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Shaken: Chapter 2

You're down So stay there I'm clipping your unearned wings My dear

You cry For the outside But I don't think you'll see it now

For rain that's fallen Halfway down the sky I apologize For sunlight burning holes into your eyes I apologize

You float like an angel But then I wipe your cloud And throw you out

You fall Cuz you can't fly But I don't think you'll Feel it now

For rain that's fallen Halfway down the sky I apologize For sunlight burning holes into your eyes I apologize...

-I Apologize, by Splender (CD: Halfway Down The Sky)

Natalie sighed as she closed her laptop and leaned against the desk. She had absolutely no inspiration to right her latest article... even if the deadline was in 2 weeks. She'd at least done all the research... she'd gotten that done when Nick, her inspiration killer, was gone for a few days... all she had to do now was put it into words. That was the hardest part.

~ * ~ 2 Hours Later ~ * ~

Nick stepped inside the house and saw Natalie in shorts and a T-shirt, stretching in the entryway. He pulled her headphones off of her ears, and grabbed the cassette player, turning her tape off.

Nat looked up and sighed, "Yes, Nick?"

"We have to talk about your writing."

"No! Nick, we've had this conversation about a thousand times," Nat spoke through gritted teeth. "I'm not having it again! I'm going for a run."

"D*mn you, Natalie! I said we're going to talk about it, so we're going to talk about it!" he grabbed her arm and led her into the family room, sitting her down on the couch.

She groaned in frusteration, "Nick, we never TALK about it! You scream until you piss me off so much that I scream... and then comes the part that we never mention because-"

"Shut up, Nat! Shut the f*ck up! We have to talk about this because we've got no money. You work for a sh*tty company that pays you sh*t... I want you to quit your stupid writing and get a real job."

"Me?! Get a real job?! Who draws for comic books?! Why can't YOU quit?? I love writing!"

"And I love drawing. Don't question my authority, Natalie."

Nat glared up at him, her jaw clenched together, "I hate you, Nick Carter. I hate you!"

Nick grabbed her and tossed her onto the floor. She hit the wall on the other side of the room and tried to breathe as the wind got knocked out of her. She sighed in relief when she heard the front door open and close, a few minutes later. He'd left.

~ * ~ 3 days later ~ * ~

...I'm sorry 'bout the attitude I need to give when I'm with you But no one else would take this sh*t from me And I'm so terrified of no one else but me I'm here all the time I won't go away

It's me, yeah I can't get myself to go away It's me, and I can't get myself to go away Oh God, I shouldn't feel this way...

-Long Day, by Matchbox 20 (CD: Yourself or Someone Like You)

Natalie stormed into the house, slamming the door behind her. "Damn you, Nick! Where the f*ck are you?!" she screamed, trudging through the house and searching every room, before finding him in his studio, drawing. She walked up behind him and pounded her fists against his back as tears began to fall from her eyes, "F*ck you, you f*ckin' ass hole!!!"

Nick turned around and grabbed her fists, shoving her away from him. "I told you not to question me!! At least you can get a real job now!"

"I loved that job!! How could you take that away from me?! What did you tell them?? What did you say to get me fired?!"

He didn't answer. Instead, he stood up and walked out of the room, pushing her out of the way, on his way out.

Natalie sat down on his chair, burying her face in her hands, and cried for what seemed like hours. Sniffling, she lifted her head from her hands and looked at what he'd been drawing. Him, two little children, and a woman that wasn't her.