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I Thought She Knew: Part 2: That's When I'll Stop Loving You

When winter comes in summer When there's no more forever Yeah, that's when I'll stop loving you

That's when I'll stop loving you I'm sure you've heard these words before And I know it's hard for you to trust them once more You're afraid it all might end And a broken heart is scared of breaking again But you've gotta believe me I'll never leave you You'll never cry, 'long as I am there And I will always be there You will never be without love

When winter comes in summer When there's no more forever When lies become the truth Oh, you know then baby, That's when I'll stop loving That's when I'll stop loving you

That's when I'll stop loving you - yeah

As long as sunlight lights the sky Light of love will be found in these eyes of mine And I will shine that light for you You're the only one I'll ever give this heart to What I'm trying to say is, nothing will change this There'll be no time you won't find me there 'Cause I will always be there You will always have all my love...

When winter comes in summer When there's no more forever (yeah, yeah) When lies become the truth (ohhhh) Well you know then baby, That's when I'll stop loving That's when I'll stop loving you

That's when I'll stop loving you

And when this world doesn't turn anymore When the stars all decide to stop shining 'Til then I'm gonna to be by your side I'm gonna be loving you forever Every day of my life

Ohhhh... yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Well, you know then baby, That's when I'll stop loving That's when I'll stop loving

That's when I'll stop loving you... oh, oh oh

When winter comes in summer When there's no more forever When lies become the truth (Become the truth - yeah) Well, you know then baby, That's when I'll stop loving That's when I'll stop loving you...

Ohhh, yeah.

When winter comes in summer When there's no more forever When lies become the truth... That's when I'll stop loving (Well you know then, baby) That's when I'll stop loving you

That's when I'll stop babe I'll stop babe Loving you

-That's When I'll Stop Loving You, by *NSync (CD: No Strings Attached)

Justin sighed, now feeling like a total jerk. 'I should have never freakin' come here!'

JC walked over to him and pulled on his shirt collar, trying to get him to come with him and the rest of the guys, back to the little stage. "C'mmon, it's time to sing again."

"No, but...!" Justin tried to pursuade him otherwise, but JC just drug him away.

~*~ 1 Hour Later ~*~

Jenna, Kennedy's mom, walked around the reunion, looking for her daughter. When she saw Justin standing by the fence, talking to Chris, she headed over to them, feeling flustered. "Hey, Justin? Have you seen Kennedy? I can't find her anywhere and I told her to stay out here."

Justin took a deep breath. "I think she went to the bathroom, or uh... something. I'll go and make sure she's okay!" he started off towards the house.

"Thank you, Justin darling!" she called after him.

~*~ Inside The House ~*~

Justin got inside and paused for a moment. "Okay," he took a deep breath. "What am I doing here? She made it perfectly clear that she would be fine never seeing me again."

A thump coming from upstairs made Justin run up there and to her room, opening the door in a hurry. "Are you okay???"

Kennedy looked up from where she was trying to reconnect the wires in to the back of her boom-box. "What??"

"I heard something fall," he shifted nervously in the doorway.

"I dropped my sterio," she looked at him oddly. "Shouldn't you be hangin' out outside with my family? I'm sure they miss you terribly."

Justin sighed... "I uh, came to use the bathroom and..."


"And your mom wanted me to come get you. She said that you have to stay out there."

"I'm 17 and I have to 'stay out there'?" Kennedy sighed. "The world is unfair. It's f*cking unfair!"

Justin jumped a little at her sudden outburst. "Um... I'm sorry, Saff."

She sighed again. "Yeah, well... Normally I'd say it's okay and not your fault... But my mother always told me not to lie."

Justin gaped, shocked at her bluntness. "Oh... well..."

"What are you really up here for, JT?"

"What I told you! I'm serious."

"Did she ask you to come up here?"

"Well, she said she couldn't find you so since I knew where you were, I offered to... 'find you'."

Kennedy nodded, "I see."

"Yeah... So, um... Yeaaahhh," Justin clucked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. 'What the hell do I say now??' he thought to himself, walking into the bedroom and shutting the door behind him.

Kennedy sighed, while looking at all the wires that were supposed to be connected to her radio.

Justin walked over to her and took the wire gently out of her hand. "Need some help?"

Kennedy looked up at him, tears in her eyes, trying with all her might not to let them fall.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay? Look..." he connected the wires back into her radio, quickly. "See, it's alright."

Kennedy laughed, lightly, causing her tears to fall.

He smiled at her gently. "I don't get why you're crying, Saff," he laughed a confused laugh.

Kennedy smiled at him, "Thanks... for fixing the sterio, that is."

Justin nodded, "No problem."

"And I wasn't crying 'cause of the sterio... Just so you know. I mean, I'm not that emotionally unstable. I didn't have anything to worry about, anyways... I mean, I could have always just gotten my dad to do it and-"

Justin cut her off by quickly leaning down and pressing his lips against her. He pulled away, casually. "It was nothing to get so worked up about."

Kennedy just stared, wide eyed, at him, her mouth hanging open slightly in shock.

"If you don't close your mouth somethin' might fly in there," Justin joked.

Kennedy looked at him, warily. "JT, don't be gross-"

"Not that! Gosh, I meant like a fly, or something."

She laughed, "Oh... oops. Well, we better get back outside!" she stood up and picked her sterio off the floor where she had previously set it down. She put it back on its table.

Justin nodded with a small sigh, walking behind her out of her bedroom. They headed down the hall and stairs, walking through the kitchen to get outside.

"So where you headed to?" Justin asked, once they were standing on the back porch.

"To let my mom know that I'm out here again, so she doesn't bite my head off later. Then I'll probably go talk with Lisa."

"Oh... okay. Well, hey, I'm gonna go hang with JC over there for a bit, but meet me back here at 6 pm," he smiled and ran off, not giving her a change to protest.

"But...! Grrrrr."

~*~ 6 P.M. ~*~

"Hey," Justin smiled, walking up to the porch where Kennedy was sitting on the top step.


"Never noticed just how big your back yard is before today. I didn't really see you after we left the porch," Justin sat next to her, looking out at all the people.

"Well, I saw you. You guys are so silly you attract quite the crowd." she smiled lightly.

"I dunno... I guess." he shrugged. "So have you had fun today, Saff?" he asked, trying to stop the silence - that he felt slowly creeping in - from coming.

"I guess - I don't know if you could really call it 'fun'. Having annoying, fat aunts that you haven't seen in forever - and were glad - pinch your cheeks and tell you how beautiful you've grown up to be, although they most likely don't remember who the hell you are, is not really my idea of 'fun'."

Justin nodded with a small smirk playing on his lips, "I understand."

"So what about you, J? You have fun?"

"A little... But I woulda had more if you would have hung out with me," he smiled, slyly.

"That would have given my mother idea's..." she muttered. "I'm going to go get a drink. I'll see you later, Justin." with that, she stood up and walked away.

"Justin?? Sh*t, she called me 'Justin'!" he groaned, knowing that wasn't good.

~*~ Later That Night ~*~

"Hey, Jenna, have you seen the rest of the guys? I can't find them anywhere!" Justin walked up to Kennedy's mom, a weird look on his face, and a pop can in his hand.

"Actually... they left already." Jenna smiled.

"What? But they were my ride home!" When she just continued to smile, Justin caught on. "Oh my gosh, you didn't."

"I did... I knew you wouldn't have spent the night if they didn't just leave you. So when they told me that they were leaving, I told them to leave you here."

Justin sighed, "I can just call a cab, y'know." he said, his voice confident.

"But the real question is: will you?" Jenna smiled, sounding just as self-assured.

He paused for a minute, biting his lip... "Guest room?"

"You can sleep in any room you'd like," she smirked, before patting his shoulder lightly and walking off.

"You do realize you're daughter is going to kill me!" he called after her.

"Kill you for what?" Kennedy walked up from behind him, with Lisa next to her.

"Uhh... Umm... Err... Hey, Lis', long time no see!" he tried to get out of it.

"Umm... it ain't gonna work, Timberlake." Kennedy folded her arms across her chest. "What's goin' on??"

He sighed, not knowing what he was supposed to say. *Uh, maybe that you're spending the night, dumb ass!* his brain told him. 'Oh yeah, that might be a start,' he thought. "The guys sorta left me here... And so um, your mom told me to just spend the night."

"To 'just spend the night', huh? What, lemme guess - this is another one of my mother's brilliant plans," she stated with enthusiatic sarcasm. "Stay out of my room... and don't come near me," she said firmly, before walking off with Lisa trailing uncomfortably behind her.

"What did I do to deserve thiiiiiiiissssss?????" Justin whined to himself, as he walked over to the side of the house and sat down on the ground, perching himself up against the wall. *You idiot! You don't know what you did??? Well, let's just remind ya then!* with that, his brain began to play a vivid picture of what had happened the day she walked out of his life... or tried to at least...

~*~ Flash Back ~*~

"Kenn, where the hell are you going??" Justin walked down the hallway after Kennedy, a weird feeling in his stomach at the sight of the suitcase in her hand.

"I'm getting out of here, what do you think I'm doing?!" Kennedy walked into the laundry room and grabbed a pair of her shoes, slipping them on.

Justin stood in the doorway, helplessly watching her get ready to leave him. "Why?? What did I do?!"

Kennedy turned around, slamming her hand down on the washer which was right next to her. "You didn't do anything! That's the point! It's not what you did, but what you didn't do that I'm leaving you for! Justin, you've never loved me! It has been years and you have never loved me! I'm not going to stick around my whole life, waiting for you to do that!" she choked on her tears before grabbing her suitcase again and pushing past him in a hurry. She walked back down the hall and had almost gotten to the staircase - to walk downstairs - when Justin came up behind her and grabbed her, pushing her back against the wall to prevent her from leaving. "What the f*ck are you doing?!?!"

"I'm 'f*cking' not letting you leave! I do love you, Kenn! You have to believe me!"

"Like hell you do! I hate this game that you always play with me!! You do this every f*cking time! And I'm getting REALLY sick of it!"

"What game, Kennedy?? I have no idea what you're talking about! Will you please explain to me what you're feeling right now, 'cause I'm really confused!"

"You want me to explain it to you?! Okay... here goes: I loved you endlessly, when you weren't there for me. So now it's time to leave and make it alone. I know that I can't take no more. It ain't no lie. I wanna see you out that door. Baby, bye bye bye. Don't wanna be a fool for you, just another player in your game for two. You may hate me but it ain't no lie. Baby, bye bye bye. Don't really wanna make it tough. I just wanna tell you that I had enough. It might sound crazy but it ain't no lie. Baby, bye bye bye." she quoted one of his songs. "There, how's that for ya, Mr. Timberlake?!" her voice dripped with attitude.

Justin gaped. "Kennedy Saffron Knapp! That song does NOT fit us, whatsoever!"

"Whatever you say, Justin. Whatever you say. But right now, that's what I feel about you," with that she picked up her suitcase and ran down the stairs, Justin following closely behind her. She turned around and looked at him, pointedly. "After I walk out this door... I never want to see you again. If I haven't made myself clear enough, about my feelings at this moment, let me know and I'd be glad to come trash your house, run your car off of a bridge, and burn your clothes."

Justin flinched as the door slammed behind her.

~*~ End of Flash Back ~*~

Justin groaned, not wanting to have seen all of that. 'I have a f*cked up mind... Thanks a bunch.' he thought to himself, before standing up and walking into the house, since it was now dark and all the guests had left. He walked into the kitchen to see Jenna, Kennedy, and Kennedy's father Todd, all sitting at the table sipping hot cocoa.

"Hey! Justin, my man! What's up??" Todd stood up and gave him one of those 'manly hugs'. "Want some hot chocolate??"

Justin had always liked Todd, he was just so... cool. He smiled, "Nah, I'm fine. Thanks though."

"Well, have a seat and chat with us!"

Justin nodded, although he knew he shouldn't. He didn't know why he was sitting down with Kennedy's family when he knew it was making her uncomfortable... either that, or angry. But he did it anyways.

Kennedy sat with her head down, staring into her mug, not wanting to look up at Justin. She knew she'd been cruel to him all day, but hey - he deserved it!... Um... Right? She didn't know anymore.

Kennedy's parents were busy asking Justin questions about his life, since they hadn't seen him in a while, but Kennedy didn't even hear any of them - her mind in other places - until one of them made her ears perk and her eyes widen.

"Do you have a girlfriend, Justin?" Jenna asked, trying not to sound too sly.

If looks could kill, Jenna would be dead, because Kennedy was shooting daggers with her eyes.

Justin noticed and it made him unable to answer the question, feeling nervous all of a sudden, "I... uh... um..." he didn't have a girlfriend, but for some reason he couldn't just spit that out!

Kennedy's eyes filled with tears, still looking at her mother like she was the devil. She couldn't believe her mother was being like this... she had always been a good, loving mom, but lately she had pissed Kennedy off to no end. In one swift motion, Kennedy stood up and ran to her bedroom, a few sobs being heard from her as she ran up the stairs.

Todd stared at his wife in shock. "Jenna, I have no clue what has gotten into you! But you have been upsetting our daughter repeatedly for months now! And that is just starting to piss me off."

Justin swallowed the lump in his throat, before standing up and running up to Kennedy's room, after her. He slowed his pace when he neared her door, knocking lightly on it when he reached it.

"GO AWAY!!!!!"

He jumped slightly, not expecting to hear that. But he opened the door quietly anyway and walked inside, closing the door behind him and standing in front of it. He dodged a few shoes that Kennedy threw at him.

"I thought I said to stay out of my room!!! And AWAY FROM ME!"

Once she stopped throwing things at him, he walked over to her quickly and pinned her down to her bed, where she had been sitting, to stop her from going insane - although he figured she already had.

Her arms and legs flailed, trying to get free from his grip. "What the f*ck is my mother's f*ckin' problem?!?!?! She's f*ckin' insane!! Can't she just stop trying to f*ck up my life?!!!"

"Gosh, stop it!! You sound like a truck driver!" Justin said, his right hand over her mouth to stop her from screaming the F word a thousand more times, while his left hand held both her arms above her head by her wrists, and his knees held down her legs.

She said something, but it was muffled against his hand.

"What?" he asked quieter than before, while slowly removing his hand from her mouth.

"I said 'let me go'," she whispered, tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry I went crazy. But let me go. I want to be alone." her tears coursed down her cheeks, quickly.

Justin released her hands, moving his own to gently caress her neck, as his legs slid down, so he was now laying on her - part of his body weight resting against his elbows, and the other part against her.

"What are you doing?" she asked, with an airy breath.

He didn't answer, just slowly lowered his head to her face and brushed his lips against her cheeks, kissing her tears away.

"Justin... this is insane," she whispered, though all those thoughts left her mind as she felt his lips move to her lips, kissing her with gentleness. His hands moved up her body and took her hands in his, pinning her arms above her head again, this time lacking intensity.

"Everytime I'm sittin' home alone, girl. I can't wait to get ya on the phone, girl. So pick it up, babe! I can see everything you doooo. Bouncin' me from satellite to satellite. I love the things you do for me so laaaate at night! You turn me oooon. It's like I'm right there next to you! Yeah. Can we get connected? I need some love and affection, baby. I'll call you on the phone. I hope that I get through. If you're in the mood and I'm not home, here's what you do: leave a message. You know the kind I like to get back to!" he suddenly started singing in a cheesy voice, making Kennedy laugh underneath him.

Justin grinned like an idiot, "YAY!! I finally made her laugh!!! Woooohooo!"

She rolled her eyes with a smile still on her face, before starting to sing. "I lose my mind just when ya speakin'! I see ya on the screen, I get to freakin'. So get down, babe. And I'll get down for you. I get so excited when I'm watchin'..." she paused, knowing that the words say "girl". "Um... boy! I can't wait to see you touch yourrrr body, boy! It's just me and youuuu, so we can do what we gotta do! Yeah."

Justin laughed and they continued joking around. He didn't know exactly what they were at this point, or what any of this meant, but at the moment he knew it didn't really matter.