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True Motives: Chapter 1

Jenn Stapp sat at a computer in her college library. Her head was buried in her arms, as they rested against the desk. She was practically passed out... that's how tired she was. She hadn't gotten any sleep the previous night, due to having a huge exam due the next morning and having procrastinated in getting it done until the last minute.

She was almost there... Almost in dream-land... when she felt someone's hands rest on her shoulders. They were warm - she knew that much - and they were guy's hands. 'Oh, please not him,' Jenn thought to herself, not wanting to deal with him right now.

"Sleeping in school, my dear Jennifer?"

Jenn groaned, "Ryan... go away. Please! I'm tired and I do not want to deal with you right now."

Ryan smirked and sat down in the chair next to her, "Aw, c'mmon. That's no way to treat little ol' me."

Jenn lifted her head out of her arms and glared at him, not looking amused in the slightest. "Get... the hell... away from me." she figured after saying that, in the tone that she had said it in, there was no way he couldn't have gotten the point. That she did NOT want to talk to him!

Ryan frowned, though Jenn knew he wasn't seriously hurt. She didn't know why he kept this stupid charade up. He was the most popular guy in school and all of a sudden he was talking to her. What reason did she have to believe that he was sincere? Uh huh, suuuure. Ryan Phillippe, the most wanted, adored, and worshiped guy on campus, wanting to go on a date with Jennifer Stapp... who didn't have a title - she was just Jenn.

"Jenn, Jenn, Jenn... What am I going to do with you?" Ryan clicked his tongue at her, in disaproval.

Jenn rolled her eyes. "You're going to do nothing with me. But I know what I'm gonna do if you say my name one more time!"

"Oh? And what's that?" that innocent little look that Jenn despised returned to his face.

"Well... first... I'm going to take your tongue," Jenn moved closer to him, a seductive look on her face, which turned him on to no end. "And I'm going to..." Her tone suddenly changed, "take a steak knife... and cut if off... very, very slowly!"

Ryan snapped out of his 'turned on' daze and stared at her for a minute. "Uhh... Umm..." just then the bell rang. He stood up quickly and grabbed his back pack. "I'll see ya later, Jenn."

Jenn grinned as she watched him walk off. "I finally got rid of him!" at least, she hoped she did.