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I Thought She Knew: Part 3: This I Promise You

Ohh... ohh

When the visions around you, Bring tears to your eyes And all that surround you, Are secrets and lies I'll be your strength, I'll give you hope, Keeping your faith that is gone The one you should call, Was standing here all along...

And I will take you in my arms And hold you right where you belong Till the day my life is through This I promise you This I promise you

I've loved you forever, In lifetimes before And I promise you never... Will you hurt anymore I give you my word I give you my heart (Give you my heart) This is a battle we've won And with this vow, Forever has now begun...

Just close your eyes (Close your eyes) Each loving day (each loving day) I know this feeling won't go away (no...) 'Til the day my life is through This I promise you This I promise you...

Over and over I fall (Over and over I fall) When I hear you call Without you in my life, baby I just wouldn't be living at all...

And I will take (I will take you in my arms) You in my arms And hold you right where you belong (right where you belong) 'Til the day my life is through This I promise you, babe...

Just close your eyes Each loving day (each loving day) I know this feeling won't go away (no...) Every word I say is true This I promise you

Every word I say is true This I promise you Ooh, I promise you...

~*~ 5 and a Half Years Later ~*~

Kennedy grabbed her keys off of the counter and twirled them around her finger as she walked out of her apartment and to her car, talking on her cell phone as she went. "No, I want that done in blue... Because it would look better with the other colors!... Amanda, who's been an interior designer longer? You or me? Thank you very much! Case closed," she laughed. She was talking on the phone to one of her co-workers, the only difference with this conversation was that they were designing something a little more personal for Kennedy.

Kennedy jumped into her car and started the engine, pulling out of the parking lot and heading for the freeway. "Hey, 'Manda, hold on a sec... Someone's beeping in," with that she clicked Flash. "Hello, this is Kennedy speaking." she said, sounding sort of distracted, while she sorted through some papers on the passengers seat and drove at the same time.

"Hey, baby, it's me!"

"J?? Hey, what's up?" Kennedy smiled, lightly, forgetting about the piece of paper she had been looking at previously, and concentrating on driving and Justin's voice.

"Nothin' much... Just got finished with recording some more songs for the CD," Justin said, referring to the solo CD that he would be releasing in a while. "Before that I had a photo shoot, and now I'm headed for a tux fitting."

"For...? The Grammy's or the wedding?" she laughed.

Justin smiled, "The wedding, of course... I ain't wearin' no tux to The Grammy's. I hate those things."

"Well, if you don't wanna wear one at the wedding you don't have to either... I mean, you can always wear khaki's and a nice shirt... I've always thought that was sort of cute. But whatever, we can talk about it later."

"How? I have the fitting in like a half hour. I gotta cancel it if I don't wanna wear one."

Kennedy sighed. "Sh*t, I dunno. You can decide, 'cause I gotta go - I got Amanda on the other line and at the moment we're arguing about the bathroom colors... She says dark green would go with the rest of the colors, while I say dark blue would..."

"Wow, thanks for the pressure."

Kennedy rolled her eyes, "JT, it's not that big of a deal... Wear a tux, wear khakis, wear jeans, wear shorts for all I care."

"Can I just go nekked?"

She laughed, "Fine with me... But I don't know how much our mothers would agree."

Justin smiled. "I'll talk to you later."

"Bye, babe," she hit Flash. "'Manda?? Hello? AMANDA! Sh*t." she turned the phone off and threw it onto the other seat, before turning her car onto the freeway.

~*~ That Night ~*~

"So what do you say? Green or blue?" Kennedy held up the two colors next to the other ones, to show Lisa.

"Would you kill me if I said green?" Lisa smirked.

"Quite possibly."

"Blue... Definently blue."

Kennedy laughed, "No, but seriously."

Lisa looked more closely at the colors. "Actually, I do say blue... Blue would be best, Kenn. It goes nicely."

"Okay! Gosh, Amanda and I have been arguing about that forever - and that's just the bathroom!" she sighed, before whining, "That house is too big to decorate! It'll take me a century."

Lisa laughed, "Calm down, hon, or you'll give yourself an ulsar. Can you believe the wedding's only in a month??"

"Don't remind me! I have sooo much to dooooooooooo."

"Oh, you have 'soooo much to do,' huh?" Justin walked up from behind her and wrapped his arms around her neck, placing a kiss on the top of her head.

"Hey, when did you get here?" Kennedy smiled, putting her head back to look at him.

"Just drove up," he walked around her chair and sat down on the one in-between her and Lisa.

"We didn't hear ya," Lisa commented, while looking at her fingernails.

"I'm quiet like that... So what you girlie's up to?"

"Nothing..." Kenn sighed. "I was asking her if she liked dark blue for the bathroom or dark green."

Justin turned to Lisa, "And you said...?"

"And I said 'dark blue'. Well, actually first I asked if she would kill me if I said 'dark green', and when she said yes then I told her I liked dark blue better... but then she told me to tell her seriously, and I looked more closely and realized that I actually did like blue better."

Justin looked at her like she was weird, "Uh... yeah, okay."

Lisa laughed, while Kennedy rolled her eyes.

"J, you need to get a hair cut before the wedding, my little Noodle Head," Kennedy said, before standing up and taking her now empty glass, which had previously contained Coca-Cola, to the dishwasher and putting it inside with the other dirty dishes.

"Whaaaaa'??? I don't waaaaannaaaa!" he whined annoyingly, getting a glare from Kennedy.

"Ohhhh, Juuuuustiiiiin!" Lisa grinned, excitedly. "I can cut your hair, y'know!"

"WHAT?! Hell no!"

Lisa frowned, "Whatever..." she looked at her watch, "Sh*t, I gotta go! I'll call ya, K, Kenn?"

"Okay! Love ya!" Kennedy called after her, after starting the dishwasher.

"Later! Bye, J!" with that, Lisa left the house.

Justin sighed, "Do I really gotta get my hair cut?"

"Yes! You haven't cut it in a while and you're not gonna look like a shaggy dog at our wedding." she walked back into the dining room and began sorting through papers for her work.

"Wait, lemme get this straight... I can wear khakis, jeans, shorts, or basically anything I want at the wedding, but my hair can't be kinda' long?"

Kennedy looked over at him and rolled her eyes, "J, can't you just cut it and not argue with me about it?"


"Fine." she went back to looking for the sticky note with some client's phone number on it.

Justin stood up and left the room.

"Are you mad at me, JT?" Kennedy called out when she noticed he'd left the room.

"No," he replied shortly, while walking up the stairs.

Kenn rolled her eyes, "Wow, that was convincing."

"Just drop it, okay??"

"Well, I'd like to know what the hell crawled up your ass!"

Justin stopped walking up the stairs and turned around, walking back into the dining room. "Nothing did! But it seems like something's crawled up yours!"

"Well, it certainly wasn't you," she murmured, still acting like she was digging through the papers, though she wasn't really paying attention to the pages.

Justin stood there for a minute, before bursting out laughing.

"What is so hella funny, Justin??"

"You... You... You're having withdrawals, aren't you? HAHAHAHA." he clutched his stomach and bent down, trying to catch his breath.

"What the hell are you talking about?? And whatever it is, it can't be THAT funny!" she rolled her eyes, although she was sort of smiling to herself inside.

"You know what I'm talking about," he stood back up and looked at her with a stupid grin on his face.

"Whatever you say, Justin, whatever you say."

"Whatever I say? Okay, well, I say that you've been so grumpy lately, 'cause you ain't gettin' any!" he thrust his hips at her, jokingly.

Kennedy just looked at him with her eyebrows raised, before shaking her head and walking out of the room and upstairs.

"Kenn, I was just messin' around!!" he ran after her, sort of laughing. "Are you mad at me??" he grabbed her arm, while she was walking up the stairs, and turned her around.

She just looked at him, but didn't say anything.

"California knows how to party! Californiaaaa knows how to party!"

"Where the heck did that come from??"

Justin shrugged, "I dunno... Just popped into my head."

Kennedy rolled her eyes, turned around, and continued walking up the stairs, Justin right behind her.

"Babyyyy!!" he whined, now seriously afraid she was mad at him.

Kenn smirked to herself, since her back was to him and she knew he couldn't see her. "What, Justin?"

"I hope you know that freakin' freaks me out when you say my full name."

"Why's that, Justin?"

Justin shuddered, "No... reason."

Kennedy walked into her bedroom and turned on her computer, sitting down in her chair, and loading up America Online.

"Whatcha doin'?" Justin knelt down next to her chair.

"Checking my mail."

"UGH! You're drivin' me insane! Are you mad at me??????"

Kennedy burst out laughing, before giving him a small kiss on his forehead, "Calm yourself, baby."

~*~ 4 weeks later ~*~

"So Justin got his hair cut, huh?" Lisa murmured, somewhat to herself and somewhat to Kennedy.

"Huh?" Kennedy looked over at her, wondering why Lisa was talking about Justin's hair at a moment like this.

"Oh... I was just being observant, sorry."

Kenn laughed. "Well, can ya be observant as you walk down the aisle? It's sorta' your turn."

"Oh!!" with that, Lisa practically took off down the aisle.

Justin couldn't help but laugh, from where he was standing on the steps to the stage, with his groomsmen - JC, Joey, Lance, and Chris - standing behind him. He stopped chuckling when he saw Lisa discreetly give him the finger, over the top of her flower bouquet.

The music changed and Justin bit his lip as Kennedy came into view. She looked... gorgeous! Gorgeous wasn't even the word! But Justin's brain couldn't think of anything better so he settled with that.

Kennedy got to the front of the church and all the guests sat back down in the pews. Her and Justin turned to each other as the pastor began to speak...

~*~ Late That Night ~*~

"I have waited for this night my entire life," Justin suddenly murmured as they sat in the limo, driving to the fancy hotel.

Kennedy's eyebrows rose. "Um... thanks for sharing that, J." she laughed.

Justin rolled his eyes, "I didn't mean because of that."

"Well what else would I think you meant??"

J laughed, "I dunno... I just meant... It's like the first night of the rest of our lives. And I've always thought this would be the coolest night."

"Are you disappointed or something?" Kenn grinned at him.

"Hell no!"

"Good! I'm glad," she smiled lovingly at him, before giving him a kiss. "I love you, Justin."

"I love you too... Hey, wait! You just called me-"

"Oh hush," with that she kissed him again.