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Possession: The Story

AN: 'JT' is a girl, not Justin Timberlake, lol. Just so you know! This is a Nick Carter story.

Listen as the wind blows From across the great divide Voices trapped in yearning Memories trapped in time

The night is my companion And solitude my guide Would I spend forever here And not be satisfied

And I would be the one To hold you down Kiss you so hard I'll take your breath away And after, I'd wipe away the tears Just close your eyes, dear

Through this world I stumble So many times betrayed Trying to find an honest word To find the truth enslaved

Oh, you speak to me in riddles And you speak to me in rhymes My body aches to breathe your breath Your words keep me alive

And I would be the one To hold you down Kiss you so hard I'll take your breath away And after, I'd wipe away the tears Just close your eyes

Into this night I wander It's morning that I dread Another day of knowing of The path I fear to tread

Oh, into the sea of waking dreams I follow without pride 'Cause nothing stands between us here And I won't be denied...

And I would be the one To hold you down Kiss you so hard I'll take your breath away And after, I'd wipe away the tears Just close your eyes, dear

I'll hold you down Kiss you so hard I'll take your breath away And after, I'd wipe away the tears Just close your eyes...

-Possession, by Sarah McLachlan (CD: this version taken from Mirrorball)

Nick sighed. He'd gotten another one. Another letter to add to his stack of approximately... ohhhh, twenty million! These letters weren't just any normal 'fan letter'... they weren't the kind that said something along the lines of 'Nicky, you are sooooo cuuuuute! I love youuuuu!!!!' and left you sitting there thinking, 'Oh, well that's sweet... Onto the next one!' Instead, these letters left you fearful at the vulgar and obsessive content that a human being, who was out there somewhere, had written.

Each letter, which was always signed - a mysterious - 'JT', seemed to get more and more detailed in it's crudeness. Sure, Nick was 20, but these letters scared the crap out of him. He kept each one in a metal box, which was always hidden and unknown to everyone but himself, and never told a soul about them. He figured if he just ignored them, and tried not to think about them, the reality of what was actually going on would go away and he could live peacefully in denial, believing things weren't as bad as he was feeling they were.

Something that Nick found odd was the fact that there was always a return address... it was only a post office box, but for some reason this girl wasn't afraid of him writing her back. He guessed that was obviously what she wanted, and the thought of actually indulging on that had never really caught his interest... until the day when he went upstairs and checked his e-mail - finding one from 'JT'.

The subject of the e-mail wasn't anything interesting, just a simple 'hello', so Nick opened it. His eyes scanned to the bottom of the screen, only to see two initials that he'd grown to fear.

Nick's heart seemed to beat faster as he looked up to the top of the e-mail and began to slowly read. It was another copy of the first letter she'd sent to him, which Nick found weird. The first letter he'd received from 'JT' lacked intensity, compared to the things that he now got in the mail from her.

The only difference from the e-mail, and the first letter he'd gotten from her, was the 'P.S.' at the bottom. 'I'd really appreciate it if you'd write me back. It would be a great relief.'

"What the hell does that mean?" Nick muttered to himself, before dragging his mouse over to the "Reply" button in the e-mail form. His finger hesitated over the mouse button, before pushing it. Nick's fingers shook as he typed. "I'm here. What do you want from me?"

After sending the e-mail, Nick tried to forget about it and read the other e-mail that was in his mailbox. He read it and wrote back, before hearing the "You've Got Mail" sound filter through his speakers. He cautiously re-opened the box and saw the already familiar return address "".

"Oh my g*d," Nick whispered. "She's on."

Nick opened the e-mail, reading as slowly as he had before...

"I'm impressed, Nickolas. You do know how to write a person back. What do I want from you? I think you should know that, by now. After all 26 of my letters you're asking me what I want from you? Oh, my dear Nickolas... I want your love. I want your heart, mind, soul... and body, of course. But that may have to come in the far future, seeing as you've been ignoring me. Why, Nicky? Haven't I been good to you?"

"Who are you? I want to know what 'JT' stands for... And how the hell did you get my e-mail address?! I want answers 'JT', and I want them now. And what the hell do you mean by 'been good' to me??"

"I will not answer your questions, or your orders, Nick. My name is JT and that is all you need to know. I must be going now... Ta-ta!"

Nick didn't write back, knowing she wasn't on-line anymore. "I wonder what 'JTeagle' means," he murmured to himself. "Maybe she owns an eagle. No, she works at Eagle: Hardware and Garden... No." he thought a little harder, before standing up and walking into his closet, pulling the metal box off of the top shelf. He pulled out one of the letters and looked at the return address. "Richmond, Virginia," he mumbled. ((AN: thanks, Jocelyn! hehe))

An idea suddenly struck him, and though he figured it was a stupid one, he went along with it anyway. Walking quickly over to his phone, which sat on the nightstand beside his bed, Nick dialed 'information'. When an operator spoke up, he talked in a hurry, "Hi... I was just wondering if there's an Eagle Street, or Eagle Avenue, or Eagle anything in Richmond, Virginia...?"

"Just a moment, please," the woman clicked around on her computer for a little while, and Nick could tell she had long nails by the sound... Why was he noticing stupid things like that? He didn't know. "Sir? There is an Eagle Avenue." ((AN: I don't know if there's an Eagle Avenue in Richmond... I doubt there is... but I don't care))

"Oh," Nick fidgeted. "Thank you very much!" with that, he hung up and walked to his computer. He went to a webpage where you can get directions and printed up directions from the Richmond airport to Eagle Ave. Nick sighed and signed off-line. A small smirk suddenly appeared on his face, "Richmond, Virginia... Here I come."


Nick sat on the airplane, his seat back and his head leaning against the side of the plane. His eyes were looking out the window, but he was sort of in a daze, wondering why he was doing this. Here he was, flying to another state to search for the girl that was harassing him...?? That just didn't sound right. But he wanted answers and he wanted to know who the hell she was. It had occured to him that he only knew her initials and a street name that he didn't even know if she lived on or not, but he was planning on going to every post office and asking if anyone with the initials 'JT' owned box 715. It was a long shot, but he figured it was worth a try.

The plane landed and Nick stood up, grabbing his backpack and heading off of the aircraft as quickly as he could. He walked through the airport and to baggage claim, waiting for his bag to come around. Once he'd gotten ahold of his luggage, he went directly to Enterprise ((AN: thanks again, Jocelyn. lol)) and got the car that he'd reserved.

After putting his luggage and backpack in the trunk, Nick hopped into the drivers seat and drove out of the parking garage. He drove straight to his hotel and got situated there. Promising himself he'd only take a small nap, he laid down in the bed and fell asleep for the rest of the night.

~*~ The Next Morning ~*~

Nick's eyes fluttered open, the sun immediately blinding them. "Oww," he groaned, rolling out of bed and walking into the bathroom, slower than a turtle. After taking a shower and getting ready, he walked out of his hotel room, dressed in baggy jeans and a t-shirt, and went down to the lobby. He stepped up to the concierge desk and cleared his throat quietly. "Hi... Um... Can I have the addresses to all the post office's in Richmond?"

Once he got all the information, Nick walked to his car and drove to the first one on the list. No such luck there. Scratching it off of the list, he made his way to the second one.

Walking inside, he went up to the counter. "Hi, I have a question for ya..."

The young woman behind the counter looked up, "Yes, Mr. Carter?"

Ooohhh, this was gonna be easier than he'd thought. "Do you have someone with the initials 'JT' who owns box 715?"

"Umm..." she clicked through her computer. "JTL..."

"Can I have the full name, please?"

"I'm sorry, sir. I can't give that information."

Nick pulled out his wallet and threw some money onto the counter, in front of her. "Can I have the full name, please?" he repeated.

The girl stared at the money, before looking back up at Nick. "Jordan Tequilla Lee..."

His eyes narrowed as he thought. Finally, he spoke again. "Is that a... female?"

"Sir, I..." she stopped talking when he threw more money in front of her. "Yes."

Nick smiled, "Thank you, miss." with that, he walked around the corner and headed towards the door to leave, when he heard the door, on the other side of the post office, chime.

The girl at the counter's voice quickly followed. "Jordan, there was a guy looking for you... Wanting to know if you own box 715."

Another girl, whom Nick guessed to be 'Jordan', spoke up. "Oh... well, did you give him any information?"

"No, of course not."

"Good... if he comes back, make sure not to tell him anything." with that, she walked to her post office box and put her key in the lock.

Nick peered around the corner to see that the box read '715'. "Oh gosh," he whispered. "It really is her."

Jordan Tequilla Lee was beautiful, with above-the-shoulder length, brown hair, and big brown eyes that could hypnotize you if they wanted to. She stood at the height of 5'7" and was thin, yet nicely curvacious. She was wearing jeans that hung right below her belly button, which was pierced, and a tank top that sat right above it.

After pulling her mail out of the box, Jordan closed it and locked it again. She spun her set of keys around her index finger as she walked out of the post office and towards her car, moving her sunglasses from the top of her head back down to her eyes.

Nick quickly ran to his car and hopped in, being careful not to let her see him. He started his engine and followed her out of the post office, staying at a careful distance.

Part 2...

Nick looked at the street name's as they passed each one. He'd been following Jordan for approximately 15 minutes, when she pulled onto a side street. Nick slowed down and waited for a second before following her, hoping she wouldn't notice. He looked at the name of the street to see that it was, indeed, Eagle Avenue. His grin couldn't have gotten any bigger.

When Jordan pulled into a driveway and parked, shutting her engine off, Nick parked against the sidewalk, by her house, but behind a tree. He watched her get out of her car and walk to her doorstep, opening it and going inside. 30 minutes later, she came back out, her hair now in a pony tail, with a few whisps of hair gently framing her face, and her clothes different. She was wearing black pants, a semi-dressy black shirt, and black shoes.

Jordan got back into her car and started it, pulling out of the driveway. She drove down the street and Nick followed at a safe distance, wondering if she ever even noticed he was behind her in the first place. She obviously wasn't a very observant driver. Either that, or she knew he was there and was just letting him follow her. After all, she obviously knew what he looked like, if she was a "fan", and she most likely would have recognized him if she'd noticed him. Nick didn't really care if she noticed him or not. Not anymore. He was planning on confronting her once they got to wherever they were going. He was hoping it was a public place.

20 minutes later, they drove into the mall's parking lot. Jordan parked and got out quickly, taking her purse with her.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Nick sighed with relief when he realized there was a parking space farely close to hers. He parked quickly, got out, and cautiously walked at a very safe distance from Jordan.

They walked inside the mall and ended up in the lotion section in Victoria's Secret, Nick stopping outside the store and sitting on a bench where he could see her, not yet wanting to approach her.

Jordan walked behind the counter and put her purse down. She went to the back room and called for her friend and co-worker. "I'm here, Dana. If you wanna take your break now, you can."

"Okay, thanks, Jord! I'm not goin' anywhere... I'm just gonna stay back here. So if you need help out there, lemme know." Dana smiled, before eating another forkful of salad.

"Alrighty, thanks." Jordan walked back out into the store and sat down on a stool, looking over some book that Dana had left out there. She heard someone walk inside, so she looked up to see a woman, in her mid-thirties, come in with a little girl behind her.

"Don't touch anything," the woman reminded her daughter.

Jordan smiled politely, while walking over to them. "Hi, can I help you with anything?"

The lady smiled back, before thinking. "Actually, yes... do you have any Tender Musk lotion?"

"No, I'm sorry... We stopped selling that about a year and a half ago. But... we do have Vanilla Lace, which has a really nice scent." she walked over to the Vanilla Lace section, the woman and her daughter following. She took the Tester bottle off of the shelf and handed it to the woman.

The woman tried some and thought for a minute. "Yeah, I like that. I'll buy a bottle, but I just wanna look around for a little bit longer."

"Okay, no problem," Jordan smiled. "I'll be right over here, if you need me," she pointed to the counter and walked over there, sitting back down on the stool. She began to pick at her fingernails, feeling bored, when Dana came out from the back room and started talking to her.

~*~ Nick ~*~

Nick watched as someone came out from the back and began talking with Jordan. They suddenly started laughing hysterically and Nick couldn't help but notice how cute Jordan looked when she giggled. 'Oh shut up, Carter,' he thought to himself as the two girls stopped laughing and Jordan's co-worker started digging through a stack of papers, while Jordan went back to looking at her nails.

Finding this the perfect time to confront her, Nick quickly stood up - not wanting to lose his confidence - and walked inside the store. They must not have heard him come in, because Jordan didn't look up... nor did Dana. He walked to the counter, suddenly feeling shaky, and cleared his throat when he got there, hoping to get Jordan's attention.

Jordan and Dana, both, looked up and while shock registered on Dana's face, a smirk appeared on Jordan's.

"Hello, Mr. Carter. May I help you?" she asked, politely.

Nick was about to tell her to cut the professional act, when he remembered there were other people in the room, including a little girl, so instead he decided to play it out until they left. "Yes..." he sneered. "I'm um... looking for some lotion for my... girlfriend," his eyes, noticeably, averted.

"Oh, and what kind of lotion did you have in mind?" she replied, the smirk never leaving her face.

Nick sighed. "I don't know..." He lowered his voice and leaned against the counter, so he was closer to her and no one but her and Dana could hear him, "Can I please speak with you outside?"

Dana cast a side-long glance in Jordan's way.

Jordan cleared her throat, "Mr. Carter, I am not on a break."

"Well, make yourself be on a break." he said, firmly, his jaw clenched.

Dana suddenly spoke up. "I'll look after the store... it's fine."

Jordan sighed. "Well, fine." she walked around the counter and out of the store, Nick following. She led them to the food court and sat down at a table by the Chinese restaurant. Once they were both sitting, Jordan spoke up, "You did pretty good at finding me. But you need to learn how to follow people, without them knowing."

Nick rolled his eyes, "I knew you knew that I was there."


"Look, don't be so confident in yourself. Why weren't you scared of me calling the cops on you?"

Jordan smirked - something that was becoming very annoying to Nick - and crossed her legs, looking even more self-assured than before. "Because I knew you wouldn't, Nick. And you didn't. In fact, you didn't even tell anyone about me, did you?"

Nick sat in silence for a while, before looking down and muttering, "No."

Jordan stood up and looked down at him, knowing he was totally under her control. "And you never will," with that, she walked away from the food court and began the walk back to Victoria's Secret, knowing Nick was following her.

"You know what??" Nick suddenly grabbed her arm and spun her around so she was facing him. "You're not as tough as you come across to be! You're not some insane, psycho stalker... You're just a normal, teenage girl who thinks she's all that... I saw you laughing with your friend, in the store... You're not some horrible, mean person. You just want me to think you are."

"You're right, Nick, I'm not psycho..." she paused, a weird smile growing on her face. "But there's something about me that scares the crap out of you. There's something about me that threatens you. Threatens your manhood. 'Cause you don't have control of the situation... and you know it." she turned and walked away, and back into the store.

Nick watched her retreat, before turning around and stalking out of the mall.

~*~ The Next Night ~*~

Jordan opened her door and rolled her eyes. "What do you want?"

Nick glared at her and pushed his way inside the house. "I'm going back to Florida, and I want to make sure that you're gonna stop all of this sh*t and leave me alone from now on."

Jordan didn't speak for a minute, before looking up at him, her eyes glimmering with seduction. She slowly walked over to him and didn't stop walking until she was flat up against him. She raised her head up, since he was taller than her, and placed her hands on his chest, lightly scratching her fingernails over the thin fabric of his t-shirt. "Are you sure that's why you're here?" she breathed, her voice dripping in allurement.

Nick didn't know what to say or do. She smelled so good... she looked so good.

Jordan suddenly pushed him into the living room and onto the couch. She straddled his lap and could feel his arousal pressing up against her shorts. Bending down, she untied his tennis shoes and threw them across the room, before sliding his socks off. Jordan kissed him forcefully, running her tongue along his bottom lip, before prying them open and twisting her tongue with his. Pulling away once she knew she'd gotten him hooked, she growled, "What, you're not gonna stop me? You're just gonna let me win? You know what I wanted, Nick... I wanted your mind, heart, body, and soul... Well, I've got your mind, because you're always thinking about me, aren't you Nicky?"

Nick whimpered quietly, wanting her to kiss him again. He wanted to taste her, inside and out. "Y-Yes," he whispered, his voice quivering.

"I possess your soul, Nickolas, and you know it. That's what scares you, isn't it? I came to you in a way that no one ever has and it scared you. It intimidated you. But I won, Nick. Don't you see? I had you hooked before you even realized it. I'll have your heart in no time... And you're just gonna give up your body like that? You're just gonna let me win without a fight?" Jordan knew without a doubt in her mind that he wasn't backing out now.

Nick's eyes were closed, his fists her clenched, and before he realized it, he'd whispered, "Yes."

Once Nick'd said the magic word, Jordan pulled her tank top off and pressed her body against his. She placed slow kisses on his mouth, intensifying them, a few moments later, as her fingers tangled in his hair. Nick flipped her over onto the couch, surprising her, and crawled on top of her. He unhooked her bra and flung it onto the ground. As soon as that was out of the way, his fingers moved deftly to the bottons of her short, jean shorts. He unbottoned each botton with unbelieveable slowness, causing Jordan to writhe underneath him. He looked up at her and smirked, as he finished with the last one.

Not wanting to wait on him, knowing that he'd only tease her, Jordan quickly slipped her shorts off of her body and, deciding to be nice, allowed Nick to take off her underwear. "This just doesn't seem fair," Jordan murmured at the fact that he was fully clothed. She quickly pulled his t-shirt over his head and placed small kisses across his collarbone and chest, his skin feeling warm underneath her lips. Her fingers danced their way down to his jeans and unbottoned them, sliding the zipper down with expertise. Her tan legs moved up until her feet were even with the top of his pants. She hooked her toes into the waistband and slid them down his body.

Once they'd reached his ankles, Nick took the liberty of shaking them off of his feet and onto the ground, joining the pool of clothing that was slowly forming. He felt her feet move up again and slide his boxers off until they, too, were on the floor.

Feeling his now fully naked, and warm, body against her bare skin, Jordan felt herself surrendering herself to him, completely.

Nick could feel her wetness against his stomach. Starting with her neck, he began his trek down her body, his lips and tongue worshipping every inch of her soft, fiery skin.

~*~ The Next Morning ~*~

Nick woke up, his back feeling cold because he was butt naked against a leather couch, but the rest of him feeling warm, since there was another body pressed up against him. He murmured a few incoherent things, snuggling up to the body. His eyes suddenly popped open when he remembered who it was.

Jordan awoke, when she felt Nick snuggle up against her. In fear of his reaction to her being the one next to him, she didn't open her eyes. She could feel Nick pull away a little and look at her. When he stayed silent and just continued to penetrate her with his eyes, Jordan slowly opened hers. "Hi," she said quietly, once she'd had enough of the silence.


Jordan suddenly nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck, placing a small kiss there. "I need to tell you something..." she murmured against his skin.

"What's that?" he mumbled, sleepily, his arms wrapped lazily around her thin waist.

"It was all a joke... Everything. All the letters..."

Nick looked at her, suddenly a little more awake. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I was never some psychotic, obsessive fan. I saw you once in an interview, thought you were really cute, and wanted to f*ck you... or at least meet you. So, knowing I never would be able to do either one if I acted like some normal fan, I went about it a little differently."

Nick laughed. "'Differently' is right, you weirdo."

She grinned, "Just so you know... I didn't like writing all that smut stuff."

"Uh huh, suuure," he rolled his eyes at her.

Jordan giggled, before pulling him on top of her and kissing him, lovingly. She wasn't happy because she'd won. She was happy because she'd won his heart.