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The Princess and the Prince: Chapter 6

Don't think that you got me, girl Don't think you can tame me and change me Don't think that it's all because of you Just because I don't run around Just because we're forever together Don't you think of a four letter word to use

So what if I just don't want anybody else but you So what if you're all that I ever really wanna do I know what you're thinkin' but that doesn't make it true

Believe me baby

I'm not in love No not at all What makes you think you made me fall I slip but no I'm not in love What if I just can't sleep at night I see your face in the starry skies So high above But girl I'm not in love

Don't think that you got it made Don't think it's so easy to keep me Never know it could all just fade away

So what if I just don't want anybody else but you So what if you're all that I ever really wanna do I know what you're thinkin' but that doesn't make it true

Believe me baby

I'm not in love No not at all What makes you think you made me fall I slip but no I'm not in love What if I just can't sleep at night I see your face in the starry skies So high above But girl I'm not in love

So if my heart just skips a beat What if I lose a little sleep

Believe me

I'm not in love No not at all What makes you think you made me fall I slip but no I'm not in love What if I just can't sleep at night I see your face in the starry skies The way you feel it may seem right I'm not in love

I'm not in love No not at all What makes you think you made me fall I slip but no I'm not in love What if I just can't sleep at night I see your face in the starry skies The way you feel it may seem right

I'm not in love No not at all What makes you think you made me fall I slip but no I'm not in love What if I just can't sleep at night I see your face in the starry skies The way you feel it may seem right...

-Not In Love; BBMak

(CD: Sooner or Later)

Nick stretched as he awoke early the next morning. Sleep hadn't come easy to him the night before and he couldn't believe he was up before his alarm clock had sounded. Did it have something to do with the fact that he and Alexa had actually had a few civil conversations the day before and it was unsettling to him? Probably. Would he admit that he'd lost sleep over her? No.

Nick groaned and stood from the bed, intent on finding something that day to keep his mind off of the princess. That little brat would end up killing him one day... especially if she kept acting friendly. He could deal with the bitchiness... definitely not the kindness. There was a knock at the door just as he'd been about to pull his jeans on. Abandoning the pants, he walked to the hotel door in his boxers and opened it, expecting to see a bodyguard, or somebody coming to run over the day's itinerary with him again. He had not been expecting to see Alexa on the other side of the door, McDonald's bag in hand.

"I brought breakfast," Alexa held up the brown bag with the bright yellow arches and smiled at his shocked expression.

Nick's eyebrows rose. "You brought me breakfast? This early?"

Alexa looked down at her watch. Whoops. She hadn't even noticed the time before. "Sorry... I can take it back if you want," she joked, a hesitant smile formed on her face as she looked back up at him. She rolled her eyes at his silence. "Okay... did I wake you or something, dopey?"

"No," Nick laughed quietly, looking away for a second. What was up with this chick? She went from heinous bitch to sweet angel in a matter of days? "I actually didn't sleep very well last night." He sighed, mentally kicking himself. That had been what he didn't want her to know.

Yeah, definitely didn't want her to know that, Nick thought as he saw the grin form on her face. She was starting to think things... things he didn't want her to think at all.

"Well, come on in, then," Nick sighed again and held the door open for her, watching her as she came into the suite.

It was going to be a very long day.

"So can I ask you a question?"


"What's this all about?" Nick asked, gesturing to the food around them, as they sat at the table eating.

Alexa blushed lightly and sighed, looking around his hotel room. It was definitely messier than hers... but it suited him nicely. "Actually... I kind of wanted to apologize for how I've been acting."

Nick rose an eyebrow and she knew it meant he didn't trust her. Maybe he thought she was up to something... she wasn't, but she understood why he would think she had ulterior motives. Okay, so maybe she was well aware of what power they would have together if they got along... but she wasn't using him... she was doing this for the both of them.

"Okay, fine," Alexa sighed. "Yes, I wanted to apologize... but it's sort of for more than just longing to be your friend."

Nick laughed and rolled his eyes. Of course. Why would Princess Alexa ever long to be friends with him?

"Do tell," he responded dryly, before slipping a french fry past his lips.

"Well... I just thought that... if we're getting along, we can use all of the energy that we've been wasting on arguing and put it to good use."

Okay, now he was definitely interested. Energy? Put to good use? He couldn't help it... his eyebrows rose again.

"Not like that, you pig!" Alexa laughed as she hit him lightly on the arm. "I mean... if we're getting along, we can put our brains together and think of a way out of this marriage arrangement."

Nick's mouth dropped open. He'd never known she would end up being the conspirator in the relationship. "What exactly are you thinking of?"

"I don't exactly know yet. But I know that if we think together and my dad and your mom see that we're getting along... I don't know... surprise attack or something."

"Lexi," Nick laughed, "you've absolutely lost it."

"Well, it's worth a shot, isn't it?" Alexa sounded exasperated.

Nick sat there silently for a moment. Maybe she was right. Okay, so he thought she was a babe and he really wouldn't mind jumping in the sack with her... but he still didn't want to marry the girl. At least they were on the same page there. Maybe if they did put their minds together they could come up with something... anything.

"All right, sure. I agree... we should get along."

Alexa smiled and nodded, "Great! Of course, it's going to make acting lovey-dovey in front of Barbara tonight all the more awkward."

"How so?"

"I dunno," she laughed and shook her head. "I guess I'm just being silly. But we need to give Mommy and Daddy dearest the show of our lives. When we get back home, they need to think we fell madly in love with each other while in the States."

"All right," Nick nodded. "I don't exactly know where you're mind is goin' on this one... but I'll trust you."