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Please Remember Me: The Story: Part 1: Don't Take The Girl

Johnny's daddy was taking him fishing When he was eight years old Little girl came through the front gate Holding her fishing pole His dad looked down and smiled Said "We can't leave her behind. Son, I know you don't want her to go, but someday you'll change your mind" and Johnny said...

"Take Jimmy Johnson, take Tommy Thompson, take my best friend Bo, take anybody that you want, as long as she don't go Take any boy in the world Daddy, please, don't take the girl"

Same old boy, same sweet girl Ten years down the road He held her tight and kissed her lips in front of the picture show Stranger came and pulled a gun Grabbed her by the arm Said "If you do what I tell you to there won't be any harm" And Johnny said...

"Take my wallet, take my credit cards, here's a watch that my grandpa gave me, here's a key to my car Mr., give it a whirl But please, don't take the girl"

Same old boy, same sweet girl Five years down the road There's gonna be a little one and she says it's time to go Doctor says "The baby's fine, but you'll have to leave 'Cause his momma's fading fast" And Johnny hit his knees, and there he prayed...

"Take the very breath You gave me, take the heart from my chest I'll gladly take her place, if You'll let me Make this my last request Take me out of this world God, please, don't take the girl"...

-Don't Take The Girl, by Tim McGraw

Either year old Nick Carter looked at his father incredulously, "You mean I'm going fishing with a GIRL??"

Nick's dad sighed, "I know, son... but she's the daughter of your mom's friend. She wanted to go, it would be rude not to let her."

"So what!" Nick pouted. "We always go by ourselves. I don't want HER to come," he looked over at the girl standing by the fence waiting to leave, her fishing pole in hand and her baseball cap tucked securely over her head.

"I know, Nick... I'm sorry, but there's not much I can do. Trust me, someday you will feel different," after watching his son pout a few minutes longer, he called over to the little girl, "C'mmon, Ginny... Let's go fishin'."

Ginny enthusiastically threw her fishing pole over her shoulder and bounded off to the boat.

~ * ~ 10 years later ~ * ~

Nick took Gin's hand gently in his as they stood in the ticket line at the movie theater. He leaned down and gave her a warm kiss while she smiled up at him.

"I love you, Gin."

"I love you too, Nick."

Suddenly there was the sound of a gun going off and a group of people screaming on the other side of the theater. Before Nick could react a man dressed in all black came running around the building and towards the line of people buying tickets. Everybody froze and it seemed as if time stood still as the man grabbed Ginny from Nick's hold and held a gun to her head.

"NICK!!" Gin screamed, trying to get free from the man but he wouldn't let her go.

"Shut up!!" the young man screamed at her. He seemed shaken, as if he really didn't know what he was doing.

Nick was pale and frantic as he began taking his wallet and keys and anything that he could find from his pocket in an offering, "Please! Take it all, I don't care, just take everything! Please just don't hurt her!"

Suddenly the sound of sirens began to wail in the night and you could see the blue and red lights flashing from the street, nearing the movie theater. The young man with the gun quickly released Gin and fled into the dark.

~ * ~ 5 years later ~ * ~

"Nicky, it's time," Gin shook Nick as she tried to keeping her breathing regular while going through her contraction.

Nick awoke with a start and looked at his wife nervously, "Now?"

She nodded, "Now."

~ * ~

"What do you mean she's not going to make it??" Nick screamed in the waiting room.

The doctor took a deep breath. He hated this part of his job. "Sir, your wife has had an incredibly difficult pregnancy, and so far the delivery of your child has been even more so. I'm sorry, Mr. Carter... I don't know how else to tell you this. We've tried all that we can. We don't think your wife will live past the delivery of your child."

Nick sat down shakily and ran his fingers through his hair deeply. He'd never felt such intense pain. She couldn't be taken from him. Not her. She was his life. "Dear Lord Jesus," he whispered while falling to his knees in tears. "Heavenly Father, please don't take her!! Please!!"