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I'll Never Find Someone Like You: The Story

Ohhh, I'll never find I'll never find someone like you

You take my breath away And when I'm with someone new, I'd rather be here with you Baby, forever Oohh My heart belongs to you I think about you all the time I know my love is true, when we're together

I played around and I made you cry When I looked up, you were saying goodbye I'm begging you please, I need you so bad! Don't leave me now, you're the best thing I've had! Ohh

I'll never, I'll never find someone like you (No, I'll never) I promise it's true, no I'll never (Oh I...) I'll never find someone like you (Oh, baby) 'Cause I love the way that you are And I won't, no I won't let you go No one could ever do, love you like I love you

All I have is just my heart, and my feelings I give to you That's all that I can do, baby, forever

Ohh! You don't know that you're hurting me 'Cause it's not just a sexual thang I wanna share my dreams, baby together Ohh

I'm afraid just to give you the burn My heart's tellin' me to hold onto my love But when you get close, I want you to know, I start to get weak and I can't let you go!

I'll never, I'll never find someone like you (No, I'll never) I promise it's true No I'll never, I'll never find someone like you (Promise I'll never, Promise I'll never, baby) (Oh, baby!) Cuz I love the way that you are (The way that you hold me... baby) And I won't, no I won't let you go No one could ever do, love you like I love you

Just your smile (That's all I need) Tenderness I won't let you down I will never find no one that compares to you

I'll never... (Oh (Oh)) I'll never find someone like you (I'll never find it, baby) I promise it's true, no I'll never (There's nobody like you, baby) I'll never find someone like you (No, no, no, nobody) Cuz I love the way that you are (The way that you hold me) And I won't, no I won't let you go Cuz no one could ever do, And I promise to honor you!

I'll never... (Oh (Oh)) I'll never find someone like you (No way) I promise it's true, no I'll never (You're the only one) I'll never find someone like you (Nobody!) Cuz I love the way that you are (The way that you...) And I won't, no I won't let you go Cuz no one could ever do

I'll never find someone like... you

-I'll Never Find Someone Like You, by the Backstreet Boys (CD: Anywhere For You single) Note: a whole bunch of "girl"'s were taken from the lyrics, due to the purpose of the story

(You guys all know that her name is pronounced, Me-uh... and not My-a, right? :)...)

Mia stepped inside the house that was owned by two people that were obviously well-off. Maybe Barbie and Bobby were the strippers, and not Billie. Maybe they all were! Mia didn't care! She felt flustered as she gave a polite nod to Barbie, who was gesturing them inside, before shaking her hand and giving a feigned, "It's nice to meet you."

She couldn't help but only fake it - she wanted out of there. She suddenly felt smothered, not only by Jeb, but by Barbie, by Bobby, by their rich house, by the guests that were inside of it, by the fact that Jeb was on her arm, and not Nick!

As she sat in the spacious living room, sipping egg nog, and pretending to be listening to a woman named Lana, who was drunk on whatever the hell she'd been drinking the whole time she'd been talking to her, Mia suddenly felt as if the four walls that bordered the huge room were slowly getting closer to her, and soon they'd suffocate her to death. She'd never felt as if the air were being sucked out of her lungs, as much as she did that moment.

"You'll have to excuse me, I'm so sorry," Mia suddenly gasped, though she doubted the drunkened woman even noticed, as she quickly bolted from the couch and ran towards the front door, pushing her way through the people as she went. She gulped the fresh winter air, gratefully, as she stepped onto the front porch. It was then that she noticed she was still holding her egg nog cup, but that in the midst of her pushing towards the freedom of the outside world, she'd spilled most of it all over the front of her dress. As she cursed her stupidity, while trying to wipe the majority of it off with a nearby leaf, she noticed a giggling couple walking arm-in-arm up the cobble stone pathway, towards Barbie and Bobby's front door. It was then that she noticed the familiar blonde locks, the familiar twinkling blue eyes, the familiar laugh, the familiar perfect smile... the familiar everything!

G*dd*mn Nick for moving to the same city as her! Now they were befriending the same strippers??

As Nick and Billie neared the front porch, Mia wished she could have blended into the wood below her feet. Why were Camellions made with the ability to blend into their environment, but not humans? It was unfair.

The giggling beauty's plentiful cleavage was housed neatly in a red, velvet shirt with white feathers at the neck (or more at the top of her chest), and the wrists. The more she walked, or the more the wind blew on her, feathers whisped around her and Nick like a small tornado. The feather ball's legs were covered with red leather, tight-ass flares, while her feet were in black leather boots that were high enough so that she was at eye level with Nick, though Mia doubted she was much shorter than him, to begin with. Her legs were longer than the Florida coast. Mia couldn't help but quietly scoff... Billie looked like Mrs. Clause gone bird.

At the sound of somebody else on the porch, Nick looked toward the shadowy corner of the deck. Mia cursed herself again as she realized Nick was looking at her.

"Mia??" Nick's eyes widened. "What are you doing here??"

Mia cringed, before stepping more into the light. She suddenly realized that compared to Billie she looked grungy. She now had a white stain on her black dress, her cleavage wasn't nearly as impressive as Billie's, and she wasn't quite as tall. All the while that she'd been scoffing at Billie for looking like Mrs. Clause gone bird, she'd looked like Mia Lavoie gone trailer park.

"Hi, Nick," Mia said quietly, suddenly becoming shy. Or maybe it was just the fact that she was feeling a little self-concious about her physical appearance, at the moment. This was not how she would have liked to look for her and Nick's "fantastic" reunion. This was not how she'd dreamed it up at all.

A smile slowly formed on Nick's face, as he suddenly pulled Mia into a friendly hug, "It's good to see ya, Mia," he beamed as he pulled away. "Oh! Sorry for being so rude... Mia, this is Billie... my fiance'. Billie, this is Mia... my... friend," he purposefully refrained from the term "ex-girlfriend." That seemed so cruel.

A polite smile formed on Billie's face as she shook Mia's trembling hand, "Mia, it's nice to meet you. That's a cute dress..."

Mia's face beamed red, "I... I um, spilled..."

Nick smirked at her cuteness, while Billie smiled politely.

"No, I honestly like it, Mia..." Billie giggled quietly. "It's really elegant."

Elegant... Hm, not a word to describe Billie's ensemble. But d*mn, did Billie have to be so fricking sweet?? There had to be something wrong with the girl... maybe she had some serious bowel problems, and had to go to her doctor weekly for annual enimas. Or maybe Mia was just grasping for a reason to hate the girl, now.

"Well, I should get back inside... Um, Jeb's probably wondering where I ran off to," Mia stuttered, quietly, before noticing Nick's eyes darken at the sound of Jeb's name. She immediately felt bad. She immediately felt guilty. Why did she say that? But Nick would have seen, and heard, Jeb sometime during the night.

"Yeah," Nick spoke solidly. "We should uh, get inside, Bil..."

"It was nice to meet you, Mia," Billie smiled graciously, before disappearing inside the house, while Nick stayed behind a bit.

"It was good to see you," Nick looked at her, intently. "Maybe you could save a dance for me, later on tonight..." with that he retreated into the house, following Billie's feather trail.