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Summer Lovin: Chapter 2: I Got Your Number

"Hi!" was Shayla's cheerful greeting to the two young men who were looking extremely apprehensive.

Without even uttering a hello, the guy that Acadia had been so enthralled with earlier, leaned over and whispered, "Please don't create a scene. I'll sign anything you want ~ I just don't want anybody else recognizing me."

"Excuse me??" Acadia and Shayla asked in unison, both extremely confused.

The other guy, realizing the girls didn't seem to know who his friend was, stepped in, not wanting to scare these two beautiful women away. "Haha," he let out a feigned laugh, kicking his friend under the table. He watched him wince before continuing. "My friend here's just joking around. Don't mind, ladies. I'm Brent, this is my friend Nick," he extended his hand to whichever took it first.

Okay, this Nick guy's a wacko, Acadia thought with a weird look on her face.

Shayla got to his hand first, her smile completely fake, "So Brent, do you enjoy running girls over in airports and then not bothering to so much as fetch them some napkins when their coffee spills all over them? That a hobby of yours, honey?"

Acadia cleared her throat, wishing it wouldn't be obvious if she were to kick her unforgiving best friend. Brent's face registered remembrance in the dark restaurant, "Ah... That was you. Listen, I'm really sorry...-?" he left room for her name.

Shayla signed, offering up, "Shayla; it's Shayla. Shayla Garey."

"Right," Brent smirked. "Shayla. Anyway, I'm really sorry, Shayla. We were in a big hurry. Maybe I could make it up to you? I know how rude it was of me-" Brent stopped when he heard Nick snickering across the table. "What is wrong with you?"

Nick laughed out loud at the comment, "Brent, maybe you could start with letting them sit down."

Brent looked embarrassed as he moved over, allowing Shay to sit down. Nick gestured for Acadia to take a seat next to him in the booth.

"So what's your name?" Nick asked as he offered some breadsticks to her and Shay as they waited for their pizza.

Acadia smiled as she looked over at him, "Acadia-Lin, but you can call me Lin or Al, but never Cadi."

He laughed, "Alright, sounds like a deal."

Nick and Brent's pizza came 10 minutes later, while the 4 small talked, and the waiter, seeing the girls had moved to a different table, asked if they would like to order from there. Nick and Brent insisted they could share their pizza with them, but Acadia and Shayla strongly protested, saying they would order their own food. An hour and a half later, they were all stuffed, but still hadn't run out of things to talk about.

"So we pull into the bank parking lot and Shay notices that there's a Toyota Supra there. Well, just as Shay's telling her dad that that's the car she wants, the driver of it floor it out of its parking space and out of the parking lot. Her dad looked so horrified and was like 'I don't think so.' It was so funny."

They laughed, while Shay glowered at her friend playfully, "Guess who got my dream car though!"

Nick grinned, "You didn't," he directed to Acadia, who merely nodded.

"I did. And Shay drives a GMC Suburban. The thing's huge! But new... it's pretty cool."

Brent nodded, "Yeah, those are nice."

Shay shuddered, "It's a beast," she laughed as she continued, "But you two should see Acadia in her little sports car. Haha, she's scary! Her favorite thing to do is fishtail. Scares the living crap outta me!"

Acadia shrugged, "What can I say? It's fun."

~ * ~

"So here's the number of the house we'll be at," Shay was saying as she handed Brent a piece of paper, while Nick and Acadia looked on.

"You think she lies him?" Nick asked with a smirk.

Acadia, feeling defensive of her friend's feeling gave him a discerning look, "Why?"

Nick laughed at her, "I think he likes her."

"Oh," Acadia nodded, feeling foolish. "Most likely. She's giving our number."

"Y'know," Nick spoke slyly as he looked over at her. "That means I have your number now too."

Acadia bit her lip and looked up at him, "Yeah... I guess you do."

"Al, c'mmon! Let's go!" Shay called over to her, breaking her gaze.

Acadia watched as Shay got into the driver's seat of the car. She sighed and turned to Nick, "Well, maybe I'll see you around?" she smiled politely.

"Yeah," Nick grinned. "Maybe."

Acadia turned on her heel and walked to the car, getting inside and buckling her seat belt as Shay drove off.