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True Motives: Chapter 7

Ohhh, ah ah ah ah ah! I know I've gotta piece of my heart On the soul of your shoe! I've gotta little bit of thunder Trapped inside of a cloud! ...Even you spit me out into the Mississippi...

...Ohh, Mississippi, come and wash my pain away Ohh... Mississippi, come and take my pain away I feel I'm drowning, I feel I'm drowning I feel I'm, I feel I'm... dying

-Mississippi, by Paula Cole (CD: This Fire (this CD is insane, LoL))

Jenn walked into school the next Monday and suddenly had a major case of deja vu. There was 'the one gossip group' standing in the corner whispering ((see chapter 3, lol)) and as Jenn walked by... she heard everything. It was all about her. It was all about Ryan getting her pregnant. The only thought that ran through her head, as all the color drained from her face, was 'How the F*CK did they find out about that?!'

Turning around to walk away and find out the answer to that question, she ran right into Lynn - who's face looked much like her own.

"Jenn, I am so sorry to have to tell you this!" Lynn whispered remorsefully.

"What? That everyone in this god damn school knows that I'm pregnant?! Who the f*ck told?!?!?!" she was furious, and her once pale face was now red with anger. "No one knew about this, but you!! Oh god, don't tell me you told someone!! Please, just don't tell me that!!"

"NO! MY GOSH, JENN!" Lynn shouted out, before covering her mouth, not wanting people to hear her. Luckily, the school hallways were rather loud that morning. "Jenn... It was... Dave. He-he was in the doctor's office that morning! He heard you when you told me, while walking out of the office. We walked RIGHT by him! Jenn, I'm so sorry! I don't know what to do... 'cause everyone's talking about it, and... and...!!"

The bell rang as Jenn covered her face, trying to stop the tears that were threatening to fall. "Lynn... It's... It's okay. Just... Just go to class, okay?"

Lynn gave her a sympathetic look, kissed the top of her head, and ran off to class, knowing Jenn needed to be alone for a bit. After standing in the hallway for a few more minutes, crying her eyes out, she finally realized her surroundings. People were still in the hallway, talking, and the 'gossip group' was still whispering in the corner. It hadn't been hours like it'd felt, to her. In fact, it'd only been 2 minutes since the bell had rung. Taking a deep breath, Jenn turned to walk in a different direction - only to run smack dab, literally, into Linda... bitch of the year.

"Ohh!! Ann! Hi, how are you?!" Linda asked, a hotty smile plastered on her face.

Jenn gave her a glare, "It's Jenn." she replied with hostility.

"Whatever, Ann. I really don't give a f*ck what your name is. It could be Queen Victoria, and I wouldn't give a sh*t. You stay the hell away from my boyfriend, got it?! And if you spread one more lousy rumor about being pregnant with his child, I'll make sure you pay."

"Take ya a year to think up that threat, 'Linda'??"

"Don't you dear b*tch at me, you little whore! Ryan wouldn't f*ck you if his life depended on it!" Linda put her face an inch away from Jenn's, "Because you're not good enough," she said slowly, her tone low.

Jenn's face held the same coldness as Linda's, "You can think whatever you'd like, 'Miss Thang'. You could think I was the devil, and 'I wouldn't give a sh*t'," she mocked, using Linda's previous words. "But if you don't believe that he f*cked the hell out of me... why are you so threatened?" with that, Jenn turned to walk away and ran into none other than... Ryan himself.

Ryan's features held an edge to them, as he muttered in a low angered voice, "You have a lot of explaining to do, Jenn Stapp."

A pleased grin formed on Linda's face. Jenn took the moment to look around the halls... it was then that she realized they were, now, the only three in the hallway.

"Leave, Linda. Now." Ryan snipped at her.

Okay, 2 people now. Linda walked away with an angry look on her face.

Ryan turned back to Jenn, "What the F*CK is wrong with you?!"

Jenn's eyes widened at the man in front of her, "W-What?? What are you talking about??"

"You just HAD to go and get pregnant, didn't ya?! You didn't THINK to take one of those 'morning after' pills?! How dumb can you be?!"

Jenn opened her mouth to say something, but no words escaped. She was stunned.