never."

Brittany sighed and laid back, a halfhearted smile on her face, and her hands still holding the blankets against her body.


Sarah sighed as she squinted against the sun that was streaking through the hotel blinds. It wasn't one of those mornings where you wake up next to some sexy guy you met at a club and wonder how the heck you got naked with him. She remembered everything the moment she woke up and there was no surprise when she felt Nick move next to her in his sleep. She'd naturally awoken at four in the morning and had been watching him for an hour and a half, waiting for the sun to rise and Nick to wake up and regret everything he had talked her into doing.

"Morning, Sar," he mumbled as he snuggled up against her, his hair tickling her skin.

Sarah's eyes were wide. He was okay with this? What about his girlfriend? Didn't he care that he had just cheated on her for the second time in a couple of days?

"Nick," her fingers ran through his hair subconsciously as he tried to nestle further against her, finding warmth. "Nick, you get what this means, don't you?"

"That you're mine?" Nick looked up at her hopefully, his eyes sparkling with sincerity. He really did want to be with her. He didn't care about his girlfriend, whatever her name was. And he honestly didn't remember what it was at the moment. "Sar, I really, really like you."

"I really like you too, Nick. But this is wrong. You have a girlfriend," her eyes turned sad as she wrapped her arms around him tighter, her face buried in the crook of his neck. "Don't you feel even the slightest bit guilty?"

"No, not really." She sighed. He was being so Nick-like. "What do we do?"

Nick laid there, looking as if he were thinking hard about it. "I don't know. We'll figure something out, though. I know that I'm not letting go of you so easily."


"What if Derek finds out?" Freddy asked quietly as they sat out by the pool two hours later. Freddy's flight wasn't for another three hours and Derek still wasn't home.

"How could he?" Brittany sighed.

"There're ways."

She looked at him quizzically, but decided not to ask. Maybe she didn't want to know what he was thinking.

"Well, anyway ... I know he's slept with girls on that same bed and the thought is really grossing me out."

"You know," Freddy suddenly interjected, having chosen to conveniently ignore her comment, "I'm surprised you're not freaking out about this more than you are. This doesn't seem like you. I mean, you don't just sleep with guys."

"And you do? With girls, that is."

"Not in the slightest. I was a virgin. You took my innocence from me," his hand rose to his heart pathetically.

Brittany rolled her eyes, "Whatever, Fred." Leave it to Freddy to crack such a joke.

"Seriously though. I don't sleep around. That's not my thing. It just ain't cool."

"Then why aren't YOU freaking out more?" she inquired, her eyebrow rising in question.

"I don't know," Freddy suddenly looked as though the thought struck him as peculiar, "Things were different with you."

Brittany tried to question further, but Freddy had no answer to supply.


"What if your girlfriend finds out?" Sarah whispered hours later as they sat in the Jacuzzi located inside the hotel suite. Derek always made sure she and Brittany had the best when staying in hotels.

"She won't."

"She could. And what if she does?"

Nick sighed, becoming annoyed. He didn't want to think of Adrienne at the time. She wasn't his priority right then; Sarah was. "Then she does and she's out of my life. Yay! Now shut up about her," he leaned over and kissed her gently, leaving her mind reeling and completely not on Adrienne.

They spent the rest of the day hanging out and talking, getting to know each other on a less-than-sexual basis. Sarah couldn't believe that she had actually met Nick Carter and was sleeping with the guy ... especially when he had a girlfriend. It just wasn't something that Sarah did, but for some reason she couldn't deny him a thing. Especially herself.