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Love Menagerie:

A Look Back From The Beginning To The Middle

Best Fight:

Freddy and Brittany, Chapter 21, "Spouting off in Spanish"

"You know, we used to be friends."

"Well, what are we now, Freddy?"

The question caught him slightly off guard. But the fact that he didn't know how to answer the question completely stumped him. What exactly were they? He'd like to think that they still were really good friends. He'd like to think that the fact that she was carrying his child would never change them. That was what he wanted, right? Maybe not. So he'd admitted once... once... when she'd come to his door, after they'd said good-bye at the airport in Venezuela, saying that she missed him and wanted to stay with him in Seattle... that he loved her. But did he? In that way? Could he really allow himself to be in love with Brittany Jeter? She was a Yankee's sister, after all. He tried not to laugh at the thought but didn't exactly succeed.

"Is something funny, Freddy?! 'Cause I'm not laughing! Get out!" Brittany pointed to the door and Freddy swore he'd never seen her look so angry before.

Freddy's eyes widened for the second, third, fourth, fifth time that day. She sure was a shocker. "What??"

"Oh, did you not understand me?! I said Salga, usted cabron. ¿Usted entiende esto? ¡Salga! Nunca deseo verle otra vez, Freddy Antonio Garcia!" Leave, you f*cking bastard. Do you understand this? Leave! I never want to see you again, Freddy Antonio Garcia!

"Brittany, mire su boca!" Watch your mouth!

"Que te jodan!" F*ck you!

"You already did that!"

Best Make-Up:

Freddy and Brittany, Chapter 21, "I Didn't Mean What I Said"

"Look, Brittany," Freddy spoke up again after a minute or two, "I'm sorry, okay? I really, really am." He looked at her and she could see how sincere he was. If she didn't know any better, she'd say he was on the verge of tears. But she did know better. Freddy cried over his career... not her. "I'm just really confused right now, y'know? I've never been through something like this. I mean, sure, I've had girlfriends before... but nothing like this... I mean, you're pregnant with my child, after all."

Brittany nodded and sat up straighter, placing her hands protectively across her stomach.

"I didn't mean what I said."

"I know," Freddy smiled over at her before reaching over and pulling her into his arms. He placed a kiss against her forehead and squeezed her tighter. "After all," he smirked, pulling away slightly, "who could think I'm a f*cking bastard?"

Brittany laughed and rolled her eyes at him, "I'm sure it's possible, Fred... I'm sure it's possible."

Best Kiss:

Nick and Sarah, Chapter 20, "Midnight Kiss"

"I won't hurt you, Sarah," Nick pulled her tighter against him and reveled in her hug. How could he hurt such an angel? "I promise, baby, I promise."

"If you play me, I swear to God it's over... for good."

"I know... and I won't."

"Kiss me, Nick," Sarah whispered, nuzzling her face gently against his, as she swam in his eyes. "Just kiss me."

And so they kissed. At midnight. Under a solitary street lamp. And it was perfect.

Most Romantic Line/Scene:

Nick and Sarah, Chapter 20, "The Eyes of a Woman"

Nick looked down at her and his heart just about stopped at the look in her eyes. It had been a long time since it had been there... in fact, the last time had been the morning they had awoken in that hotel room together, happy just being with each other.

"Morning, Sar," he mumbled as he snuggled up against her, his hair tickling her skin.

Sarah's eyes were wide. He was okay with this? What about his girlfriend? Didn't he care that he had just cheated on her for the second time in a couple of days?

"Nick," her fingers ran through his hair subconsciously as he tried to nestle further against her, finding warmth. "Nick, you get what this means, don't you?"

"That you're mine?"

Nick had never been happier just gazing into the eyes of a woman before. That night, Sarah's eyes held the future in them, just as they had that morning in the hotel room. Unfortunately, he'd taken her for granted before... but he couldn't do that this time... he wouldn't.

Saddest Line/Scene:

Nick and Sarah, Chapter 15, "Sick"

"I'm sick of this, Sar," Nick finally whispered as he turned to her, his eyes staring deeply into hers as she turned to face him.

Sarah's eyes turned cloudy as her eyebrows rose, "What do you mean?"

"I told you the first night that I came here that I wanted you back and you've made it quite clear that isn't what you want. I know that I hurt you, Sar, and I know I told you I'd be patient. I'm willing to show you just how much I care about you, by giving you time ... it's just ... I've never been a patient kinda' guy and I just ... guess I'm lonely or something," Nick paused, a sigh escaping through his parted lips. "It's hard for me to see you all day, every day and not be able to hold your hand or kiss you or even talk to you about things I want to talk to you about. I hate that I have to be so guarded with you."

Freddy and Brittany, Chapter 19, "Don't Go"

Brittany looked at Freddy as they sat in the airport, waiting for their separate flights. She sighed. Freddy's flight would be taking off an hour before her own and the thought of sitting around, watching couples be torn apart from each other, after she and Freddy were forced to do the same, made her feel sick.

"I hate this, Britt," Freddy sighed suddenly, reaching over and grabbing her hand. "You're pregnant with my first child and I have no idea when I'll even be with you again."

Brittany looked down at her lap, holding his hand tightly between her own. Knowing that he wouldn't be there for the majority of her pregnancy was so hard on her... she just hoped he'd be there for the birth. What if he was on a road trip with the Mariners when she went into labor and he couldn't get there in time? Moment of nausea #2.

And then the call for Freddy's flight to Seattle came across the speakers. Moment of nausea #3.

They stood from their seats and walked closer toward the gate, their hearts aching and their stomachs churning. This was so hard; so freaking hard. They stood there, embracing, until the second call was sounded.

"Freddy, don't go," Brittany whispered, burying her face against his shoulder.

Silliest Conversation:

Sarah and Brittany, Chapter 4 Part 2, "Britney's Boobs"

"Do you think Britney Spears' breasts are fake?" Sarah asked suddenly in the middle of the game, while chewing innocently on a licorice string.

Brittany giggled at the obsceneness of her friend's sudden inquiry. "I don't know, Sar. I try not to form an opinion on the subject matter. I've never met the girl. Closest I've gotten is talkin' to her boyfriend, good ol' Justin. And that's not much of a conversation starter!"

"What? 'Are your girlfriend's boobs real?'? Sounds good to me! Total ice breaker!"

Freddy and Brittany, Chapter 18, "Snapple Facts"

"Freddy, stop," Brittany laughed, grabbing her underwear back from him as he held it up against himself. "You're really starting to freak me out, you girl. Ever thought about the fact that you'd be one ugly woman?"

Freddy laughed and rolled his eyes, "Thanks."

"You know, an oyster can change from one gender to another and back again," Brittany murmured a moment later, looking down at her suitcase to make sure she had everything she'd come with. She then proceeded to pick out what she would wear the next day and set it aside.

Freddy looked at her carefully. "I'm never letting you near Snapple again."

"Why?" Brittany smiled and looked up at him, her eyes shining for the first time in days. "Oh, am I annoying you with my facts?" she smirked when he hadn't responded. "Well ... I have a fact that I think you'll enjoy."

"Doubt it," Freddy shrugged indifferently and sat down on the bed, finished packing.

Brittany grinned as he looked at her warily. "A one-minute kiss burns twenty-six calories."

Freddy never got the chance to respond, as she knelt next to him and ran her fingers through his hair, pulling his face to hers. After exactly sixty seconds, Brittany pulled away and sighed dreamily, before giggling.

"I feel thinner already!"

Sexiest Moment:

Nick and Sarah, Chapter 18, "The Boat Massage"

Sarah, herself, was caught off guard when she felt Nick straddle her and begin to massage her shoulders. "Oh, Lord," she groaned, her eyes popping open and instantly closing again. The man had magic in his fingers and the fact that she was already feeling slightly intoxicated from the sun and his eyes on her didn't help. She rolled onto her back underneath him and tried to act as if he hadn't had any effect on her. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I thought it looked like a massage would help ya out a bit," Nick smiled sheepishly. "Plus, I gotta admit, your skin just looked far too tempting not to touch."

Sarah looked up at him, the sun shining behind him and forming a halo around his head. She couldn't help but admit it: the boy looked like an angel. But she knew better ... he wasn't one, as much as he'd been trying to make her believe he was. And yet, lying out on that boat, the sun beating down on them, their skin slicked with tanning oil and perspiration, their skin touching, Sarah couldn't help but look at him with the feelings she'd been trying to deny. She wanted him and there was no way she could deny it now.

"C'mere," Sarah whispered, noting the fact that Nick's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Don't ask why, but gosh, I want you so bad."

Freddy and Brittany, Chapter 5, "The Bed Massage"

So they finally shut the TV off and made their way to the guest bedroom where Freddy would sleep. Brittany was coming along to make sure the bed was made, and because Freddy had willingly accepted her offer for a back massage, since he'd pitched, and such a long game at that. Seeing the bed was made, Brittany sat down on it and watched and waited as Freddy took his T-shirt off unabashedly. They were comfortable with each other and Brittany wondered, at the thought, if Freddy would blush if she were to "accidentally" walk in on him in the shower in the morning. She giggled at the cerebration and he looked up from stripping down to his boxers. She could feel her stomach flutter as his eyes met hers and she bit her tongue to keep from asking if she could get naked too. Freddy didn't bother asking why she had laughed, and walked to the bed, quickly lying down on his stomach. Brittany could tell just by looking at his back just how tense his muscles were and she hesitantly, though Freddy didn't notice, straddled his behind and got to work.

Sweetest Moment:

Nick and Sarah, Chapter 9, "You're Mine"

"Morning, Sar," he mumbled as he snuggled up against her, his hair tickling her skin.

Sarah's eyes were wide. He was okay with this? What about his girlfriend? Didn't he care that he had just cheated on her for the second time in a couple of days?

"Nick," her fingers ran through his hair subconsciously as he tried to nestle further against her, finding warmth. "Nick, you get what this means, don't you?"

"That you're mine?"