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The Princess and The Prince: Chapter 2

"Alexa! Open your door before I break it down!" an angry Nick shouted through the doorway. How was he to marry this girl in a year? She was so annoying... so immature.

"Go away, Nick!! Leave me alone, before I kill you!" Alexa screamed back, throwing herself back on her bed in distress. How was she to marry this guy?? He was so immature!

Suddenly the door popped open with a loud noise and Nick, with tousled hair, stumbled through.

"You broke the f*cking door!" she screamed at him, standing up in disbelief.

"ALEXA! Shut up, before your father hears you... you know he would kill you if he heard you say that. Gosh, I'll fix the d*mned thing. Would you please just come to dinner, so my mother would stop nagging the hell out of me?"

Alexa scoffed, "And you tell me not to use fowl language. Get away from me, 'Prince Nickolas,'" she mocked, before flipping him off. "I am NOT in the mood for you! This has not been my day... actually my whole life has sucked, 'cause you've been in it."

Nick just sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, leaving Alexa puzzled... normally he fought back. Maybe he was tired.

"Please just get out," she begged with tears in her eyes.

"You're a spoiled little b*tch, Princess Alexa. A complete b*tch," with that, Nick stormed from her bedroom, leaving her with a broken door and frustrated tears streaming from her eyes.

~ * ~

Alexa crept down the staircase, in the middle of the night, her throat dry and her stomach grumbling. She had just gotten some food and some apple juice out of the fridge, when she heard a bang come from the dining room, followed by a yelp. She practically jumped out of her skin, before grabbing a knife from a drawer and slowly walking around the corner to find where the prowler was.

"Don't even try... I have a knife and a major attitude problem right now."

"That's for d*mn sure."

She screamed quietly, and dropped the knife to the floor, realizing she could have stabbed the prince, "Oh... it's you."

"Yeah, dipsh*t."

"Shut up!!"

Nick rolled his eyes and followed her into the kitchen, grabbing the apple juice and pouring himself a glass, as she finished making her sandwich, "Eat much? That thing's fatter than my mom."

Alexa looked at him in disbelief, "You have no respect for anybody do you, Nickolas? I can't believe you..."

"And you have respect for your father right now?!"

Alexa shut up, knowing he was right. For once. "Listen Nick, I'm extremely pissed at my father... because of him and your mother I have to marry YOU. But I would never think of insulting him."

"I would."

She rolled her eyes and plopped down on a stool, "Maybe we can just ignore each other..."



Nick snickered, "You are so off in la-la land. You do realize that what they really want is us to produce an heir together."

Alexa shuddered at the thought, "You're not laying a hand on me, Nick."

"You expect us to be married for life, and not mess around? I need SOME action, Lex."

"Don't call me that, you little prick. You are not coming near me with that pathetic excuse of a-"

"Don't even say it, 'cause you've never seen it!"

Alexa laughed, "You actually forgot the fact that I walked in on you taking a wiz once?"

Nick's face flushed as he fiddled with his apple juice glass, "Shut up, you b*tch."

"You're a pathetic excuse for a man," she snarled, her eyes almost looking evil. In actuality, he looked nice... but like she was going to admit that to the man she despised.

"And you're the f*cking equivalent of the antichrist. Gosh, Alexa... I never knew you were THIS evil."

"Your mother chose the wrong girl to f*ck with, Nick."

"It wasn't just my mother, you know!!"

"Oh, and now you're defensive of her?? I thought she was a fat cow."

"Shut up, Alexa!!"

Alexa exhaled slowly, never knowing herself to be so cold before. But this guy brought out the worst in her. "Goodnight, Nick. Enjoy yourself down here... and hon, I know you ain't been gettin' any lately... and you won't be for the rest of your life, but please don't jack off tonight - your bedroom is right next to mine, and for once I'd like to get a good night's sleep."

Nick gasped as she strutted from the room, swishing her hips on purpose. He'd never known a woman as vile as her. He watched her smirk at him from the staircase, before she jogged up the stairs, disappearing from view. Gosh, he hated that girl.