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Snow on the Sahara: The Story

Only tell me that you still want me here When you wander off out there...

...Lost out in the desert, You are lost out in the desert (Oh, oh)

But to stand with you in a ring of fire I'll forget the days gone by I'll protect your body and gaurd your soul...

...Lost out in the desert

If your hopes scatter like the dust across your track, I'll be the moon that shines on your path The sun may blind our eyes, I pray the skies above for snow to fall on the sahara If that's the only place where you can leave your debts I'll hold you up and be your way out And if we burn away, I pray the skies above For snow to fall on the sahara

Just wish and I will cover your shoulders With veils of silk and gold And when the shadows come and darken your heart, Leaving you with regrets so cold

Lost out in the desert

If your hopes scatter like the dust across your track, I'll be the moon that shines on your path (Ohh-Oh) The sun may blind our eyes, I pray the skies above for snow to fall on the sahara (Ohh-Oh) If that's the only place where you can leave your debts I'll hold you up and be your way out (Ohh-Oh) And if we burn away, I'll pray the skies above For snow to fall on the sahara

For snow to fall on the sahara For snow to fall on the sahara For snow to fall on the sahara

-Snow on the Sahara, by Anguun

Mia was immediately pulled aside by Jeb, as soon as she stepped back into Barbie and Bobby's house.

"Where've ya been, sexy? C'mmon, let's dance," he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the dance floor.

Mia threw him a weak, 'I really wish I wasn't here', smile, before following him. He quickly wrapped his arms around her waist and she half-heartedly put her arms around his neck. As they swayed gently she couldn't help but wonder where Nick and Billie were. Then she spotted Nick. He was leaning against the punch table, a glass in his hand, as he watched her and Jeb dance, with what looked like a hurt expression on his face. But as soon as he realized she'd seen him watching her, he immediately went and found Billie and went into the kitchen with her to talk with Barbie. Mia sighed. Was it possible that Nick was still hurt about her leaving him? How could it be? He was engaged to Billie! But then again... her heart was still with Nick, and she was engaged to Jeb.

~ * ~

Later that night Mia found herself sitting on the bottom step of the staircase, watching everyone converse with each other, and dance together. She was feeling completely bored, and a little lonely. She hadn't seen Nick since he'd gone off with Billie into the kitchen, earlier. Suddenly there was a pair of legs standing in front of her, blocking her view. She looked up and came in contact with Nick's face. He gave her a half smile, before sitting down next to her.

"Need some company?"

Mia shrugged, before leaning her head against the railing, "I dunno... just bored, I guess. Where's Billie? She seems pretty nice. Um, congratulations on the engagement."

"Thanks, you too," he spoke quietly, looking down at the carpet below him. "Um, actually I think she's carrying on a conversation about being a clothing designer, with Jeb."

Sh*t, she even has a better job than me, Mia thought, silently. So much for her being a stripper, she cringed, and Nick noticed.

"You know, Mia, you don't have to compare yourself to Billie, about every little thing," Nick said, quietly.

"I wasn't," she'd spoken a little too soon, making herself sound defensive, and awfully obvious. She cringed again.

Nick shrugged, "Alright. Well, do you want to dance?"

"Okay," Mia stood up. "But not in here... it's deathly hot."

He laughed and followed her outside, both of them grabbing their coats on the way to the back deck. They could still hear the music outside, because there were speakers on the deck. Nick took her hand and pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her waist as she followed by wrapping hers around his neck, while snow fell all around them and the song continued to play.

If your hopes scatter like the dust across your track, I'll be the moon that shines on your path (Ohh-Oh) The sun may blind our eyes, I pray the skies above for snow to fall on the sahara (Ohh-Oh) If that's the only place where you can leave your debts I'll hold you up and be your way out (Ohh-Oh) And if we burn away, I'll pray the skies above For snow to fall on the sahara

This was how it was supposed to be. Her, standing in the snow, dancing with Nick... and not with Jeb. This was how it was supposed to be all along, she knew that, but she'd messed up somewhere along the way... if only she could go back and fix it now.

"What are you thinking?" Nick whispered in her ear, quietly.

Her stomach fluttered, "N-Nothing."

"You know, you've always been a bad liar," he laughed.

Mia looked up at him, seriously, "Is that why you knew I was with Jeb, all along?"

Nick visibly tensed, "I suppose. But I think when you're in love with someone, you develope a sixth sense about the person," he looked at her intently.

"I agree," she whispered as their faces got closer.

"Who are you in love with?"

"Well, certainly not Jeb."

Nick pulled away just as they were about to kiss, and looked at her.

Mia sighed, "You, Nick! With you!" she stated urgently, before pulling his face down to hers and kissing him passionately. And he kissed her back.

Mia didn't know what she was going to do about Jeb, and she had a feeling Nick was feeling the same way about Billie. But at that moment, Mia didn't care about Jeb, she didn't care about Billie, she just cared about her and Nick, and the moment that they were sharing. Maybe Billie and Jeb would hit it off as they talked about designing clothes. Mia pushed the thought aside, and decided not to care as she felt Nick pull her closer to him. He was all that mattered.

A thought suddenly dawned on Mia as they continued to dance, "Hey, Nick, did Billie design her outfit tonight?"

Nick shrugged, "I dunno, maybe. Why?"

"Just wondering," Mia grinned, before pulling a feather from Nick's jacket.

Nick laughed and blew it out of her fingers. They both watched it drift up into the air, being carried away by the winter wind.

The End