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You Oughta Know: The Story

I want you to know that I'm happy for you I wish nothing but the best for you both An older version of me Is she perverted like me Would she go down on you in a theatre Does she speak eloquently And would she have your baby I'm sure she'd make a really excellent mother

'Cause the love that you gave, that we made Wasn't able to make it enough for you to be open wide, no And every time you speak her name Does she know how you told me you'd hold me Until you died, 'til you died But you're still alive

And I'm here to remind you Of the mess you left when you went away It's not fair to deny me Of the cross I bear that you gave to me You, you, you oughta know

You seem very well, things look peaceful I'm not quite as well, I thought you should know Did you forget about me, Mr. Duplicity I hate to bug you in the middle of dinner It was a slap in the face how quickly I was replaced And are you thinking of me when you f*ck her

'Cause the love that you gave, that we made Wasn't able to make it enough for you to be open wide, no And every time you speak her name Does she know how you told me you'd hold me Until you died, 'til you died But you're still alive

And I'm here to remind you Of the mess you left when you went away It's not fair to deny me Of the cross I bear that you gave to me You, you, you oughta know

'Cause the joke that you laid in the bed, that was me And I'm not gonna fade as soon as you close your eyes And you know it And every time I scratch my nails down someone else's back I hope you feel it... well, can you feel it

And I'm here to remind you Of the mess you left when you went away It's not fair to deny me Of the cross I bear that you gave to me You, you, you oughta know

-You Oughta Know, by Alanis Morissette (CD: Jagged Little Pill)

Ashley hated Nick.

With everything in her, she wanted him to pay.

And she promised herself, that if she ever saw him again, he wouldn't get away with what he'd done to her.

~ * ~

Nick walked into the elegant party, a smiling Maddy on his arm. Their relationship was weird now. They were dating, yet they were almost just like really close friends.

Maddy was in love with Nick... but she could tell that someone else had his heart... and she understood that. It hurt, but she just wanted Nick happy. So she stayed there, with him, until he told her what he wanted to do... for now, she was with him as his friend... and that was good enough for her.

Nick was generally happy... he had a best friend/girlfriend that was there for him 24/7. He loved her dearly... but he wasn't IN love with her. And everybody knows that there's a big difference. Ashley was still deeply imbedded in his heart... and unless his heart was to break apart, she wasn't coming out any time soon.

~ * ~

Ashley walked into the party, her current boyfriend's arm casually draped around her waist. She detested him. Plain and simple... she couldn't stand the guy. He annoyed her beyond belief... but what can a girl do.

Ashley was a changed person... she had enough bitterness inside of her to choke a horse. Her one wish, as was said earlier, was to make Nick pay for the pain that he inflicted on her.

Ashley hated Nick.

With everything in her, she wanted him to pay.

And she promised herself, that if she ever saw him again, he wouldn't get away with what he'd done to her.

And although she hadn't been expecting Nick to be at the party, when she saw him, she didn't flinch whatsoever... nor did she have to think of what to do next. She swiftly left her boyfriend's side and walked graciously over to Nick, where he was sitting, talking and smiling with some pretty brunette.

Must be his slut, Ashley thought to herself.

She stormed up to Nick's table and grabbed him by his tuxedo collar, before he could even react to the fact that Ashley was standing in front of him. She planned on making a big show, right in front of everyone.

"You, Mr. Carter, are a prick!" that's how she started out. And that's JUST how she started. "I gave you love, I was in love with you, g*d d*mnit! I was waiting for you at your house... waiting for you to get home after a couple months of not seeing you... and what do I find?! A note from THIS whore," she gestured towards Maddy, whose eyes were wide. "You promised me forever, Nick! You promised me we'd be together until the day you f*cking die! Well, funny... 'cause if I'm seeing right, you're still very much alive! So you know what? F*ck you! Unfortunately, I thought that that was my job, and my job alone, while we were together... but I guess I thought wrong."

Nick watched, with eyes as big as cannon balls, as Ashley stormed away, leaving the concert hall. Pretty soon all he could see was her silhouette glide off into the dark, as she ran down the balcony staircase, to leave. The room was still at a silenced hush.

His heart had cracked open... But Ashley still hadn't fallen out.