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True Motives: Chapter 9

...I found out one life just ain't enough I need another soul to feed on I'm the flame, I can't get burnt I'm wholly understated

I found silence in this space An on and off again attraction I need such amazing grace Heaven sweep me away...

...I don't need you crowding up my space I just want to get inside you You can't believe the heart you save Giving something away...

...But oh, how I want you to know me Oh, how I want you to know me Oh, how I wish I was somebody else, baby Oh, how I wish you could own me...

-Busted, by Matchbox 20 (CD: Yourself or Someone Like You)

~ * ~ The Next Night ~ * ~

Ryan sighed as he sat on his couch, his hands covering his face. He was struggling with the fact that he was becoming mushy. And the fact that Jenn Stapp was getting under his skin. The fact that the thought of her having his child brought joy to him. The fact that he wanted to be there for her, and the baby.

His reputation would be ruined. But did he really care about that anymore?

~ * ~ Jenn ~ * ~

Jenn took a deep breath as she stood up and walked over to her key rack that hung by the door. When the phone rang, she rushed to the kitchen and picked it up, "Hello?... Hey, Lynn... I was just about to head out the door, I need chocolate badly... Sure, meet me at the store. See ya."

She hung up and headed for the front door, rushing out of it in a hurry.

~ * ~ Ryan ~ * ~

Ryan stood up and headed for the door, retrieving his keys from his pocket on the way. When the phone rang, he picked up the one that sat in the hallway, on a side-table. "Ryan speaking... Hey, Dave... Yeah, I was just about to go get some beer or something... Sure, meet me at the store. Later."

He hung up and headed for the front door, rushing out of it in a hurry.

~ * ~ The Store ~ * ~

Jenn sighed as she tried to find the kind of chocolate that she was in the mood for.

"Hey, chica," Lynn said as she walked over to her, twirling her car keys around her finger.

"Yo. I can't decide what kinda' chocolate I want."

Lynn grinned slyly, as she held out the little basket that she'd picked up from the entrance of the grocery store. She put at least 2 things of each type of chocolate products that were there into it. "That's why you just get 'em all."

Jenn smirked, "That's bad, Lynnie-Lou."

"I know!" Lynn laughed.

They were both giggling, as they walked over to the cash registers, and not watching where they were going when they bumped into 2 people. Looking up to see who their innocent victims were, they realized they weren't innocent at all.

"Well, well, well... Look who the cat drug in. The pregnant whore herself." Dave smirked at Jenn. "Tsk, tsk, dear Jennifer. Didn't your mommy ever tell you not to go and get yourself knocked up?"

"Leave her alone, Dave." Ryan muttered quietly, while elbowing him in the ribs.

Dave rolled his eyes, "Why? I'm only have some fun."

Lynn took a step closer to Dave. "Look, ass hole... Leave her alone. She never did anything to you, okay??"

"Oh, wow. Now I'm scared."

"I wasn't trying to scare you."


"Good one," she whispered, sarcastically, while rolling her eyes.

"Anyway! We were just buying some stuff... We didn't want to start a fight. Bye!" Jenn said, while pulling Lynn away from them and walking to the cash register.

"What was that for, girl?! You didn't wanna lay into them a little bit?!"

"No. Just drop it, okay?" Jenn sighed, while pulling some money out of her purse.


~ * ~ Ryan and Dave ~ * ~

"Gosh, do you have to be an ass hole 24/7??" Ryan sighed, while paying for the things he'd bought.

Dave laughed, "Yeah. What's the fun in life if you can't piss a few people off?"

"You're so pig-headed sometimes."

"Well, you USED to be just like us. Y'know, your FRIENDS. What, is Ms. Stapp getting to you?? Gosh, I thought you were better than her."

Ryan sighed, "No one's better than her."