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True Motives: Chapter 6

Jenn was hysterical by the time she got home. Not only was she pissed beyond belief, but she'd just made a fool out of herself in front of tons of people; and then knowing she was going to get fired, she'd quit. It had been one of the worst days of her life and it was all HIS fault!

Storming upstairs to her bedroom, she threw her purse on her bed and her car keys across the room. "I F*CKING HATE THAT F*CKING B*STARD!! I NEVER WANT TO SEE HIS F*CKED UP FACE AGAIN!!" she screamed to herself while repeatedly kicking the wall.

Jenn's angry rampage was cut off by the doorbell ringing. She straightened out her clothes and took a deep breath, trying to get herself composed again. Lynn and her had planned, the previous day, that Lynn would come over once Jenn was off of work. Jenn had obviously left work earlier than normal, but she'd taken the *very* long way home, in an attempt to calm down a little - though that had obviously not worked - and so Jenn figured that must have taken up the rest of her work time. Going downstairs to let Lynn in, Jenn stopped by the mirror, that was placed on the hallway wall, to see that her eyes were clouded with stress and she had bags under them. With a sigh, Jenn continued down the stairs and reached the doorway.

She threw the door open to find Ryan on the other side, his hair now cut shorter than normal, due to the fact that she'd chopped off a good chunk of it. "What the hell are you doing here?" she asked, warily. She didn't want to deal with this. She had never been this stressed out in her life, she was tired physically and emotionally and all she wanted to do was go jump into her bed and sleep the remaining part of the day away. Why was Ryan punishing her like this?

At the thought of spending the rest of her God forsaken life running from the hottest guy at school, she leaned against the door jam and let her tears of anger, mixed with anguish, fall from her normally beautiful eyes.

Ryan sighed and walked inside the house, pulling her away from the door and closing it. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders in a tight hug, and soon felt her arms wrap around his waist. AHHH, PROGRESS! Ryan knew that she was so upset she was either becoming dillusional or didn't care who was holding her, as long as it was someone. He couldn't help but grin to himself.

Ryan put his finger under her chin and lifted her face up so she would look at him. "Shh... Jenn, it's gonna be alright." he soothed, pathetically.

Jenn only sobbed harder. It wasn't going to be alright. It was only going to get worse... especially now that she'd let him hold her. Before she even realized what was happening, Ryan had bent down and placed his lips on hers, and she found herself kissing back. It wasn't that it was Ryan - at the moment, at least - but it was that it was someone. Someone was standing there, trying to comfort her and it felt good. Their simple kisses soon became heated. Jenn didn't know why, but she'd allowed him to lead her into her bedroom and as soon as her shirt dropped to the floor, she knew she'd crossed a line that she couldn't return to the other side of again. She wasn't drunk this time... and they both knew it.


Jenn awoke the next morning, feeling excited and happy. She had felt his love for her in how gentle he had been with her, the previous night, and she now believed that his motives was sincere. She moved and her arm rested on the pillow next to her, feeling a piece of paper laying there.


I had to go to work. Unfortunately, I'll be there all day. But I'd love it if you'd go back to having morning classes instead of night, so I can see you more. Please do what you can with that, and I'll hopefully see you Monday morning at school. Hope you slept well... I know I did.

Much love, Ryan.'

Jenn grinned cheekily as she hopped out of bed and sprinted to her phone, calling the school right away. It was Saturday, so she was hoping they'd have enough time to switch her back to her morning classes, by Monday.


It was Monday morning and Jenn stood in front of her full-length mirror, seeing that she liked how the outfit, that she was wearing, looked. The school had managed to switch her classes back to how they used to be, in record breaking time, and she was now getting ready to go to school. She couldn't wait to see Ryan. She hadn't seen him since Friday night, when they'd fallen asleep, because he'd worked all day on Saturday and Sunday he had been visiting with his mom. Walking out to her car, Jenn hopped inside and pulled out of her driveway, driving off towards her college.


Oops! I did it again I played with your heart Got lost in the game Oh, baby baby Oops! You think I'm in love That I'm sent from above I'm not that innocent

-Oops!... I Did It Again!, by Britney Spears (CD: Oops!... I Did It Again!)

Jenn stepped into the building and headed towards her first class. Once that class was over, she picked up her books and left the room. Outside of the door, across the hall, stood Ryan kissing some blonde girl. Jenn froze in mid-step, her books slipping out of her arms and falling to the ground. The rest of the students that had been in her first period class came out of the room, causing a distraction. She knew Ryan had heard her books drop, and she'd seen him turn around and look at her, but now that a group of people were mosying about, around her, she was able to pick up her stuff and hurriedly walk off.

~*~ A Few Weeks Later ~*~

Well, Ryan's reputation had gone back to normal. Getting Jenn in bed - without her being drunk! - and then making out with a girl he didn't even know, the next day, had surely gotten things back to the way he liked them. And he was very proud. He'd seen Jenn around campus, but she never made eye contact with him and always looked like she hadn't slept in years.

Jenn hadn't slept... she couldn't even remember the last time she'd slept without getting up a thousand times in the middle of the night and wandering aimlessly around her house. She hadn't been feeling good lately either. "Hey, Lynn? You're still coming with me today, right?" she asked into the phone.

Lynn nodded, before realizing Jenn couldn't really see her. "Yeah... I'll be over in 45, sound good?"

"Yeah... Thanks again."

"What are friends for?"

~*~ 3 Hours Later ~*~

"Well...?" Lynn asked, standing up from her chair in the waiting room, when Jenn came back out from seeing the doctor.

Jenn walked over to Lynn and they both walked towards the door of the doctor's office, to leave. Before they reached it, Jenn said in a still-shocked tone, "I'm pregnant."

Lynn gasped.

But what the two didn't know was that Lynn wasn't the only one in the office who'd heard Jenn's not-too-good announcement. There had also been, none other than Ryan's friend Dave...