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Summer Lovin': Chapter 1: The Beginning of it All

Shayla Garey clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth as she waited at the park-and-ride for her best friend. She noticed, when she glanced down at the watch on her wrist, that her friend was an hour late, as usual. Shayla jumped down from her huge GMC that her father made her drive. She'd begged to get a Toyota Supra, but her father had refused, telling her that it would get stolen too easily. Shayla had laughed at his excuse... he just didn't want her getting speeding tickets. Shayla's best friend, on the other hand, drove Shayla's dream car. Her father had actually let her get the sporty Supra. Shayla spotted her friend drive into the parking lot, in the red sports car, and pull into a parking spot swiftly.

Shayla locked her truck's doors, grabbed her suitcases, and shut the driver's door. She headed towards her friend's car and grinned when her friend batted her eyebrows up and down at her.

"Hey, sexy!" Shayla laughed as her best friend, Acadia-Lin, slid from her car with her hair newly cut and her nails done in a French manicure. "You lookin' good!"

Acadia-Lin Cherelli (otherwise known as Acadia, Lin, or Al... but NEVER Cadi) smiled at her friend's comment. It was a Shayla thing to say. "Thanks, girl. So do you. You ready for the sun??"

Shayla nodded vigorously as she waited for Acadia to grab her things, just as the bus came. "C'mmon, Lin, lock your car... we better go, the bus is waiting. Hey, someone's coming to pick up your car tomorrow, right?"

Acadia nodded and slung her backpack onto her back as she grabbed her two suitcases and the two headed towards the bus that would take them to the airport. "Yeah, my dad's picking it up."

"Same here."

They got on the bus, handed the driver their money, and went to find some seats. After placing their bags in the overhead bins, they took their seat and squealed excitedly as the bus began to head towards the airport.

~ * ~

Shayla received her coffee from the Starbuck's worker and began to walk back towards where Acadia was sitting. They were in Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix, Arizona, where they had a 2 hour layover, on their way to Florida.

Suddenly someone knocked into her, sending her mocha spilling all over her tank top. She shrieked, half in anger, half in pain and surprise.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" the guy that had bumped into her apologized, his eyes wide.

Shayla's eyebrow rose at him as he began to back away from her, looking as if he were in a huge hurry.

"I'm really, really sorry... but I... we're in a hurry!" he turned and ran away, calling after another guy that must have made up the "we."

Shayla huffed angrily.

"I swear, all men are jerks nowadays!" Shayla was rambling as she approached Acadia.

"What are you talking about?" Acadia stood from her chair, before noticing the huge stain on Shay's tank top. Acadia grabbed Shayla's coffee cup and popped the lid open, peering inside. She couldn't help herself from laughing as she realized there was more coffee on Shay's shirt, than in the cup itself. "Umm... have some problems on the way back, Shay?"

Shayla moved her head with attitude, her finger, with a nicely manicured nail, waving in the air as she spoke, "No, no, girl. I didn't have no problem... but some jerk guy did! Knocked right on into me, couldn't even help me clean up."

Acadia grinned and crossed her arms in front of her chest, "I don't think you even realize how much of a spoiled little rich girl you look like right now," she laughed. "Sit down, Shay. It's not that bigga deal... he was probably just in a hurry."

Shayla huffed and plopped herself down into her seat.

~ * ~

Acadia's mouth practically dropped onto the seat below her. Not wanting to drool on the nice interior of the Mazda MX-7 that the two girls had rented, she forced herself not to gawk too much. "Shay, how the heck did your dad get this place?! It's amazing!" she stepped from the car before it was even in park, and walked up the driveway, admiring the mansion, not bothering to hear her friend's response.

Once Acadia and Shay had gotten all their belongings inside and stored away in what would be their closets and dressers, for the next three months, they decided they were hungry.

"I drive!"

"Al, please don't kill us. That's all I ask!" Shayla begged as they got into the car that they couldn't get enough of. She watched as Acadia put the top back, inserted the key into the ignition, and peeled out of the driveway. "Lin!!"

Acadia laughed, "I was just kidding."

After finally making it to a pizza parlor, and gratefully in one piece, Acadia parked the car and got out, stretching her sore muscles. They walked inside, hearing the bell ring above the door, indicating their arrival. The place was packed, since it was a Friday, but they managed to find themselves a table. After fifteen minutes, a waiter walked over to their table with two menus.

"Hey, how are you, ladies?" he asked politely, grabbing his pen from behind his ear.

Shayla looked over at Acadia and smirked, her eyebrows raising. The waiter was awfully cute. "Well-" she turned back to the waiter and glanced at his name-tag, "-Matt... We're doin' just great."

Matt grinned down at her and watched as she ran her slim fingers through her blonde hair, "What can I get you girls to drink?"

Acadia, knowing Shayla was having her fun, remained quiet and watched the scene unfold in front of her, trying not to laugh out loud.

"What's good here?" Shay licked her lips visibly, and ran her fingers across the tablecloth, suggestively.

By now Acadia had to look away to hide her laughter. Matt looked over at her and saw her shoulders shaking, and merely chuckled.

"Well... let's see... we make really good... soda," he joked, kneeling down in front of the table and leaning against it. He wasn't being unprofessional... in fact, his boss always told them to try and be more relaxed with their customers, and more personal.

Shay's tongue ran across the bottom of her top teeth as she clicked her fingernails against the table, appearing to be deep in thought, "Hmm... okay! We'll have whatever you prefer the best!"

Matt closed his eyes and laughed, before standing up, "Okay... two Cokes comin' right up!"

Acadia watched with a grin as Shayla gazed at the waiter's butt as he left their table. "You are so bad," she laughed, but her laughter stopped as she turned towards the door at the sound of the bell ringing. The air in her lungs practically seized to exist as she caught sight of the guy that walked through, taking his sunglasses off as he entered the dimly lit restaurant. She noticed that another guy had come in behind him, but was too taken away to pull her gaze away from the first guy, long enough to look at the other.

But Shayla obviously had. "Oh my gosh... You see that guy that just walked in behind the other?? He's the guy that spilled coffee on me in the airport earlier!"

Acadia turned her gaze to the guy that Shayla was speaking of, for just a moment, before looking back to the first guy. She felt her body grow weak as he ran his hand over his spiky blonde hair. There wasn't much light in the restaurant, but the light that was there was hitting his eyes at the perfect angle for her to see the sparkling blue shade that they were.

"Al, you hearin' anything I'm sayin' here?" Shay snapped her fingers in front of her friends face.

"Huh??" Acadia tore her eyes from the guy, who was now making his way towards a table, with his friend following, and looked at Shayla. "Oh... I'm sorry."

Shayla grinned knowingly, and turned her eyes towards the guy that her friend had been gazing, longingly, at. "Don't apologize," she smirked sneakily, and stood up quickly, grabbing Acadia's hand. "C'mmon, Linny, let us go introduce ourselves!"

Shayla had pulled Acadia over to the two guys' table, long before Acadia could even mutter her protests.