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Shaken: Chapter 1

...I don't know why I let you Treat me the way you do Ohh...

...You are so cold How can you be So cold, so cold to me Ice cold Don't even feel Your kiss in like fire, But deep down inside You're so cold

So many times You keep me waiting 'round Endlessly You just laugh, as I drown in despair Never worry, never care

I don't know why I let you Hurt me the way you do Ohh You've got a spell on me I'm hopelessly in love with you

You are so cold How can you be So cold, so cold to me Ice cold Don't even feel Your kiss is like fire, But deep down inside You're so cold...

...Oh, you're wicked to the bone I gave you my heart, you tear me apart You're like a devil in disguise Oh, so cold...

-So Cold (I think that's what it's called), by Mariah Carey

Natalie walked downstairs a few hours later, in serious need of some food. Having been so busy and preoccupied during the day, she'd only eaten a few pieces of toast. She walked into the kitchen to find that dinner wasn't made, like always.

Her stomach was beginning to churn and she could feel another headache starting to form. 'Oh, gosh. I can't make dinner. I think I'm getting sick.' she thought, before taking a deep breath. "Nick??" she called out.

Nick walked into the kitchen, "What? I was watching TV."

It took everything in her to not slapping him for that one. Nat took a deep breath, "Sorry. Nick, I haven't been feeling very good all day. I was just wondering if you could possibly make dinner?"

Nick looked at her with no emotion on his face. When he walked over to one of the kitchen drawers, Natalie thought that maybe he was actually going to do it. But when he shoved the number for the local pizza parlor in her hand, she felt herself choking back tears.

It took everything in her not to burst into tears as she talked to the pizza guy, Nick having already left the kitchen to go watch more TV. As soon she hung up the phone, she leaned against the counter and began to cry.

~ * ~ 1:30 A.M. ~ * ~

Nick rolled over in bed and started kissing Natalie's neck, waiting to hear her moan. When all he got from her was an annoyed sigh, he looked at her angrily. "What is wrong with you???"

"Nick, I'm tired. I don't want to have sex." Nat said, trying to stand firm. She didn't want to "make love" to her husband, when it wasn't love that they were making at all.

Nick sat up as his jaw clenched. He glared down at her, "What the hell are you talking about?? You're not tired. You're probably cheating on me, aren't you?! Who is the ass hole?! I'll kill him!"

"Would you shut up and listen to yourself??" Nat sat up. "It's 1:30 in the morning! Is it so odd that I don't want to suddenly f*ck with you?!"

"Don't you EVER tell me to shut up again!"

Natalie's lower lip quivered as she looked down. Taking a deep breath, she looked back up and forced herself to kiss him. 'You can get through this,' she thought to herself as he rougly undressed her. 'It'll be okay.'

~ * ~

Natalie couldn't sleep. Nick had just rolled over and fallen to sleep right away. But Nat couldn't. She laid there crying, for hours, wanting nothing more than to no longer exist on earth.

"God... Please, just get me out of this situation... somehow," she whispered as she slowly began to drift off into a restless sleep.