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True Motives: Chapter 4

Jenn skipped school for the next 3 days, not knowing how, nor wanting, to face Ryan. She was on her 4th day, when her doorbell rang early that morning. Groaning, Jenn dragged herself from the comfort of her warm bed and to the door. She pulled it open to find Ryan on the doorstep. Oh, Lord! Please, anyone but HIM! "Um... hi. How'd you get my address??"

"I have my ways," Ryan laughed, but stopped when he saw the totally unamused look on her face. He cleared his throat, "Um, can I come in?"

So you may be wondering why he was still pursuing her, when he'd already won the bet. To tell you the truth, at first Ryan didn't know why he was, either. He figured he was just sick like that.

Jenn sighed, feeling her inside's tighten. He'd taken advantage of her while she had been drunk and had bet on if he could or not... Why the heck would she let him into her home?? "Fine," she pulled the door open wider for him.

Ryan sighed with relief and stepped inside. This was going to be easier than he'd thought. He had been defensive of Jenn, to Dave, on Monday... because quite frankly, he'd actually felt bad for what he'd done. But during the time that Jenn was gone from school, people had been "talking". Talking about how Ryan had gotten mad at Dave for calling Jenn a whore. His reputation was being ruined, because he had been feeling a little "soft" for a day. Surely he couldn't let that happen, now could he?! So that's why he was now at her house. He refused to lose his reputation over one "bad" day. He was gonna do something - anything - to get everything back to the way it used to be. And Jenn was his little pawn.

~*~ 20 Minutes Later ~*~

"So you basically skipped school today so you could 'beg' for my forgiveness," Jenn stated, dryly.

"Not 'beg'. I never 'beg' for a girl. If she wants me, then great. If I have to beg for her, she loses her chance."

"Wow," Jenn rolled her eyes. "You're too kind. Unfortunately..." she stood up and walked into the kitchen. "I don't have time for your kindness. So if you'll excuse me..." she motioned to the doorway, once Ryan'd joined her in the kitchen.

"Jenn, please!!" Ryan's voice whined.

"Oh! Why Ryan, I believe you're... 'begging'," Jenn mocked, a fake shocked expression playing over her features.

Ryan rolled his eyes. "Oh, sweet Jenn..."

She turned and looked at him, her glass of Coke in her hand. "Ryan... I've asked you nicely to leave my home. If you don't leave nicely, I will have to throw you out, not so nice this time."

"What are you doin' today?"

Jenn groaned. "Ryan, it is none of your business. I am just hanging out until Days of Our Lives and Passions come on... what I do every afternoon, since I decided to take night classes instead of morning."

"Night classes?? You're gonna take night classes??" Ryan blurted out, rather shocked.

"Yes... My first ones are Monday night."

"Why are you doing that?"

"To get away... from... people... like... you!"

It then occured to Ryan that maybe his plan wouldn't be totally easy to pull off. She obviously still hated his guts. With a sigh and a pout, Ryan walked to her front door and left. Once he got inside his car, his pout was replaced with a broad grin. "Oh, this will work. I'll make it work."