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Within A Room Somewhere

Nick Carter Fan Fiction


With Special Guests:

Josh Groban


Freddy Garcia

Since December, 2000

© 2000-2003

I breathe the mist floating within without this pen,

this pen between my fingers


Send feedback and I'm pretty sure Nick will give you a hug!

Highlighted Song-Story of the Month

August/September's Pick:

I'll Think of a Reason Later

12.10.03... Well, I'm sure we all knew this day would be coming, right? I'm closing down the webpage

=( The page will stay up and the stories will stay on it, but it won't be updated anymore... at least I don't think so, lol. Who knows, maybe one day I'll be struck with some genius idea and I'll just HAVE to write it and share it with you guys, but for now... I'm just not into it. I dunno... the world of Fan Fiction has changed, my friends. The stories are no longer all that great--hey, I can admit it!--and the readers don't send feedback as much! lol. No, but seriously, I do write for myself, but we have to admit that in ways we also write for those that are reading and when your audience is starting to lose interest, you start to lose interest in writing it. Maybe the BsB are no longer my muse... who knows. All I know is that I no longer turn to writing Fan Fiction when I need to get something off my chest! I'll still be a writer... I'm still majoring in English to become one... I just no longer have a passion for this page. And yes, I'm still a Nicky fan! Always. Sorry I wasn't able to finish the stories up like I said I would. Life has gotten in the way! Maybe one day at least Baby and Me will come to a close. Thank you all for reading for all this time... I've been writing for quite some years and some of you have been reading the entire time. Back in the days of my old website and "Who Do You Love?" lol. Anyway... I'll stop rambling. Thanks again and don't hesitate to keep in contact with me. I'll keep the update list in my address book, in case that genius idea hits me one day =) Bye, guys...



11.11.03... Wow, it's almost been three months! What a loser am I? =) Anyway, what can I say? I've been busy with school and work and my man... you know, the usual excuses! Sections 13 & 14 of Baby & Me are now posted. Read, send feedback, you know the drill!


E-mail me, , with "Brittany's Updates List" in the subject, and I'll sign ya up to receive an e-mail every time I update the page :)


Was it you who spoke the words

that things would happen but not to me

All things are gonna happen naturally

Oh, taking your advice and I'm looking on the bright side

and balancing the whole thing

Oh, but often times those words get tangled up in the lines

And the bright light turns to night

Oh, until the dawn it brings another day to sing

about the magic that was you and me

Cuz you and I both loved

what you and I spoke of

and others just read of

Others only read of the love

Oh, the love that I love, yeah

See, I'm all about them words over numbers

Unencumbered numbered words

Hundreds of pages, pages, pages for words

More words than I had ever heard

and I feel so alive

Cuz you and I both loved

what you and I spoke of

and others just read of

And if you could see me now

Oh love, love You and I, you and I

Not so little, you and I anymore

And with this silence brings a moral story

More importantly evolving is the glory of a boy

Cuz you and I both loved

what you and I spoke of

and others just read of

And if you could see me now

Well, then I'm almost finally out of,

I'm finally out of, finally

Well, I'm almost finally, finally

Well, I am free Oh, I'm free

And it's okay if you had to go away

Oh, just remember the telephones,

well they're workin' in both ways

But if I never, ever hear them ring,

if nothing else I'll think the bells inside

have finally found you someone else

and that's okay

Cuz I'll remember everything you sang

Cuz you and I both loved

what you and I spoke of

and others just read of

And if you could see me now

Well, then I'm almost finally out of,

I'm finally out of, I'm finally

Well, I'm almost finally, finally out of words

-You and I Both; Jason Mraz

(Album: Waiting For My Rocket To Come)

I dwell in possibility - Emily Dickinson

Choose Your Destination

Nick and Kelly (Award Nominated)
Nick and Kelly: Version Two
The Nick and Leah Saga (Award Nominated)
The Nick and Kindlin Saga

Josh Groban Stories

Finished Stories
Unfinished Stories

Unfinished Song-Stories

Holiday Stories
Stories About Other Artists/People

Revive A Story

Brittany's Famous Hotties List

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