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The Proposition: Chapter 1: There's Gotta Be Some Rules

"How dare you dangle money in front of my face... you know I'm barely hanging on, that I have no extra spending money, that I work at a place that treats their employees like crap! They think being nice to us is giving us boxes to pack are stuff in when they fire us! And why do I have to marry you??" Kindlin ranted uncontrollably, her arms flailing madly in the air.

"Kin, you know full well that the court will never take him away from two parents to give him to one... the father at that. I mean, yeah, I have money, but I have a much greater chance if I'm married."

Kindlin sighed frusteratedly and sat down on the end of the bed. "I hate you, Carter. I hope you know that."

"W-What's his name, Kin?" he looked at her with curiosity in his eyes.

"I don't know, Nick. I don't know. I gave birth to him and then in a second he was out of my arms and in the arms of someone else," she laughed a short, bitter laugh. "For a minute I actually regretted giving him up and almost said I changed my mind, but then I thought about the crappy life I would be giving him." with a sigh, she laid down on the bed, her head resting against the pillows as her hair scattered around it, her loose tendrils looking more delicate than ever.

Nick gently ran his fingers through the beautfiul curls, feeling the softness of her hair as the curly loops unraveled under his touch, before bouncing back up.

Kindlin turned her head to find Nick's face in front of her, "He was very beautiful, Nick."

"He probably looked exactly like his mommy."

"No, more like his dad. He had the most beautiful blonde hair... he had my eyes, but your smile - I could tell at first glance he was going to look a lot like you. That he was gonna make girls weak in the knees, when he grew up, with his lopsided little grin."

Nick smiled wistfully, looking as if he were a million miles away.

With a sigh, Kinlin sat up and got to her feet, fixing her baby-tee that had twisted around her body. "Enough of this sentimental stuff."

"So are you in?" Nick stood up, standing in front of her.

"Get your check book, Carter. Just so you know I'm doing this for our son and the extra money. Also, there will be rules with this marriage. #1: the type of relationship that we have now is the relationship we will have after we sign the papers. Nothing will change, except in front of the public eye. And that will just be acting. #2: the only people that will know the truth is the rest of the Backstreet Boys and my close friends... your parents will not know and my parents will not know that it's all fake. Gosh, my parents would kill me."

"Deal. We don't tell the 'rents. I totally agree," Nick nodded his approval.

"Good. #3: you wanna date? Go ahead. It's a fake marriage and I'm a fake wife so go right on ahead. I don't care. Think of us as Ned and Stacey, only with a kid. But because of our son, I will not bring other guys home and I don't think you should bring other girls home. And I mean, I know it's your house, but-"

"No no, I totally agree."

Kindlin ran her fingers through her hair. "We'll get married in court a.s.a.p., tell our family's some mushy story about how we met and all that crap, and fight like heck to get our son back."

He gave her a huge hug, "You have no idea how much this means to me!"

With a half smile, Kindlin pulled away and grabbed her purse. "I just hope we're doing the right thing." with that, she left the hotel room and went home.