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The Proposition: Chapter 12: Factoring

It's just one more day No one said there would be rain again Won't blame it on myself I'll blame it on the weatherman

Get away for a while Here I am out on my own again Won't blame it on myself I'll blame it on the weatherman

Standing on the shore, calling out your name I was here before, I could see your face Only clouds will see tears are in my eyes Empty like my heart Why do ya say goodbye

The rain goes on (on and on again) The rain goes on (on and on again) The rain goes on (on and on again)

Alone I can hear, hear our song Playing for me again Won't blame it on myself Just blame it on the weatherman

Standing on the shore, calling out your name I was here before, I could see your face Only clouds will see tears are in my eyes Empty like my heart Why do ya say goodbye

The rain goes on (on and on again) The rain goes on (on and on again) The rain goes on (on and on again)

Maybe it's too late Maybe it's too late to try again Maybe I can't pray, maybe I can't wait Maybe I can't blame the weatherman

The rain goes on (on and on again) The rain goes on (on and on again) The rain goes on (on and on again)

Oh, blame it on the weatherman

-Blame it on the Weatherman, by B*Witched (CD: the European and New Zealand release of the Dawson's Creek soundtrack)

~*~ 3 Days Later ~*~

"Leigh Anne??" Kindlin called through the house.

Leigh Anne walked into the room, "Yeah?"

"Oh, I was just making sure you weren't on the phone. So you're not, right?"

"Nope... Gonna call Nick now?"

They walked into the family room and sat down on one of the couches.

"Yeah... I need to set up a time to see Alex." Kin sighed. "I miss him so much."

Leigh smirked, "Alex or Nick?"

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever... You know I'm talking about Alex."

"Yeah... right. I hear you calling out in the night. 'Ohhh, Nick! Ah, ah, ah!'" Leigh Anne went on a rampage of sex noises.

Kindlin burst out laughing, "What-ever! You are such a liar!"

Leigh giggled, teasingly before standing up and walking into the kitchen with Kin behind her. "Uh huh, sure. Make your little call to Nick, talk, have phone sex, be merry, have phone sex, set up a time to see Alex, have phone sex, take your time!"

"Oh gee," Kin rolled her eyes. "You think 'discreetly' sneeking 'have phone sex' into your sentence a few times is gonna make me subconciously get it on with him on the phone??"

"'A few times'? So maybe if I say it more, you will?"


"Okay, okay!" Leigh Anne put her hands up in her defense. "I'm leaving... Lata! Oh, and have fun!" with that, she left the room, leaving Kin to roll her eyes and make her phone call.

~*~ Nick's ~*~

Nick let the machine pick it up, because he was busy feeding Alex lunch. When he heard Kindlin's timid voice come across the recorder, he dropped the spoon he was holding onto the kitchen counter, rushing quickly to the phone. "Where the f*ck are you, Kin??" Nick asked in a rush, his words slurring together.

At first Kin thought maybe he was drunk, but then figured he was just wanting to make sure he got his sentence to her before she hung up. "Is Alex in the room?"

Nick looked over to their son, who was swinging his sipee-cup ((SP?)) around, sending splurts of cranberry juice flying through the air."Alex, don't do that!... Yes, he is."

"Then watch your language. I'm at Leigh Anne and Brian's."

"What?! But they promised me you weren't there!! How could they?! This is so not fair, Kindlin! I was friends with them first!"

"Oh, be quiet. You sound more immature than Alex. Plus, I made them promise me they wouldn't tell you, at first. So don't be mad at them. If you're gonna be mad at anyone, be mad at me."

"I AM!!"

Kin sighed, "Look, Nick... Can we please talk in a civil manner?"

Nick's jaw clenched. "Fine."

"Good. Anyway, how's Alex?"

"Fine; Misses his mom."

K sighed, willing herself not to cry. "I miss him too."

"Then why won't you come home?? I don't get it, K!"

"Nick, I'm not gonna talk about this right now. Are you busy Saturday?"

"No, I don't think so. Why?"

"Would that be a good day for me to come see Alex? I was thinking maybe I could come and get my things and then I could bring Alex back to Brian and Leigh's for the night and then I could bring him back home on Sunday?"

Nick sighed, rubbing his forehead with the palm of his hand. "You're moving in with them? You know, courts rarely do joint custody anymore for a reason."

Kindlin closed her eyes, "Nick..."


"Please. Save your breath. I'll see you Saturday," with that, she hung up the phone.

~*~ Saturday ~*~

Kindlin parked her car in Nick's driveway and got out, feeling extremely tired. She'd laid in bed, the night before, not being able to fall asleep for hours. Just knowing she'd have to see Nick, once she awoke, was enough to keep her awake all night. To put it bluntly, she was petrified.

As Kin walked past Nick's Durango, she accidently bumped into the hood of it, due to her lack of sleep. Rolling her eyes at herself, she managed to make it the rest of the way to the door without seriously injuring herself.

After 2 rings of the doorbell the door opened and it was NOT Nick that stood on the other side.

"Hi, you must be Kindlin," the young woman smiled kindly at her. She stuck out her hand to shake Kin's and as Kindlin returned the gesture she couldn't help but cringe. Genuine kindness. This must be the girl that Nick had gone out with a few nights ago... the one Kin had said wore cheap perfume. The bad thing was, so far there was nothing to hate her for. She wasn't ditzy and she didn't have that fake aura around her, which Kin hated about most women. The only thing was... she had the guy Kin was in love with.

"Yeah... you must be Sarah."


As Kindlin sat in what used to be her room, packing up her things, a thought dawned on her. It was 9 a.m. when she'd gotten to Nick's; and when she'd bumped into his car, on accident, the hood hadn't been warm. Meaning, he most likely hadn't driven it anywhere that day, yet. There was no other car in the driveway, so unless Sarah had walked to Nick's, she'd spent the night. The thought made tears gush down Kin's face. The thought of Nick sleeping with another woman made her want to cry. Factor in that their son was in the house, at the time, made her cry. And then her pregnancy hormones, on top of it all, made her want to rip out Sarah's lucious blonde locks, then turn her into a witch so she'd actually have a reason to hate her guts.

At the sound of someone clearing their throat in the doorway, Kin quickly wiped her eyes before turning around to find Nick.

"Kin, were you crying?? Your eyes are all red," Nick walked inside the room, fully, and sat down next to her on the floor.

"No... No, just have allergies. Sarah let me in... Where were you?"

"Outside, mowing the lawn. Alex is still sleeping."

"Yeah, I know. I peeked into his room and decided to let him sleep until I was done packing."

Nick nodded. "How's the baby?" he looked down at her stomach.

Kin's eyes adverted downward. "She's doing wonderfully."

"'She'?" his own eyes brightened, noticeably.

"Yeah... it's a girl."

A smile began to form on his face, before it slowly faded into a frown, wishing his life were normal and him and Kin could live together as a real married couple... with both of their children, and have the perfect fairytale life. But... that wasn't possible.

Tears formed in his eyes and he quickly stood up, leaving the room. Kindlin sighed as her own tears found their way down her cheeks again.

...And now that you're gone I just wanna be with you And I can't go on I wanna be with you Wanna be with you

I can't sleep, I'm up all night Through these tears I try to smile I know the touch of your hand can save my life Don't let me down, come to me now I got to be with you somehow

And now that you're gone I just wanna be with you And I can't go on I wanna be with you Wanna be with you

(Don't let me down now) (Come to me now) I got to be with you somehow

And now that you're gone Who am I without you now? I can't go on I just wanna be with you...

-Be With You, by Enrique Iglesias (CD: Enrique (I think that's what it's called))