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Nick and Kelly:

Piece 2: It's Raining Men

Tonight for the first time, just about half past ten For the first time in history it's gonna start raining men

It's rainin' men, hallelujah It's rainin' men Every specimen Tall, blonde, dark, and lean, best that you have ever seen It's rainin' men

Hear the thunder, boy Don't you lose your head Rip off the roof and stay in bed It's rainin' men

God bless Mother Nature She's a single woman too She took on the angels and rearranged the sky so that each and every woman could find the perfect guy

It's rainin' men

-It's Raining Men; Kelly Clarkson

(American Idol)

Nick stood at the side of the stage with crossed arms and a scowl on his face. Kelly was singing the last song in her set of ten. It was the first show of the tour and the crowd had been putty in Kelly's hands, much to Nick's dismay. The opening act was never supposed to be competition for the main artist.

Nick sighed when he realized he'd made a bad move if he'd wanted someone less than him. He'd picked an artist who was already very popular, who's single had been number one for quite a while.

Good goin', Nick, he thought to himself as he watched Kelly waving and smiling at all the guys in the audience like the expert that she was.

Of course, having Kelly on the tour was bringing in a larger variety of fans and that was always a good thing. But did she have to be so flirty? She was singing "It's Raining Men" and was sure having fun with all the they were with her. He'd never seen her like this before and it made him mad. She was supposed to be a girl from a small, hick town in Texas who dressed conservatively and didn't throw herself at every guy...not the next Britney Spears. And then he laughed to himself when he realized just how different from Britney Spears Kelly really was. That was a good thing...right?

Kelly grinned at the audience as she finished the song and the crowd cheered with great exuberance. There was no feeling in the world like the one a performer felt when the audience loved what they'd done. She gave a final wave, said thank you and good-bye, and ran off stage...right into Nick. Crap.

"H-Hey," Kelly stuttered, surprised by the look of annoyance that she saw on his face...Why was she surprised? She had no idea. He hadn't dropped that look since she'd gotten there. What the hell was wrong with this boy, anyway? "Sorry...for running into you."

Nick shrugged and turned to ignore her and talk to a member of stage crew as they got him ready to go onstage. Kelly couldn't help but roll her eyes. There was a seriously huge stick up the guy's butt and she still hadn't figured out how the thing had gotten there. She'd always heard he was so nice and he everybody but her.

Kelly watched Nick's show that night from the side of the stage. It was the first time she'd seen him in concert and she had to admit that he was good...really good. He had fun with the audience and that was one of the most important things. The man that she had been seeing for the past few days was an entirely different man from the one she was seeing now. So Nick wasn't just a good singer...he was a good actor.

But it really didn't matter much. Kelly would just let Nick deal with his own problems and worry about herself. There had been lots of guys in the audience that night and she knew it was because of her and that had to make a girl smile. So she did. Big. She didn't need Nick Carter...and with an attitude like that, who did?