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True Motives: Chapter 5

Jenn had been going to her night classes for a few weeks and was really enjoying it. The first evening that she'd gone, she'd run into Lynn Stratiss, a girl that she had gone to high school with. Lynn had moved in 11th grade and then moved back for college. Jenn and Lynn had never really been close friends in high school - they'd hung out with 2 entirely different crowds - but ever since the day of their 'reuniting' they'd been absolutely inseperable, having become the best of friends in an instant. Jenn had also begun working at a ritzy hair salon, and was liking it very much. She always had enjoyed cutting hair and doing things like that.

Jenn and Lynn now sat in Jenn's family room, watching a movie. While Lynn was absolutely engrossed in the flick, Jenn couldn't get her mind off of what had happened earlier that day.

"Lynn... Lynn! Hellooooo!" Jenn waved her hand in front of her friend's face, trying to get her attention from the TV screen.

Lynn looked at her briefly, before turning back to the movie, "What, Jenn??"

"Ryan called this morning."

"WHAT?!" that had surely gotten her attention. Jenn had told her all about the Ryan situation.

"Yeah... guess what he had to say."

"Uh oh... What? You don't sound too amused."

Jenn rolled her eyes. "Of course I'm not. He just decided to call me and tell me that he's gonna be going into the salon tomorrow to get his hair cut! Isn't that just so sweet of him?" she asked, sarcastically.

Lynn laughed, lightly. "That really blows, J... But, seriously - that's a huge salon. I highly doubt you'll have to cut his hair."

"Yeah... let's just hope not."

~*~ The Next Day: Noon ~*~

Jenn walked over to the front desk, to see who her next customer was. "Hey, Trish... Who do I got next?"

"Umm..." Trisha, her manager, looked at all the appointments on her computer. "Ryan Phillippe."


Trish gave her a weird look. "Shhh... Gosh, what's wrong with you??"

"No, you don't understand! Please, I can't take Ryan, okay?" Jenn paniced. This was just her luck! Of all the hair stylists in the whole freaking place, she was chosen to cut HIS hair. It was obviously Ryan's fault. He must have requested her.

"Look, Jenn... I know it's easy to be intimidated by the babe's looks, but c'mmon, aren't you being a little dramatic?"

Jenn sighed and leaned against the counter, feeling spent. "There's no way out of this, is there?"


"Sh*t." she cursed before grabbing a clipboard and walking into the waiting room. Her eyes stayed glued on the board, acting as if she was reading it to see who her next customer was. "Mr. Ryan Phillippe," she called, warily. She heard a chair screach against the floor and someone walk towards her. Taking a deep breath, she looked up to see Ryan smirking down at her. "Follow me, sir." Jenn felt like vomiting at that moment.

She lead him over to one of the sinks and had him sit down in the chair and lay back. "What do you need done?"

"Just a trim... But not too much." Ryan said, trying not to laugh at the fact that she looked absolutely pissed.

Jenn wrote it down on the clipboard, standard procedures. "Okay, sir." she grabbed the faucet and turned the water on, changing the temperature till it was warm enough. Wetting his hair, she ran her fingers through it, lightly massaging his scalp. Lord, how she wished she didn't have to do this!! After a few moments, she shut the water off and squarted shampoo into her palm. Rubbing her hands together, she began to work the shampoo into his hair. Jenn took the chance at glancing down at him, briefly, only to realize his eyes were on something she wished they weren't on. She looked down at her shirt to realize that the low neck was dipping down enough to expose some cleavage. She stood up straight and dried her hands off, before pulling her shirt up.

"It's okay, you don't have to do that," Ryan grinned suggestively.

Jenn's nostril's flared as she turned the faucet back on, this time not bothering to check the temperature, but knowing that it was rather hot.

"OW! SH-" he almost cursed, before realizing that other people were in the room... plus, he was 'nice enough' to not want her to be fired. Actually, normally he wouldn't have given a flying rat's ass if she was fired, but he figured if he made her lose her job he wouldn't score many points with her.

"Oh! I'm so sorry," an innocent expression was plastered on her face. "Was that too hot?"

Ryan glared up at her, and Jenn's innocent look was soon replaced with a smug smile. "That'll teach ya not to sexually harrass me again, now won't it?"

Jenn quickly finished washing his hair, towel dried it, and led him over to her station. He sat down in the chair and she lowered it a little bit, since he was too tall for her. She pulled out all of the stuff she'd need to cut his hair, and went to work.

As she snipped just above the nape of his neck, Ryan spoke up. "Hey, Jenn?"

"Hmm?" Jenn asked, not really paying attention to what he was saying. Anything he had to say didn't interest her.

"Can we talk about 'us'?"

"'Us'?! Ryan, there never has been an 'us' and there never will be an 'us'."

He sighed. "Yeah... I know there hasn't been an 'us'. I guess I just sort of hoped there would be." he looked down, dejectedly.

Jenn merely rolled her eyes. "Put your head up. I can't cut your hair with it down."

Ryan groaned. "Jenn! Why are you being like this?? I miss you! I miss your smile and your face always being around... I miss our talks, and-"

"Ryan, are you f*cking dillusional?!" Jenn hissed in a hushed tone, so none of her co-workers would hear her.

"No... it's just... well, I really thought we could've gone somewhere. I mean, you're so beautiful, and you're a great f*ck, even when you are drunk."

Jenn's eyes blazed hatefully into the back of his head, before she grabbed a chunk of his hair and cut it off in one fierce snip.

Ryan gasped, grabbing at his hair. "Oh my god! Jenn!!! I wanted a TRIM!"

"Just be glad you weren't sleeping... I would have 'trimmed' your dick too! Or what's left to cut, at least..." Jenn snarled, before throwing the scissors down on the counter and stalking off towards the front desk. Trisha went to open her mouth, but Jenn cut her off. "Don't fire me... I quit!!" with that, she grabbed her purse and walked out of the building, leaving behind a salon full of confused and shocked people.