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More Than That: Chapter 5: Chillin'

Nick and Leah had decided to stay at home on Thursday night, as opposed to going to a movie and dinner. They substituted by renting videos and getting tons of pizza and candy. They enjoyed their time together and Nick tried his hardest not to let his feelings for her show, succeeding. Leah was pleasantly surprised at how carefree Nick seemed; it felt just like old times.

"Nick, can you pass me the Hot Tamales?" Leah requested as they watched MTV once they'd finished every single one of the movies they'd rented.

Nick nodded and handed the King Sized box to her, just as Britney's new video came on.

"Gosh, she's become such a slut," Leah stated in disgust. "I remember when she was so 'innocent.' What the hell happened?"

Nick laughed, "Fame happened, Lee. Justin happened. Sex happened."

"Whatever," Leah rolled her eyes. "Personally, I don't see what the big deal is with sex."

Nick chose not to comment. He wanted to say so much. Maybe Freddy wasn't doing it right. He tried not to laugh at the thought, not wanting Leah to have any indication of what was going through his mind. Sure, Freddy was a nice guy. He seemed to be making Leah happy. But Nick knew how much more happy she could be with him. Plus, what would happen when Freddy was traded? He wouldn't be with the Devil Rays for the rest of his career. Freddy was a good pitcher and the team he was with wasn't so good.

The night carried on and they finally fell asleep on the couch at two in the morning, sleeping for a few hours before Nick woke up and carried Leah up to her bed, before retreating to his own.

They got up around 11 in the morning and Nick immediately packed for his trip just so he'd be ready. They ate some breakfast before lounging out by the pool for a bit. Finally at 12:30, Nick went inside to take a shower and by the time he was finished getting ready the guys had called to remind him that he needed to leave for the airport.

After heaving his bags into his SUV Nick turned and looked at Leah standing on the grass, waiting for him to come and say goodbye. "You sure you're gonna be fine here by yourself? You don't wanna come with me?"

"No," Leah smiled, "I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

"I do. This house is huge. Don't you get scared here by yourself?"

She laughed, "Nuh uh."

"Alright. Well, I'll call every now and then anyway, okay?" Nick reached over and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Okay," she smiled as she hugged him back, her face buried in his T-shirt. "Be safe, alright? Drive careful and I'll pray that your flight goes safely."

Nick nodded, "Thanks. See you later, girl."

Leah stood on the lawn and watched him drive off. With a sigh, she headed back into the house. The truth was, she used to get lonely when he would leave ... and yes, even scared ... but now she had Freddy.