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The Princess and The Prince: Chapter 3

Nick walked down the hallway, two weeks later. The sun wasn't even out yet--it was only 4 in the morning--but Nick had been having a hard time sleeping lately. The thing was, in Nick's mother's eyes and Alexa's father's eyes things had been "going so well"... in light of that, they were moving the wedding up 6 months. Nick and Alexa would marry as soon as she turned 16 and a half.

Nick sighed as he passed Alexa's closed door, knowing she was still asleep. As much as he hated the girl, he wanted to talk to her about a few things that would need to be discussed before marriage. Sprinting down the staircase quietly, clad in nothing but boxers, he headed towards the kitchen to eat breakfast. This was the day that Alexa was to be fit for her wedding dress, and Nick for his tuxedo. He needed to be energized so he wouldn't bitch his mother out too much. She was getting close to murdering him. As he entered the kitchen, he saw his mother sitting on one of the stools, reading the newspaper. He sighed, not wanting to hear her nag him anymore. But, of course, she did.

"Nickolas, have you seen the newspapers lately? There are far too many articles about how you and Alexa don't get along... 'Princess to kill Prince?'?? Things like that wouldn't be said if you and Alexa would at least PRETEND to get along," Nick's mother scolded.

Nick rolled his eyes, "Like I said, mom... a drum-set would be nice."

"Fine! You can have your d*mn drum-set!" It wasn't often Queen Amelia used such language. "Stop bribing me! My Lord, Nickolas! How your manners have managed to diminish so quickly is beyond me! You are so disrespectful!"

Alexa giggled as she appeared in the room, having heard the last part of the conversation, "And to think... I've been telling him that for years!"

Nick glared at her, before kicking her in the shin while his mother wasn't looking. Alexa stuck her tongue out at him as her father appeared.

"Alexa, don't be immature," King Harold commanded dryly, reaching for a mug and pouring himself some coffee.

Nick smirked at Alexa, "Ha!"

"Close your mouth," Queen Amelia ordered her son, without looking up from her paper.

"'Ha!'" Alexa mimicked, kicking him back, before grabbing a pear and leaving the room to go upstairs and get dressed for the day.

~ * ~

Alexa sighed as she flipped hastily through a magazine. She was waiting for Nickolas to be done getting ready so they could go and get fitted for their clothing. The limo driver was waiting outside, patiently, but inside Alexa was very impatient. With an annoyed huff, she stood up, tossing the magazine back down onto the coffee table and sprinting up the stairs quickly. She reached Nick's bedroom and knocked quickly.

"Prince Nickolas," she sang in high-pitch, mocking him.

Nick swung the door open, a glare on his face, "Shut up..."

"I've been waiting for-" she looked down at her watch, "45 minutes now! What in the heck do you do in there??"

"Well, you know," Nick rose his eyebrows suggestively, as he began to thrust his hips, "gotta get all sexy."

Alexa looked at him in disgust, "Okay... I'll give you another 20 hours," she turned to leave, and was shocked when Nick firmly grabbed her arm, pulling her back.

"Wait," Nick pulled her into his room and closed the door behind her. "We need to talk about a few things..."


Nick sighed and looked away from her, hesitating.

"Hello, Nick! I don't have all day here! Would you hurry up before my clothes go out of style, please?!"

He scoffed, "Too late."

Alexa sighed, crossing her arms over her chest angrily, "Just spit it out already."

"Well..." Nick walked closer to her, just trying to get a rise out of her, "speaking of spitting..."

Her eyes widened, pushing him far away from her. He laughed as he stumbled back. "What are you?! Gosh, you are so hormonal!"

Nick chuckled again, "I was kidding! But seriously... There's a few things we gotta talk about sometime. First of all, I sleep on the right side of the bed, no buts about it. Second of all, I take a shower at 5 a.m. and 11 p.m. every day... meaning, you will not use the shower at either one of those times-"

She laughed, "I would have NEVER guessed you shower!"

He glared at her, before continuing, "Thirdly, I like top."

Alexa scoffed with another laugh, "I thought I already told you... there will be NOTHING sexual between you and me, Nickolas."

Nick just stared at her, "Alexa, you're fooling yourself, girl. We have to have kids. That's how this whole thing works. Sorry!" he smirked.

"You sicken me," she sighed, looking away. "Hurry up and get ready, we're already late," she began to leave the room, but as she reached the door she turned and smirked at him, "By the way... I swallow. Not like you'll ever find that out."

Nick felt his stomach flip at the swaying of her hips as she left the room. He hated the girl with everything in him, but he admitted he found her incredibly sexy.

~ * ~

Alexa watched as Nick sighed for the 50th time that afternoon. It was obvious the boy hated getting fitted for clothes, and he was making a horrible stink over it.

He is such a pain in the ass, Alexa thought to herself with a smirk increasing in size.

Nick glanced over at Alexa, her expression of mockery only fueling his fire, "You just wait until you're up here, their hands groping you! Why do we need clothes for the reception anyway?? Can't I just pick up a pair of khakis from Abercrombie or something??"

Alexa sighed, "Nickolas, you know that normally your mother would let you buy your own clothes. But it's your wedding day-" she cringed at the words, but continued, "and you're gonna be in front of some major public eye--we have to be 'dressed in our finest'," she mimicked his mother's voice like an expert.

Nick almost laughed--almost--but then he remembered it was Alexa that was speaking... and after all, nothing--nothing--she said was funny. Instead, he cringed as the fitter's hands continued to "grope" him. Alexa merely laughed.

~ * ~

"Nickolas, could you stop molesting those sticks and come downstairs for dinner? Your mother's whining is giving me a head ache."

Nick glared at her for the molesting comment, though it really hadn't made him mad. "Well, what can I say?" he put his drumsticks down and stood from the stool. "You won't let me molest you, my own fiance! So I guess I'm forced to reduce myself to sticks."

"You're so romantic," Alexa rolled her eyes, leaving the room with Nick following.

Nick had finally received the drum-set he'd so incessantly bitched about (as Alexa had put it), as a form of "hang in there, kid--make your momma proud: from his mother. He'd been banging on them nonstop for weeks now, driving Alexa crazy; but though she would never admit it, she was actually pretty impressed by how quickly he had taught himself.

"Nick," Alexa was saying as they trudged down the stairs to dinner, "I wish you would stop it with the crude remarks about me. You hate me, I hate you--so just quit."

"Hey, baby, hold up," Nick smirked, stopping her on the last step. "I'm just lookin' for a booty call."

She smiled at him flirtatiously, running her hands down his chest and watching him writhe beneath her touch.

Oh, this boy is desperate, Alexa thought to herself, before continuing, "Why don't you meet me by that little drum-set of yours once mommy and daddy dearest go to sleep tonight, big boy?"

Nick merely growled.