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True Motives: Chapter 3

The next monday seemed to come all too quickly for Jenn and she awoke that morning, dreading the day ahead of her. She didn't want to go to school and have to see Ryan - sure, the school was big, but it seemed that every day she saw him... unfortunately. She couldn't believe what had happened over the weekend, and she only hoped that Ryan granted her wish of not telling anyone about it.

Jenn pulled her dark blue Acura into the school parking lot and quickly got out, grabbing her books. She was just on time, but by the time she got to class she knew she'd be late for first period. Running quickly into the school, she headed for her classroom, walking past a group of giggling girls, known as the school's gossip chain. She heard part of their converastion and walked around the corner, stopping there, to listen to the rest of it.

"I can't believe Ryan finally nailed Jenn. I mean, I would have never thought Jenn would have given into him... any other girl but Jenn." one girl said.

"She must have been feeling slutty that day," another giggled, sending the whole group into a laughing fit.

Jenn's eyes were wide as she continued walking to class. She couldn't believe Ryan had gone to school and bragged to everyone. 'Wait... why can't I believe that? This is Ryan we're talkin' bout,' she thought, with a sigh as she reached her class. She suddenly felt uninterested in learning about whatever the heck they taught in first period - she had never really paid attention to that class - and decided she would go find Ryan to chew him out.

Jenn took off in the other direction, figuring she knew where he'd be. She got there in time to see Ryan taking a stack of money from his friend. She was too pissed off - and confused - to notice the fact that he looked gloomy and unexcited. She walked closer to try and hear what his friend was saying to him.

"I am so shocked that you got Jenn Stapp in bed. I would have never thought Jenn would've gone for it. She musta fell for the 'Ryan charm', eh? Though you musta laid it on extra thick this time. Jenn Stapp hated you... I would've never thought you woulda one the bet, but unfortunately, for my wallet, you did."

Jenn stood there, her mouth wide open and her eyes wide. She threw her books on the ground - each one going in a different direction - which caused the few people that were sitting outside to look at her, including Ryan and his friend.

Ryan's mouth opened slightly in shock and he stared at her, not knowing what to say. Had she heard everything that his friend Dave had said? He hoped not, but judging from the look on her face, he figured she had.

"You bet on if I would f*ck you or not?!" Jenn spat angrily, as tears filled her eyes. "I knew all that whole genuine act was a bunch of sh*t! But I didn't know you had BET on me! How could you?! And then to go around telling people that we had sex! You have got to be the lowest person I know!" with that, she turned and ran off, leaving all her books behind.

Ryan stared after her, in total shock.

"Man, she's got it bad," Dave started laughing.

Ryan turned to him angrily, "What the f*ck are you talking about?"

"Seems like Jenn, a whore who was just waiting to break out, has got herself a little crush."

Ryan lunged at him and knocked him down, pinning him with his knees. "SHE IS NOT A WHORE!! DON'T YOU EVER SAY THAT AGAIN!" he punched him in the face. "IF YOU WOULDN'T HAVE GONE AROUND TELLING EVERYONE ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED, JENN WOULDN'T BE UPSET RIGHT NOW!"

Dave pushed Ryan off of him and pinned him down. "No... If YOU wouldn't have agreed on the bet and wouldn't have f*cked her she wouldn't be upset right now."

Ryan's eyes filled with water.

"Oh... are you gonna cry now?" Dave asked, with mock sympathy. He lowered his face to Ryan's ear and growled, "By the way... was she a good f*ck?"

Ryan quickly pushed Dave off of him and ran off in the opposite direction Jenn had gone.