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I Thought She Knew: Part 1: I Thought She Knew

Kennedy Saffron Knapp ((Pronounced: Nap)) walked to the back yard of her house, where the reunion of her family was in "full swing", or as "full swing" as a reunion can get.

"Oh, how I'd much rather be anywhere but here," Kennedy mumbled to herself, while looking around and noticing she hardly knew half of these relatives.

"Even Justin's house?" a familiar voice asked from behind her.

Kennedy swung around and a smile immediately graced her face, before falling from it again, "Lisa, don't mention him... please! I beg of you! I never want to see him again." her smile reappeared as she gave her favorite cousin a hug. "I'm so glad you're here."

Lisa smiled, "I was bored as hell so I went searchin' for ya."

Kennedy nodded, "I was bored too - so I'm glad ya did."

A panicked look crossed Lisa's face as she stared at something behind Kenn.

"What's wrong?" Kennedy asked, worriedly.



"You know how you said you never wanna see Justin again?" Lisa laughed, nervously.

Kennedy's face grew pale. "Y-Yeah?"

"Well, um..." Lis' voice sort of just faded out.

Kennedy didn't even have time to turn around before an all too familiar voice started talking into a microphone.

"Hi, my name's Justin... and this is JC, Joey, Lance, and Chris... Jenna asked us to come and sing for you guys, so here we are..." Justin continued to talk, but Kennedy wasn't really listening anymore.

"Oh gosh, no! Please no. I am going to kill my g*d d*mn mother," Kennedy whispered, fiercly to Lisa before turning around, quickly. Her anger immediately left her body and her features -- and insides -- softened, at the sight of him. "Oh... Lord."

Justin finished what he was saying, "... Anyway! Enough of my blabbering. Um, the first song that we're gonna sing, I wrote for someone special to me... ((AN: I know he didn't write it, but it's fiction - so there!)) It's called I Thought She Knew."

Kennedy shook her head, hoping it was just a bad nightmare, in her stage four of sleep ((AN: lol, sorry I learned about sleep in health today)), and she'd wake up soon.

"It's real, hun." Lisa said, standing next to her. "He's here... and hotter than ever."

Kennedy just looked at her before turning back to 'NSync, who was just now beginning the song.

"Ohhh... Ohhh... Ohhh."

'Oh my gosh! All he's sung so far is 'oh' and tears are already in my eyes!' she thought, bitterly to herself.

"She was my once in a lifetime. Happy ending come true. Ohhh, I guess I should have told her. I thought she knew," Justin sang out so clear and beautiful, that Kennedy had to look down at the ground to stop herself from bawling right then and there.

She couldn't bear to see that sad little expression that was always plastered on his face when he was singing a sad song. He always looked like he was about to cry ((AN: you guys ever noticed that? He looks so sad! But cute, lol)) which always brought tears to her eyes. And now here he was... singing a song to her, that he had written for her. She only wished he hadn't. It only made her situation more difficult, times 20.

Kennedy couldn't help but look back up when she heard Justin's voice start to sing the second verse.

"She said I took her for granted. That's the last thing I would do. Oh, I'll never understand it. I thought she knew."

When Kennedy had looked back up, Justin's eyes had been on her and he'd held her gaze through the entire verse. The chorus came and JC took over the lead, causing Kennedy to break her stare on Justin.

"I thought she knew my world revolved around her. My love light burned for her alone. But she couldn't see the flame. Only myself to blame. I should have known. I should have known."

Kennedy looked at Lisa to see her staring intently at Justin. "What's wrong, girl?" she whispered to her cousin.

Lisa looked over at her, briefly. "Just trying to see if he means what he's singing."

Kennedy rolled her eyes, "'Course he doesn't."

Lisa sighed, "If you say so, hon. If you say so," she murmured, quietly.

They were silent through the rest of the song and Kennedy kept her eyes on the ground.

"A heart full of words left unspoken, now that we're through. I'd sell my soul to have this silence broken. Oh, I thought she knew (I thought she knew). I thought she knew my world revolved around her. My love light burned for her alone. But she couldn't see the flame. Only myself to blame. I should have known. I should have known. She was my once in a lifetime. Happy ending come true. Woahh I guess I should have told her. But I thought she knew (I thought she knew). I thought she knew (I thought she knew). I thought she knew (I thought she knew). Ohhh, I thought that she knew."

Kennedy looked back up, a sigh escaping her lips, as the song ended. Everyone was clapping and she looked over to where 'NSync was, as JC started talking into the microphone. "We're gonna take a small break... Cuz I'm like hella thirsty!" he laughed, before running off the stage, followed by the rest of the guys.

Kennedy couldn't help but crack a smile. 'Good ol' Josh,' she thought to herself. For some reason, unknown to 'the guys' and even to herself, she liked to change the guys' names around.

JC she called Josh, Justin she called JT or J, Lance she called plain ol' 'L', Joey was just Jo, and Chris was CK... his initials (no, duh) and it reminded her of Calvin Klein, of course, causing her to sometimes refer to him as Calvin. Anyway!

Kennedy took a deep breath and walked over to the refreshment table, only to find Justin there, eating a cracker ((LoL... Okay, for some reason I find that funny. I just can't see him eating a cracker. Alright, I know I'm mental.))

'Oh great,' she thought, about to walk away before he spotted her. 'Wait a minute! This is my family reunion, my house, and my refreshment table. My crazy, lunatic of a mother might have invited him, without me knowing, but that doesn't mean I can't still have fun - but not like I was having fun in the first place... Oh, whatever - If I want to get a drink, I can get a drink!' with that, she walked over to the table, a little flustered at the fact that he was standing right next to the drinks and the only open spot was right next to him!

'Ugh! I have wonderful, wonderful luck,' she thought, sarcastically to herself as she walked into the spot next to Justin and grabbed a can of Coke. She popped open the can and started to pour it into a plastic cup, feeling Justin's eyes on her. She was trying not to let it get to her, but she couldn't help the small tremble of her hands as she poured the drink, and she was sure Justin had to have noticed it too.

Just as she set the can of Coke back onto the table, somebody pounced on her from behind, nearly knocking her over in the process. "Kenn!!" the person squeeled and Kennedy immediately recognized the voice.

She turned around with a huge smile, automatically enveloping him in a hug. "Matt!!"

They hugged for a minute, before someone cleared their throat next to them. Kennedy turned to see Justin standing there, looking expectant.

"You gonna introduce me to your... friend?" he eyed Matt, rudely.

"Uhhh... Matt, this is Justin. Justin, Matt." Kennedy looked at him oddly.

"That's it?" Justin looked away from Matt and back to Kennedy, or Saffron, as he liked to call her by her middle name, unless he was upset. "No 'This is Matt, my boyfriend'? No 'The love of my life'? Gosh, you get around fast, Kennedy."

Kennedy's eyes widened, "Justin Timberlake!!" - Uh oh, he was in trouble now! - "I swear to God I'm going to kill you. He's my cousin!"

Justin's eyes widened to the same size as hers, "Oh gosh, I'm sorry!" he winced.

Matt fidgeted awkwardly, "I think I'll head on over there now," he pointed far away from them, before walking to that destination in a hurry.

Kennedy sighed, watching the retreating figure for a bit, before turning back to Justin, a pissed off look on her face. "Y'know, I don't know who you think you are even showing up here - let alone telling me that I get around and accusing me of dating someone who's only a cousin I haven't seen in a long time!" her voice was a hushed, but furious whisper.

"Saffron, I'm sorry," Justin whispered back. "Your mom invited us to sing here and-"

"I don't care what my mother did! I don't know what she was smoking at the time - 'cause she knows how much I... don't want to see you." her voice was firm, but when she saw the tears start to form in Justin's eyes she had to remind herself not to back down. "I don't know what she's up to, but I sure as hell don't like it. I know she wants us back together - gosh, it's like our relationship meant more to her than it did to you - but it ain't gonna happen. You broke my heart, Justin Timberlake, and my mom telling you to write a song for me and sing it here, is not going to make everything okay."

"What?? Kennedy, your mom did not tell me to sing that song and she sure as hell didn't tell me to write it!" Justin said, his tone a hushed whisper.

Kennedy sighed, "Look, JT... I don't know why you're here, but I'm not gonna stick around to find out. So if my mom asks where I am, tell her I'm in my room," with that she turned around and ran into her house.

"Saffron!" Justin called out, but it went unheard by her.