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True Motives: Chapter 2

~*~ 1 Week Later ~*~

Jenn walked into the party, feeling the loud music pulse through her body. She looked around, trying to spot her friend, but couldn't see her amidst all the people. Jenn sighed and walked over to the refreshment table and to one of the punch bowls, not knowing it was the one with alcohol in it. She got a glass of it and stood by the table, drinking it.

~*~ A Few Hours Later ~*~

Ryan walked, aimlessly, around the party, stopping every now and then to talk to someone or flirt with a chick. He spotted Jenn and smirked to himself when he saw that she was drunkenly making a fool out of herself. He strutted over to her and pulled her away from the group that had crowded around her as she taught them how to make pirates out of tin foil.

"Exuuuuse me, but I was tryyyying to teach the class something!" Jenn slurred, before turning around and spotting Ryan. "Ohhh, it's youuuuu."

"Yes, it's meeeee." Ryan smirked. "How many drinks did you have tonight, Jenn?"

"I had noooone... Zip. Well, five glasses of punch." she had the silliest look plastered on her face, due to her drunken state.

Ryan smiled and put his hands on her hips, turning her around so she could look at the refreshment table. "Was it... that bowl?" he asked, his lips on her ear so she could hear him over the music, as he pointed to the punch bowl with alcohol in it.

"Mmmmhmmm... Pretty good stuff too! It's a pretty color, isn't it?" she giggled hysterically.

Ryan quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the house and onto the back porch.

"Where are we goiiiiing, Ryyyan?? We gonna go back to your house so that you can fluck me??"

He couldn't help but laugh. "I think you mean 'f*ck', not fluck... And no, we're not. As much as I would love to take you up on that offer, I don't think that you'd be happy about it in the morning. If you've forgotten, when you're in the right state of mind you hate me-" he stopped talking when he felt Jenn's lips against his neck.

Jenn was too busy sucking on Ryan's neck to even realize that his hands had slid up her skirt. When she felt his fingers slide under the elastic of her underwear, she pulled away, "Don't you think we should take this somewhere else?"

Ryan might have done some horrible and mean things in his life, but he still had a conscience. And he knew that this was wrong. Way wrong. Jenn was drunk and had no idea what she was even doing. But because he was on such a hormone high, he went along with it and let Jenn lead him to her apartment.

~*~ The Next Morning ~*~

Jenn rolled over on her side, before waking up with a pounding head ache. "Oh g*d," she groaned. "What the hell happened to me?"

The sound of another body moving in the sheets next to her, made her jump, which only made her cry out in pain.

The sound of someone yelping woke Ryan up, and he opened his eyes to see Jenn sitting there holding her head in discomfort. He suddenly realized they were both naked and then everything that had happened the night before came flooding back to him. He wondered if Jenn had seen him laying there, yet. He doubted she had though, seeing that she most likely would have yelled her head off at him, if she had.

Ryan didn't know what to do. He obviously couldn't just get up and walk out, but he didn't feel like he could just ask 'Are you okay?' and act like everything was peechy keen and like nothing had gone on between them.

Jenn felt someone's eyes on her and she slowly - very slowly - turned her head to see Ryan sitting there, looking deep in thought. The first thought that ran through her head was 'What the hell is he doing here?' followed quickly by 'WHY AM I F*CKIN' NAKED?!?! WHY IS HE NAKED?! OH MY G*D!!!'

Ryan finally noticed that she was staring at him, so he looked up at her, breaking her thoughts. They stared at each other for what must have been centuries, before they both spoke at the same time... Jenn saying "What happened, Ryan?!" and Ryan saying "Jenn, we need to talk."

"No sh*t! Did you get me drunk to get me in bed?!?! You son of a b*tch!" she hit his chest repeatedly with her fists.

Ryan grabbed her hands to stop her, "I DIDN'T GET YOU DRUNK, OKAY?!"

"Owwwww," Jenn whimpered as pain shot through her head, at the sound of his voice raising. She gripped her head in her hands and laid back down, not caring that she was naked. The sheet only covered up to her waist, but she didn't care at that moment. Her head hurt like hell and she had just found out she'd slept with Ryan Phillippe... her archenemy.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled," Ryan spoke quieter than before, placing his hand on her stomach in an attempt to get her to look at him.

"What... the hell... happened, Ryan?" she said slowly, in a low, furious voice.

Ryan sighed. "You... you drank the alcoholic punch and you got really drunk. And I saved you from any further humiliation as you tried teaching a group of laughing college students how to make little pirates out of tin foil. Well, then we went out on the back porch and you came onto me and..."

"And you couldn't f*ckin' stop me?? Yeah, that's just great, Ryan. Just GREAT! Owww, g*d I gotta stop doing that."

Ryan sighed and laid down, his hands covering his face. "I'm sorry," he mumbled behind his hands.

She looked at him, "Ryan... Ryan... You... You... This never happened, got it?! It will never happen again and I don't want you to ever talk to me again! I swear to God, if I get some STD from you I will kill you!! Oh g*d, I'm gonna hurl," she stood up quickly. "When I get back, you better not be here." with that, she ran into the bathroom and threw up until all she had left to do was dry heave.

When she stumbled back into her bedroom, Ryan was gone.