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What I Really Meant To Say: The Story

The BED OF LIES sequel

[based on the song by Cyndi Thomson]

It took me by surprise when I saw you standin' there Close enough to touch Breathin' the same air You asked me how I'd been I guess that's when I smiled and said "just fine" Oh, but baby I was lyin'

What I really meant to say is I'm dyin' here inside And I miss you more each day There's not a night I haven't cried And baby, here's the truth I'm still in love with you, yeah And that's what I really meant to say

And as you walked away the echo of my words cut just like a knife, cut so deep it hurt I held back the tears, held on to my pride and watched you go I wonder if you'll ever know

What I really meant to say is I'm dyin' here inside And I miss you more each day There's not a night I haven't cried And baby, here's the truth I'm still in love with you

What I really meant to say is I'm really not that strong No matter how I try I'm still holdin' on And here's the honest truth I'm still in love with you, yeah That's what I really meant to say

That's what I really meant to say That's what I really meant to say

-What I Really Meant To Say, by Cyndi Thomson (CD: My World)

Ren stepped inside Brian's house greeted with a hug from his wife Leighanne. She hadn't seen any of them since she and Nick had divorced 2 years before. She knew that she shouldn't have given up her relationships with her friends, but they had been his friends first and it was just too hard to try and get over him while still seeing him ... and seeing the rest of the Backstreet Boys, and their significant others, meant seeing Nick. She was surprised that she'd actually been able to come to Brian and Leigh's house, even if it had been 2 years, but they'd just renewed their wedding vows and this was the big after-party. She wanted to be there for them and they'd begged her to come. When she'd pulled up to the Littrell's house Nick's car hadn't been parked along the street and she didn't see him in the house.

Maybe I can avoid him when he actually gets here, Ren thought as she hugged all of the people that had once been practically family to her.

Hours had passed and Ren still hadn't seen Nick, which she was very grateful for. But as she was refilling her glass of lemonade at the table somebody accidentally bumped into her from behind.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry..."

Ren immediately turned around at the all too familiar voice, "Nick," she croaked, her mouth gaping in shock at the sight of him. It was weird to see him after two years, when she'd seen him every day for 5 before then. After all, they'd been a couple since the age of 18.

"Ren," Nick's eyes were wide. Nobody had told him that she would be there. "Hey ... Hey, how are you?"

"I'm fine," she managed to stutter, even if it was a lie.

"That's great," Nick smiled but it didn't manage to reach his eyes. Was she really fine? Because he sure as hell wasn't. "Well it was great seeing you. I better mingle. See you later."

And with that he'd walked away and Ren stood there stalk-still, her mind a whirl of confusion.

I'm fine?? she thought, annoyed with herself. I'm fine. Right.

She wasn't fine at all ... why had she said she was? She fought back her tears and walked into the bathroom to recollect herself.

I shouldn't have come in the first place, she thought with a sigh.

But she had, and she'd seen Nick, and now all she wanted was him back.

~ * ~

One Doesn't mean anything to me Come show me the meaning of complete Where did our love go wrong Once we were so strong How can I go on

When you told me you loved me Did you know it would take me the rest of my life To get over the feeling of knowing our dream didn't turn out right When you let me believe that you were incomplete without me by your side How could I know that you would go, that you would run Baby, I thought you were the one

Why can't I just leave it all behind I felt passion so bright that I was blind Then something made me weak Talking in my sleep Baby, I'm in so deep and you know I believed

When you told me you loved me Did you know it would take me the rest of my life To get over the feeling of knowing our dream didn't turn out right When you let me believe that you were incomplete without me by your side How could I know that you would go, that you would run Baby, I thought you were the one

Your lips Your face Something that time just can't erase My heart could break all over again

When you told me you loved me Did you know it would take me the rest of my life To get over the feeling of knowing our dream didn't turn out right When you let me believe that you were incomplete without me by your side How could I know that you would go, that you would run Baby, I thought you were the one

-When You Told Me You Loved Me, by Jessica Simpson (CD: Irresistible)

"Nick, you should dance with her," Brian urged as he took a sip from his drink while he and Nick watched Ren come out of the bathroom. She was looking slightly queasy and Brian had a feeling it had something to do with the blonde moron standing next to him.

"No, man," Nick rolled his eyes, "I can't do that. You don't understand."

"I don't understand? Nick, you idiot, the guys and I understand more than anybody. We've been here the past 2 years, while you went through all this divorce crap. Don't tell me I don't understand."

Nick sighed and looked down at his shoes, shifting from one foot to the other. Ren had unknowingly walked closer to them and was standing against the wall directly across from them, watching the people around her. It hurt Nick to be so close to her and not be able to hold her hand like he normally would be doing.

"I can't, Bri," Nick finally answered, his eyes still fixed on his ex-wife. "I can't. I'm not strong enough to go and ask her to dance with me, to hear her say no to me, or even if she was to accept ... I can't be that close to her man and not have her mine, I just can't do it."

"I still think you two gave up too easily."

"What was I supposed to say?? I'd cheated on her, Bri ... Was I supposed to make her stay with an asshole like me? She deserved better."

"She still does ... but for some reason, she still loves you."

"Brian," Nick sighed and looked at his friend in annoyance, "she doesn't love me, okay? If she loved me I wouldn't have received those divorce papers in the mail two f*cking years ago."

Brian scoffed before walking off to go find Leigh in the midst of the friends around them.

Nick watched Brian walk away before turning his gaze back to Ren. With a sigh he pushed off from the wall with his foot and headed towards her, his heart pounding deep beneath his flesh. He almost felt as though it would burst through at any moment. Standing in front of her he smiled gently, "Wanna dance?"

Ren's breath caught in her throat.

Say yes, you idiot! her mind was yelling, but she could hardly hear it over the pounding of her heart.

"Um ... yeah," she spoke timidly as she took his offered hand and walked unsteadily outside where a dance floor had been set up and music was playing.

The sun had set and there were candles and hanging lights set up all around. The atmosphere was beautiful, right on the water, and the temperature was perfect. It was all so overwhelming for Ren as Nick wrapped his arms loosely around her waste and she in suit wrapped hers around his neck. As she rested her chin on his shoulder her ears perked to the lyrics of the mellow country song that was playing through the speakers.

What I really meant to say is I'm dyin' here inside And I miss you more each day There's not a night I haven't cried And baby here's the truth I'm still in love with you

What I really meant to say is I'm really not that strong No matter how I try I'm still holdin' on And here's the honest truth I'm still in love with you, yeah That's what I really meant to say

Ren lifted her hand and wiped the tears from her face, hoping Nick wouldn't notice, her chin still resting on his shoulder as they swayed gently, the song soon ending.

Nick tightened his hold on her, knowing she was crying, though not understanding why and suddenly she spoke, her voice hushed as if she was hoping he wouldn't hear her in a way.

"I'm not fine," Ren whispered, her breath causing the hairs on his neck to rise slowly.

"What?" Nick loosened his grip and looked down at her as their dancing stopped. It was a fast song anyhow and neither felt like actually dancing.

"I'm not fine," her lower lip quivered as more tears began to spring forth from her eyes, her wet eyelashes fluttering. "I told you inside the house that I was fine, when you asked how I've been. And I'm not fine, Nick. I know it's been 2 years, but giving you up was the stupidest thing I ever did."

Nick's breath caught in his throat, "Do you really mean that, Ren?"

She nodded and in an instant Nick had wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight against him.

"Ren ... what I did to us was so entirely stupid of me; I am so sorry."

Ren took a deep breath and looked up at him, her hands at the nape of his neck, "I know you are. You came forward and told me what you'd done and you wanted to make it work..." a shiver ran down her spine, "...I'm sorry that I didn't try harder."

Nick pressed his lips together, trying not to cry but a few tears managed to escape. "Please don't apologize..."

"Then let's both stop apologizing ... Nick, I didn't tell you inside the house when I first saw you, because I was so scared. I'm telling you now, and I'm not scared anymore ... I love you, Nick. I just -- if you want -- I'd like to try again. I mean, we don't gotta like get married right away or something ... after all, we haven't been together for two years ... but I just don't want to give you up."

Nick grinned and pulled her back to him, "I love you too, baby," he whispered before leaning down and kissing her.

"Man," AJ whined, standing by the dance floor next to Brian, "he better not be expecting another wedding!"

Brian looked at him incredulously, "You're a real idiot, AJ, a real idiot."

...You broke through the storm And you turned back the night Baby, you are the fire burnin' the midnight sky And your love keeps takin' me higher Just when all hope was gone Where the hero belongs There you were...

-There You Were, by Jessica Simpson w/ Marc Anthony (CD: Irresistible)