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The Princess and The Prince: Chapter 5

Alexa opened her bedroom door the night after the banquet and walked quietly down the castle's hallway, still in her pajamas. She wasn't looking forward to that evening. Her and Nick were flying to the United States later to do a few interviews, one being with Barbara Walters, which meant that they--of course--had to act as though they were deeply in love.

Alexa sighed as she sat down on a stool in the kitchen and plucked a pear from the bowl on the counter. She wondered when Nick would wake up and how he'd act towards her that day. Alexa looked up and smiled as Queen Amelia entered the kitchen, already dressed and looking stunning as always.

"Good morning, Amelia," Alexa chirped with a pleasant smile on her face.

"And to you, Alexa," the queen smiled back. "You sure are in a cheerful mood this morning. Did you enjoy last night's party?"

"Yeah, it was alright," Alexa shrugged as she stood from her stool and walked to the fridge to get something to drink.

"I saw Princess Raphaella bothering you and Nickolas."

"Yeah. She insulted my father too."

"I'm sorry, darling."

Alexa smiled in return just as Nick walked into the kitchen.

"Morning, mother," he greeted.

Alexa sighed. He was back to normal.

~ * ~

"Alright, you two be on your best behavior now, do you understand me? And maybe try and hold hands in public," King Harold instructed as him and Queen Amelia stood with their children who were about to board the plane.

"Father," Alexa sighed. "C'mmon, Nick, let's go."

Nick took a deep breath and gave his mother a hug, "Bye, mom. I'll see you when we get back."

"Alright, Nickolas. Don't give Alexa any grief. I know how you can be," his mother spoke warily.

"Thanks, mom," Nick said sarcastically, "I love you too." He walked onto the plane, Alexa following.

"You okay?" Alexa asked once her and Nick sat side by side on the airplane.

Nick merely shrugged while looking out the little window as the plane began to lift into the air. She watched as his knuckles began to turn white from squeezing the arm of the chair.

"Still hate flying?" Alexa sighed as she got no answer, "Look, Nick, I know our parents are jerks, but don't let them get to you."

"Don't let them get to me??" Nick looked at her, his tone incredulous. "They're making me marry YOU."

Alexa looked at him with hurt in her eyes, and Nick immediately began to regret the words he's spoken. She sighed and turned away, pulling a novel from her backpack and beginning to read. They didn't speak to each other during the remainder of the flight.

~ * ~ New York, New York ~ * ~

"We have tomorrow to sight-see or do whatever and then the Barbara Walters interview is tomorrow night. I'm gonna go get some sleep, I'll see you in the morning," Alexa began to walk from Nick's hotel room to go to her own. She was glad they weren't already married otherwise they'd be sharing a room.

"Lex," Nick called just as she got to the door.

Alexa turned around to face him, curious as to what he wanted.

"I'm sorry ... about what I said earlier on the plane," Nick said quietly. He sighed as she looked back at him skeptically. "Look, Lexa, I'm being serious here - I shouldn't have said what I did. Anyway, I'll see you in the morning." He shoved his hands deep inside of his pockets.

"Thank you," Alexa said quietly, "for apologizing."

Nick nodded, and she walked from his room, going to her own.